Chapter 5: A strange encounter

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Before the next chapter starts, I have to say... THAT I HAVE EXAMS IN TWO DAYS! *starts crying* This may mean I won't be able to update as quickly as I usually do or the chapters will be shorter. This chapter was written long ago about two weeks ago and so was the next one. The seventh chapter I haven't had time to finish because of studying and all so to those who actually read this, I AM SO SORRY :( So, enough of this silly complaining, let's get on with the story.
{Milkshaker2000 You can correct this chapter all you want! I appreciate the help :3 Hit me with your best shot :)}

It was already an hour away from sunset and I couldn't find Jack. That stupid coward, leaving me behind like that! Well, I knew not to trust him now... Not that I ever did. I'd finally decided that I'd go on without him. I had my medallion so he couldn't take it away again and it's not like I needed him. He had probably betrayed several women before and I wasn't going to let him get under my skin again.
I glanced around the quiet and smoky neighbourhood. Poor families and children surrounded the area. Good, they wouldn't be believed by the navy if they said they saw me walking the streets.
I grinned and slid out of my hiding spot, trying my best not to act suspicious. People glanced at me in confusion but nonetheless ignored me the best they could.
I smiled as I saw the docks come into view. There were only few people there now, many who were loading up their little boats. I hurried over and scanned the dock until my eyes landed on a small white boat. It looked stable enough.
I slid onto it and glanced around to see if anyone protested. Good, nobody suspected a thing!
Untying the rope from the docks, I let myself drift away slowly and sighed in relief. Finally, this was not my day. As I drifted further away from Port Royal, I noticed the Navy who were searching the docks again. Woah, I barely missed them.
I grinned and lay my head down, staring up at the darkening sky. I did feel a little bad about leaving Jack behind like that. He deserved it but I couldn't take my mind off it. That traitorous liar!
With this negative thought in my mind, I let myself drift off into a black and sightless sleep...


Time skip to Tortuga
(Because I'm sure no body wishes to read about lying on a small boat in the middle of the sea while reminiscing for three days... :3)

