Part 9: Masato's POV

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I went and sat at the table near the window and waited for Ren to return with a menu. I watched Ren as he walked over and sat opposite me.

"Do you want to order first?" He asked holding the menu in front of me.

"No thanks. I'll just have what you are having." I shook my head. "I'll have tea instead of coffee though."

He looked down at the menu and I watched him picking something to eat. He moved his eyes to meet mine and grinned. I blushed and looked out the window and Ren laughed.

"I'm going to go order now." He said standing and walking over to the counter.

I looked around. There wasn't many people here and all the people that were here were alone.

Ren returned with an order sign, with the number four on it, and sat down. "I'll be back in a second. I'm just going to the toilet."

I nod at him and turn to look out the window. There were gray clouds covering the sky and people walking around with umbrellas ready. Ren came back and sat down.


After being sat in silence for ten minutes our order finally came. I saw it and my stomach growled.

"Hungry?" Ren laughed.

I nodded and turned to the waitress. "Thank you."

We ate our food in silence, paid and left. We made it to the park before the rain started pouring down, heavily. We ran back to our dorm room and stood inside soaked. Ren walked into the bathroom and returned with two towels. He dropped a towel on my head and the other he used to dry his dripping hair.

I took off my shirt and dried my hair.

"Masato." Ren walked up to me and pressed his warm lips to mine. He pushed my onto his bed and started kissing my neck and collarbone.

He rubbed his leg against my groin and I let out a small moan. Then he moved one of his hands from my arm and put it in my trousers, then in my underwear and grabbed my hard member. I moaned louder and tangled my free hand in Ren's hair.

Ren stopped and removed his shirt, then my trousers and pants. I laid there naked on Ren's bed while he got undressed. He returned and grabbed my member. Putting his mouth over it, his warm tongue stroking the tip.

"A-ah." I moaned. I grabbed the bed covers, my finger wrapped in the duvet.

Ren gently squeezed my member and started quickly moving his hand up and down.

"R-R-Ren." I inhaled a sharp breath.

Ren's hand slowed.

"N-no. Don't stop." My hips raised to substitute for Ren's still hand.

Ren started moving his hand again, faster this time.

I tilted my head back and moaned. I felt Ren's body shift then his lips were on my neck. My hips bucked and I gasped, suddenly relieved.

Masato Hijirikawa X Ren JingujiWhere stories live. Discover now