Chapter 9: Realization

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Will nervously glanced at a skull. Sure, because people leave skulls lying around in caves. Totally natural.
You see, the three of us, Will, Jack and I, were riding in one of the smaller boats down the cave. Barbossa and his crew were most likely just up ahead. I wasn't supposed to be there, of course. But I have my ways.

Flashback (don't cry because love is in the air....don't judge me. I don't even know anymore)

"What are you doing?"
Will and Jack both glanced up at me as they began getting the boat ready to go ahead of everyone else. Jack grinned and almost let go of the rope holding the boat when Will gasped.
Jack glanced back at the boat they were lowering to the black waters in the deadly cave and tightened his grip. He glanced back at me, my eyes glowering and my hands firmly on my hips.
"Did you honestly think you'd leave to that nasty Barbossa without me?" I snarled.
Jack smirked anxiously. He was evil! He was wicked! He was-
"Yes, that was the plan. Won't want you getting hurt, will we?" He winked at me before focusing his attention on lowering the boat to the water.
I blinked. What was that supposed to mean? Did he honestly think I was that weak? That I would get hurt? He did not just warn me about injury through this mission, did he? I would show him, I would!
"I have escaped the King's Navy three times in my life, been to the gallows once and escaped that too, stolen from so many pirates that I can't remember how many and even robbed the one and only William Turner himself! So do you honestly believe that I can't handle this? Especially with a bit of help?"
Jack gaped at me and this time, he did drop the rope. Will yelped and also let go as to not fall into the cold depths of the water. The boat slammed onto the surface and a huge splash of ice-cold seawater hit us all. I didn't pay much mind to it. I was still fuming
"You stole from the ol' Bootstrap himself, eh?" Jack gave me a doubting glance, taking off his boot and holding it upside down to rid of the water inside.
I grimaced. Will send me a slightly threatening glance. Not the best idea to mention you'd stolen from somebody's father right next to them.
"Why do you doubt me, Jack? I stole six bags of shillings from him at one time. He didn't suspect a thing!" I laughed nervously as Will sighed.
"Well, love, that doesn't matter at the moment. We are slightly running out of time so if you would please close that mouth of your's and let us get on with the plan, that would be a miracle." Jack turned back to the boat and his nose twitched when he noticed it was slightly filled with water and would be hard to reach. He huffed and muttered a few colourful words, putting his hands on his hips.
Slipping his boot back on, he called out to Cotton, Gibbs and somebody else I didn't know the name of to help lower a rope and get onto the boat.
I growled and grabbed Jack's collar, letting him stare at me in confusion before I let out my tantrum.
"I am coming whether you like it or not!" I said in a raspy voice, "You see, I still find that I haven't exactly recovered from the ticket to death you handed me back at Port Royal. I still don't trust you, not one bit. What makes you think I know you won't betray me again?"
Jack opened his mouth to answer but found he had no words. He only said, "Dearest Ani, I find that every woman-"
I sneered and cut him off rudely.
"I don't care for your opinion, nor does it matter. I have a terrible feeling about you going to kill Barbossa without me. I know that you'll most likely keep that medallion I've been waiting for away from me for your own filthy needs!" Then I leaned in so only Jack could hear this, "And we both know that soon enough, Will is going to be betrayed. I wouldn't make any other enemies if I were you. You have enough to deal with at the moment."
With that, I let go of Jack's collar. He gulped and turned away, grinning when he saw Gibbs, Cotton and the other guy had finally gotten the ropes ready.
"Let's make way!" He smirked and climbed down the rope to get to the boat.
Will glanced at me, grabbed the lamp we were taking with us, then went after Jack. Finally, I began to climb down the rope but not before Cotton's parrot screeched, "Pirate Code! Left behind! Pirate code! Left behind!"
I scowled. He was threatening me again. Stupid parrot thought I was going to be left behind on the mission! Wait, didn't Gibbs say that Cotton had trained that parrot to speak for him? Did that mean that Cotton was the one who was really threatening... Oh, no, he didn't!
I glared at Cotton who shook his head, alarmed. Guess not. It was the stupid parrot's decision after all.
"Lass, we stick to the Code. Make sure you don't get left behind. Make sure nobody is left behind, actually. The jolly crew is counting on you three." Gibbs smiled at me and I nodded before letting myself slide down the rope and into the boat.

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