Chapter 7: Gibbs

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A/N: Man, school is over for two weeks, I finished all my homework (finally), I'm over my writer's block and I've finally written another chapter! ;) Enjoy!

"So... This man, is the man who knows the man who knows the finest sailors in all Tortuga?" I repeated Jack doubtfully, watching the drunken chubby man in the mud with the three pigs.
Jack grinned at me, holding up the bucket of ice cold water and getting ready to thrust it over the dirty man.
"Why, yes! Lovely, isn' he?" Jack chuckled and finally threw the water over the man's face.
He spluttered and sat up very quickly, taking in his surroundings with an angry expression.
His furious expression disappeared as recognition overcame his face.
"Mother's love, Jack! You know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping! It's bad luck!" The ageing man scolded.
"Yes, especially when he doesn't seem to even have any good sense of hygiene!" I added, holding my nose, but everyone simply ignored me.
Jack smirked and threw away the bucket. I stared between them and then glanced at Will who simply shrugged.
"Ah, fortunately, I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking." Jack explained.
I snorted.
"Aye, that'll about do it." The chubby pirate stated as Jack pulled him to his feet with a loud grunt.
Suddenly, there was another splash and the pirate gasped as ice-cold water soaked him once more. We all glanced at Will who was holding a now empty bucket. He looked at us innocently.
"Blast it, I'm already awake!" The chubby pirate exclaimed angrily.
"That was for the smell." Will stated seriously.
I smuggled a laugh behind my hand, trying not to get the pirate any more angry.
That was a classic!
I nervously glanced at the dirty man as he began to retort, then reconsidered his options and shrugged.
"Fair enough." He said.
I gave him a strange and curious look. He looked back at me with an equally confused expression.
"Have you found yourself another lady, Jack?" He questioned with a chuckle and Jack smirked, coming to stand next to me as I shuffled away.
"Uh, dear Ani is a special one of mine! She-" Jack started but I cut him off.
"I am not his nor am I here to fulfil his purposes. I am only here to get my hands on something and that can only happen if I join this mongrel." I explained with an exaggerated eye roll.
"And what be your name, lass?" Asked the pirate and I grinned, putting a hand on my hip.
"Annika Hesture! You?"
The pirate grinned and answered, "Joshamee Gibbs! Or just Gibbs, if you like."
I nodded.
"Good to meet you, Gibbs."

