Part 10: Ren's POV

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Masato propped himself up onto his elbows and I planted a kiss on his lips. He looked at me and his face flushed red. "Wh-what now?" He looked down at my erection.

"You don't have to do anything if it makes you uncomfortable." I stood and walked to the bathroom and washed my come-covered hand. I exit the bathroom and take off my trousers and open my wardrobe to find a dry pair. Masato walked over to me and forced a kiss on my lips. "I-I want to." He pushed me onto my bed and grabs the hem of my boxers. I moan as he slid the boxers over my member onto the floor.

"Don't worry. Just take your time." I try to encourage him.

Masato wrapped his fingers around my erect member and licked the tip. Then he put it in his mouth. I watch the ceiling as he moves his head up and down, trying not to embarrass him. I gasp and moan as I move my hips in time with his mouth. Masato removed his mouth and goes back to licking the tip, but his hand moving up and down my member. My hips start to involuntarily buck and he stops licking the tip and moves his hand faster. Finally, I come and my erection is gone.

"Was that okay?" Masato asked nervously.

I sit up and nod then kiss him on the lips.


I came out of the bathroom, after having a shower, to find Masato waiting, outside in a dressing robe, to use the shower.

"Sorry I took so long." I looked at him and he blushed and quickly escaped to the bathroom and locked the door.

I dried my hair and tied it in a ponytail and got dressed into jeans and a loose fitting long sleeved top. I picked up my phone and wallet and left to buy some lunch.

Masato Hijirikawa X Ren JingujiWhere stories live. Discover now