Chapter 11: Really bad eggs

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"That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship."
I groaned in annoyance, letting myself collapse onto the warm golden sand along the wide beach. This was too much stress in one day for me. I closed my eyes and let myself go limp.
"But you were marooned on this island before, weren't you? So we can escape in the same way you did then!" Elizabeth said with a whole lot of confidence.
I rolled my eyes and gripped a load of sand in my hand (it rhymes :D). I could hear Jack and Elizabeth stomping through the sand, soaking wet and exhausted.
"To what point and purpose, young missy?" Jack questioned. "The Black Pearl is gone and unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice-unlikely-young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him."
I scowled and stood up, glaring at Jack.
"Do not mock a woman of her bodice!" I scolded, smacking Jack in the head harshly.
He stumbled and held his head in pain for a moment before turning back to me with a smirk. "I believe-"
"You're Captain Jack Sparrow!" Elizabeth interrupted, following Jack who rolled his eyes at the interruption and was beginning to storm off to a shady bunch of trees.
I also rolled my eyes and hurried after the two. Since I'd heard Jack had already been on this island, he at the very least had to know something about the place. And then he began knocking on a tree. I stared, irritated, as he jumped up and down for no apparent reason, glancing down at the ground. What was he doing?
"You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company. You sacked Nassau Port without even firing a shot." Elizabeth rambled on. "Are you the pirate I've read about or not? How did you escape last time?"
I was ready to swim back to Tortuga right then. "So you remind him of all the things he has achieved when half of those things were most likely sheer dumb luck?" I mumbled to myself, hoping nobody heard.
"Last time, I was here a grand total of three days, all right?" Jack grunted as he held onto a latch in the ground and pulled open a cellar door. I stared over his shoulder curiously.
"Last time, the rumrunners used this island as a cache. Came by, and I was able to barter a passage off." I gaped in surprise, though I shouldn't have been surprised at all. "From the looks of things, they've long been out of business. Probably. Have your bloody friend Norrington to thank for that."
Jack stood up straighter, now holding three bottles of good ol' rum. I glared at Jack who almost dropped one of the bottles ungracefully and stomped his way out of the cellar I didn't even realise he'd climbed into.
"So that's it then?" I asked, bewildered. That liar! I knew it!
Elizabeth scowled and said angrily, "That's the secret grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow ?" Elizabeth stepped up to Jack, her expression giving off that 'I can't believe you' look. "You spent three days lying on a beach, drinking rum?"
Jack paused, seeming to think about this for a moment before grinning widely and swaying in his feet. "Welcome to the Caribbean, love!" He smirked and stuffed a bottle into Elizabeth's hands, striding away.
I sighed and collapsed onto the ground, staring out at the ocean in exhaustion.
How many times does Jack have to lie to everyone?
I couldn't even look at him without remembering a whole load of betrayal. It was then that I realised I didn't know Jack as well as I'd thought. He could've been hiding so many things that I wouldn't even know to where to start.
I looked up when I heard the sand shift next to me. Elizabeth sat there, opening the rum bottle with a 'pop' and taking a light sip. I stared at her for a moment before turning my attention back to the swaying ocean. It was silent. Not uncomfortable, but still silent.
"You know, I don't even know your name yet." Elizabeth said barely above a whisper.
I didn't answer. I simply stared at the calming waters of the ocean as the waves crashed against the shore and wet the golden sand along the beach. I could see the sun beginning to go down.
"Elizabeth Swann." Elizabeth finally looked at me.
I turned to her and nodded with a slightly weak grin.
"I know your name, don't fret. When you spend that long with Will you get used to the valuable time he uses up to ramble on about you." Elizabeth blushed at my statement and turned away with a slightly embarrassed look.
"Annika Hesture, by the way." I added, turning back to the ocean.
"Lovely name." Elizabeth murmured, taking another sip of rum.
