Part 16: Masato's POV

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I follow behind Ren as he starts walking to the café. Suddenly, his pace increases. I reach out my hand to grab his, but I hesitate and drop my hand. I couldn't do. I could't hold his hand in public. I just couldn't. So, I just follow behind him to the café.
He sits down at a table and sighs.
I sit  opposite him. "Ren..."
He looks at me and leans on the wall. "Hmm?" His voice  was distant, like he wasn't really paying attention. Didn't care.
I frown and look down at my hands. "Ren, di-"
"What do you want to eat?" He interrupts.

"I think I'll have some cake."
"Ren, listen to me."
"I'll have a cappuccino too."
I stand up.
"Where are you going?"
I look him in the eyes. "I'm going back to the dorms. I'm not particularly hungry." I leave the café and walk back to the dorms.


I sit at my desk and sigh. I pick up a book and start reading to distract myself. To calm myself. What was wrong with him? Why was he in such a bad mood? Ignoring me. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I hear the door open, but act oblivious and carry on reading. I hear them sit on a bed and huff, probably trying to get my attention.

"Masato..." Ren says from behind me.
I raise my brows. So he can speak to me. "Yes?" I don't turn away from my book.
"Why did you leave the café earlier?"
I turn around. "You. You wouldn't listen to me. And every time I tried to say something you would cut in and speak over me." I say with forced calm.
He blinks, like he wasn't expecting me to say something. He opens his mouth to say something, but stays silent for a moment. "What were you going to say?" He frowns.
"You've been acting strange; been in a bad mood since we got to the café."
"And what about you? You left early."
"I left early because you didn't want to listen to me."
"Why didn't you do anything when I started walking quicker?"
"Because I didn't know you wanted me to do anything." I frown. "And I did try to do something. I tried to grab your hand."

His eyebrows knit together. "But you didn't."
"I couldn't. I tried, but I just couldn't. It was outside and people might have seen."
"Starish know."
"That's different. They are our friends. Even so, I'm still not comfortable with them knowing."
He stays silent. Angry or disappointed?

(Author's note: I hate these things. They ruin the flow of the story, but I feel it is necessary for a reason. I have received a comment on my Ittoki x Tokiya that said about how one of them would never say something. I would like you to realise this is a work of fiction based off the anime and I am not the characters to be able to write everything they would say how they say it. Every writer has problems like this so I would like you to try and understand the difficulty I have trying to update with no motivation, and lack of ideas for the continuation of the fanfiction. I apologise if you dislike what I have written of how I have written something, but please do keep it to yourself.)

Masato Hijirikawa X Ren JingujiWhere stories live. Discover now