I scanned the streets of the filthy Tortuga, gazing over the dirty pirates who were cackling evilly. I smirked, finding a pirate who actually looked quite wealthy. I noticed he had a brown leather wallet poking out of his right pocket. This would be quick and easy.
I strutted over to him, acting as if I didn't notice him and slammed into his chest. I immediately slid my hand into his pocket and pulled out the wallet with success. I looked up at him in apology and his face held utter fury.
"I am terribly sorry, I didn't see you! H-how can I apologise?" I cried.
The pirate snarled and gripped my shoulder, pushing me out of his way.
"By getting out of my sight!" He growled angrily, stalking away.
I smirked and held up the wallet in front of me. Hm.
"Pure leather," I opened up the wallet and grinned when I saw a lovely material inside, "Oh, and cattle skin," I smiled as I searched the rest of the wallet and found a section filled with what looked like a gazillion shillings, "and of course, filled with riches."
I shut the wallet and put it in my pocket. My eyes scanned the streets again and I spotted the bar that Jack and I had first battled in.
Hm, perhaps I could find a little entertainment in there.
I strode up to the entrance which was covered by a curtain of different types of beads and slid inside.
Beads, hm... Kind of like- no! Why does everything remind me of that traitor?
I shook my head and let my eyes stare across the bar. It was packed! There was an entire crowd drinking rum in the middle of the room and a man playing a banjo in the corner with a bunch of women dancing to the music. It was absolutely crazy, just the way I liked it. However, in my situation, I didn't feel at all like dancing.
I spotted the only free spot; a lonely wooden table with only one man sitting at the very back of the bar. Those dark dreadlocks seemed extremely familiar.
"J-Jack?" I whispered with a suspicious but confused look on my face.
I shoved past several drunk pirates before sliding into a seat and looking up at the man. He didn't look at me but I noticed that this particular man wasn't who I thought he was, even if he looked a lot like him. He finally looked up at me. Oh, he looked a like a totally older version of Jack! His hat was a lot bigger too.
"Hello, milady. How may I help you?" He asked in his best polite voice.
His voice was quite rough which didn't help in this case. Hah, he may have looked like Jack but he didn't act like him.
"O-oh," I stuttered, wondering what to say, "I was wondering if you knew someone named Jack Sparrow."
At that, the man perked up and smiled. I could see a loving look in his brown eyes.
"Jacky! Haven't seen him in a while!" He exclaimed.
I gave him a questioning look.
"You know him, then?" I asked, stunned.
The man nodded enthusiastically, grinning at me. He leaned forward with a glimmer in his eyes. The same glimmer Jack would have when he was extremely determined.
"I'm his dear daddy, you see. Don't see each other very often but when we do, Jacky and I get along like rum and a pirate!" He chuckled at the thought and leaned back.
I felt taken aback. Not once had I even thought about Jack's parents. He didn't seem the type to mention them. I wasn't either, I suppose.
"Your son looks a lot like you!" I smiled but immediately covered it with an emotionless expression. Didn't want him to think that I was all goody-goody with his arrogant son.
Jack's dad looked at me for a long time. I squirmed a little in my seat and cleared my throat. He shook his head, his dreadlocks flying around.
"How do you know my Jacky?" He asked suddenly, flustering me.
I sighed and stretched. He leaned forward and laced his fingers together, watching me intensely.
"It's a long story but I'll try to summarise it the best I can. Not even a week ago had I met Jack. I was sparring with random pirates in this very bar and I defeated all of them until Jack came along. Of course, I let him win on purpose. I only fought him to rob him of his money. Although, he wasn't too bad with a sword! He found out I'd stolen from him, took my money, threatened me and forced me to join his crew and hunt for his ship. But he betrayed me and left me to die with the king's Navy in Port Royal. I escaped, of course, left him there and came here on my own. Figured I didn't need him." When I finished, Jack's dad chuckled and stared off into nowhere.
I cleared my throat and he looked at me strangely.
"So what be your name, lass?" He asked curiously.
I laughed nervously and held out my hand. He took it without hesitation.
"I'm Annika Hesture. You?" I smiled at him and he grinned.
"Captain Teague." He told me and I chuckled.
"Sticking to the 'Captain', are we? Jack does the same, even when he hasn't even got a crew, not to mention a ship!" I sniggered at the thought.
Teague pulled away and stared at me observingly.
"You seem to know quite the bit about Jacky." He smirked at my befuddled face.
"That's only because he doesn't shut up about the same things. Going on and on about stealing back his ship and being captain. Especially his rum addiction. You'd find him drinking rum in the loo." I laughed.
Teague chuckled and nodded.
"You know, you're a nice girl, talking about my son and clearly enjoying it. Jacky needs a bit of company sometimes. He is human after all." He wisely told me.
I coughed sarcastically and shrugged.
"I don't need him, he doesn't need me. Simple as that." I shrugged again.
Teague chuckled before his face became dead serious. He pointed at my nose. I looked at his big finger with crossed eyes and gave him a strange look.
"You know, sweetheart, sometimes, the thing you need most is right under your nose."
Teague smiled, flashing his gold teeth.
"Next time, make sure you take better care of that medallion of yours. They're valuable. Anyone will try to take them, especially if you keep it in a sack of money. There are cruel people in this world. Never take it lightly." He inquired.
I felt a rush of panic. How did he know that I had a medallion? Or even where I kept it? Maybe he had taken it from me?
I looked down and pulled out the money bag from my pocket. Sighing in relief, I placed it back and looked up to find that Teague had completely disappeared. I felt a bit frightened of the sudden disappearance and glanced around. That guy was as quiet as a mouse! He didn't even say goodbye.
I stood up with a 'harumph' and made my way out of the door. Strange encounters, I tell you...

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