"I'm sorry about Jack. But you're really only getting it easy. He's betrayed me..." I counted off my fingers, "Once at Port Royal, leaving me to die with the King's Navy. While doing that, he betrayed me at the same time by making me think that he wanted me in his crew just because I was good at fighting, needed and a fine lass. I soon found out he simply wanted to hand my medallion, which is very special to me, mind you, to Barbossa so his plan would work out perfectly. And then back there, I was forced to walk the plank and I turned to him, to Jack, for help. He simply mouthed the words, 'I have no further need for you'. Or something along those lines."
Elizabeth gaped at me in surprise, her mouth dropping open. I glanced at her.
"That's three times he has betrayed you! And you haven't killed him yet? If any man did that to me I would-I would..." She trailed off, glaring at the sea. "How long have you known Jack, anyway?"
I chuckled and shrugged. "A week, more or less."
Elizabeth was still gaping and it was becoming slightly annoying. I turned to her again and sent a small glare. She closed her mouth and nodded in understanding. I wasn't in the best mood.
With that, Elizabeth turned her head away and we stared off into the horizon.
I needed to find Jack and beat him up before he became drunk. I didn't want him to forget the moment I'd punch him because of some mere rum in his system.
I sighed and stood up, scanning the beach for Jack. I spotted him lying down a bit of a ways off, staring at the sea like Elizabeth and I were doing only moments ago. I sneered, scrunching my nose at him as he took an insane gulp of rum. I stormed my way over to him, hoping to exaggerate the fact that I was utterly furious.
He turned and seemed to notice my fiery eyes since he visibly gulped and shuddered. However, he immediately let out a smirk and held out his arms invitingly.
"Ani, dear! Why don't you have some rum?" He casually handed me one of the bottles in his hands and I tightened my fist around the thing.
"You expect me to-WANT some of this? I'm not in the mood to be tossed around, Sparrow!" I threw the bottle of rum out at the ocean furiously and it disappeared into the canopy of rolling waves.
Jack flinched and stood up. He turned away from me and took a step away before I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and yanked him back.
"Trying to get away, are you? You've been avoiding me since I figured out your true plan! But you can't get away now. Not before I can finally take my anger out!" I shouted, going for my sword but realising that Barbossa's crew had unarmed me a while ago.
I huffed in annoyance. I'd simply have to use my fists!
I lunged for Jack, throwing my balled up fist at his face. He saw my intentions and backed away, ducking before my fist could collide with that smug face of his.
I growled and tried to kick him but he scurried away like frightened little mouse. It went like that for a few minutes. The two of us must have looked like idiots, lazily dodging and throwing hits that didn't mean a thing. It was simply a game of tag until I finally grabbed the bottle of rum Jack still held and threw it to the ground. The sand softened its land so I grabbed the large rock I'd taken from the ground when I was chasing the idiot and smashed the bottle with intense anger.
Jack cried out and collapsed to his knees, rubbing his hands along the now rum-covered sand.
"That's me dream, lass! Why is the rum gone?" Jack shouted at me, standing up.
I smugly crossed my arms and smirked, turning my head away and pointing my nose to the sky. Jack seemed to be annoyed by this since he huffed and turned back to go back to the cellar full of rum.
I groaned and collapsed onto the sand once more. Why did Jack have to be so confusing? Why was life so confusing?
If I couldn't attack him with all my might, I'd simply play around with him like he did to me. I'd toss him, thrust him around till he was so dizzy that he wouldn't know what was up or down.
I smirked and stood up. Alright. I'd wait till he got drunk and that's when I'd play around. I'd get any of the things he would still be hiding from me out of him.
I had to promise myself not to get drunk as well. I hated to admit it but I had a slight addiction to rum when I had at least two cups, so I always stayed clear when drinking the stuff. Though it would be difficult. Especially since all that rum in the cellar... Looked so... Inviting. More inviting than any rum had ever looked to me. Why? The world may never know.
But I had to get a few things out of Jack, even if they were only minor. I didn't want to be lied to like that again.

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