Time skip to bar

"I'm going after The Black Pearl. I know where it's going to be and I'm going to take it."
I chugged down a glass of rum and stared between Gibbs and Jack.
"Jack, it's a fool's errand!" Gibbs informed him.
"And?" I interrupted.
Gibbs stuttered and huffed. He looked between Jack and I multiple times before shrugging.
"Well, I'm sure you've heard the tales they tell about The Black Pearl!" He warned.
I laughed musically before slamming my glass down on the table. Gibbs hopped in the air.
"A fool's errand, eh? Since when was this tall glass of water here-" I gestured to Jack, "-not a fool?"
Jack shook his head, his deadlocks clacking with his beads.
"Fool? Glass of water? I'd prefer glass of rum, if you please." He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, grinning at Gibbs who chuckled and grinned back. Jack stared between us, confused, as if to say, "Since when were you two best friends?"
"I suppose you're right. I can't stop Jack from going after the Pearl but I can still try, right, lass?" Gibbs sighed.
I nodded in understanding and managed to keep my mouth shut as Jack began to speak.
"You warn me about the tales of the Pearl however the tales tell me where it's going to be. I'm going to take it back. That's why I know what Barbossa is up to! All I need is a crew."
Gibbs sighed again and shook his head.
"A fool's errand."
"Not if the fool has something Barbossa wants. Something he needs." Jack stared, his expression becoming 'business-like'.
I never knew why but that expression had always made me want to slam his head against a wall and play with the beads in his dreadlocks at the same time. Did that make sense? I held back a snort.
The strangest scenarios I come up with.
"And you've got what he wants, haven't you?" Gibbs didn't seem all that surprised.
I glance at Will guiltily. We were going to use him. We were going to use him like somebody used a knife. We'd use it to chop up veggies and when it got rusty, we'd throw it away like it hadn't helped us at all. I'd admit, that made me feel a little bad for the poor boy. Didn't know what he even got himself into.
Will was standing at the entrance to the bar, standing guard or something. I was staring at an enormous hat a man was wearing at the time so I couldn't say I listened.
"Back there, guarding the door is the son of old Bootstrap Bill." Jack informed quietly.
Gibbs gaped in the oblivious Will's direction. He seemed to be lost for words. I snickered. His eyes widened and he grinned, showing his terrible teeth. I held my breath (you'd know why soon enough).
"Well, lookee there! I'll allow you may be onto something, Jack!" He gives an approving nod, turning back to a smirking Jack, "There's bound to be sailors on this rock as crazy as you. I'll find some men."
Jack grinned in victory and leaned back contently. I rolled my eyes at his ego and took the last sip of my rum while muttering, "Humph. Whatever."
"Me money?" Jack held out his hand and I paused. Sighing in defeat, I handed him his four shillings hesitantly.
"Just because you won a bet for once in your life doesn't mean you can get all smug with me!" I huffed and crossed my arms, staring at Jack who was victoriously counting the coins in his palm just to irritate me.
"Ani, nothing matters to a pirate more than money. The bet was about if he agreed to the plan, and I win. Nothing more than a messy problem for you, a victorious moment for me." He smirked in my direction, stuffing the shillings in his pocket.
We both stared when Gibbs suddenly slammed his tankard onto the table. Will, hearing the sound from his position, jumped and immediately drew a sword and dagger, kicking a table and getting ready to take down anyone who came his way.
I laughed hysterically and Will stared at me, puzzled. Those puppy-dog eyes were irritating the hell out of me.
I stood up from the table, my chair making a loud screech noise, and made my way over to Will who slowly lowered his weapons.
"Calm down, puppy-boy." I wiped a tear, still laughing, and put a hand on his shoulder.
He glanced at it and gave me those eyes again. I held back a glare. Adorable people made me feel weak. I'd always had a small soft part for them.
"Be a man, lad!" I yelled, making Will jump in the air and straighten.
"Y-Yes, mam!" He glanced down at me (don't laugh just because I'm older than him and he's already taller than me; I'm pretty tall... Ok, that was a lie).
I nodded in approval and took my slowly tightening hand off of his shoulder.
"Good boy. Better than that rotten excuse of a Captain." I muttered the last bit disgustedly, looking at Jack who was having small talk with Gibbs.
Will also glanced at him and smiled.
"I never thought he'd agree for me to join the plan. I assumed he was too rotten of a pirate for that. But he did. If I get Elizabeth back, then I'll have to thank him in some way." Will looked distant.
I looked away guiltily. He was too young to be deceived this way. I was sure he knew he'd be betrayed in the end, yet he still tried to save his woman. Wait...
"Elizabeth?" I questioned, looking up at Will who turned to face me, "Elizabeth Swann?"
Will nodded, his dark eyes becoming cheerful at the sound of the name.
"Yes, she was taken by Barbossa and his crew. I'm going to save her. Jack agreed to help me, as long as he got his Pearl. Kill two birds with one stone, see?"
I nodded in understanding. I was beginning to wonder why someone so innocent would decide to work with such a scumbag.
"Oi, Ani, my darling! Come and give us a bit o' entertainment, would you?" Jack called out to me.
I groaned, sighed and slapped a hand against my forehead, rolling my eyes. The most sarcastic action man has come to know.
I gave Will an annoyed look who only shrugged. Making my way to the table, I made sure to look as intimidating as possible and planted my hands on my hips.
"I am most certainly NOT your darling. And don't call me Ani." I snarled and took a seat, making sure to scoot to the edge of my chair and away from Jack.
"Feisty, isn' she? Jack has always liked the ferocious women." Gibbs chuckled.
"Disgusting. I doubt many of those women liked him as much." I smirked in Jack's direction who gave me a strange look.
"Yes, because one of those women never liked him." He stated simply and I grinned in victory, "She loves him. All the ladies do."
I spluttered and blushed deeply while hitting him on the head as hard as I could, his hat slipping off his head as he cowered in pain.
"You idiotic son of a devil! No, you're the devil himself! How could I love a man I've known for a mere week? Tch, wishful thinking." When I finally stopped hitting him, I picked up his hat, put it on my head and crossed my arms.
"Ladies tend to drool all over me, if you haven't noticed." Jack stared at the hat for a moment, then gestured to a woman with curly auburn hair who was staring at him, giggling and winking in his direction.
Jack winked back and curled his moustache. I sneered and hit him in the shoulder multiple times.
"Lass!" Jack roared, holding his shoulder.
"Stop flirting with people you don't even know!" I growled.
"Like a married couple, you two are!" Gibbs suddenly interrupted, desperately trying to get into the conversation.
Jack and I both glared at him and he shrunk away.
"I've known him for a week! What is wrong with you people?" I huffed and crossed my arms as Jack reached over to pop his hat off my head. He placed it carefully back onto his own and leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table and his linked hands placed carefully in front of his face.
"I'm offended, Mrs. Smith." Jack emphasised 'Mrs. Smith' and grinned.
I blushed again, my eyebrows coming close together as I sneered.
I pushed my dark hair out of my face, growling, "Jerk!"
I stood up from the table and made my way to the bartender to get myself another glass of rum. That pest! That coward! That horrid little cockroach!
"He's pushing his luck," I muttered to myself angrily before realising that my glass was filled and taking a long chug, "It won't be long before I'm out of his little plan and he throws me away like a piece of garbage."
Sighing, I glared at Jack who had begun another conversation with Gibbs. That man needed to learn some respect. I'd teach it to him.
"Jerk." I muttered before taking another sip of bitter rum.

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