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View of Luna

When I managed to sit him down on the big bed on the first floor, we were both panting and my blouse was sticking to my body.
But it was worth it. Without realizing it, I just stood there for a moment, watching Rafael check out his new chamber.
It was a little more spacious than the ones upstairs, but sparsely furnished. There was a single four-poster bed, a small cushioned chair in the corner by the desk, and a built-in closet, the back of which gave access to the next room.
But I didn't want to tell him that.
Maybe he'd figure it out on his own.
I couldn't help a slight smile when I saw him sitting in the middle of the bed, looking around curiously.
He looked a bit like a little deer, still with that red hair that fell slightly on his shoulders and those big brown eyes.
Not wanting to be caught grinning at him, I cleared my throat and walked over to the door to the hallway.
He immediately jerked his head in my direction.
"I'm going to get your cane and take you down the hall to dinner in a few minutes. I'm sure you're hungry." I remarked as his stomach growled.Then I left.
When I returned, he was already wearing his pants and waiting for me, still sitting on the bed.
"Here's your cane." I handed him a beautiful carved crutch that had belonged to my grandfather.He looked at it with interest. "It's old," I said. "but it will serve."
He could walk with it better than I expected.
We went straight to the great hall, where there was a long table with food on it for just the two of us.
I wasn't a very good cook, but my aunt had married a poorer nobleman, and the food was prepared by her and their housekeeper. She taught me something when she visited us several times.
I was very sorry I couldn't take the two wolves I shot with me.
Their deaths could have been even more useful, but unfortunately I would no longer have the space to take them with me.
Still, our dinner tonight was not poor.
I managed to shoot one rabbit and a pheasant this morning. I bought wine to eat and drink with it at the market. And in exchange for a rabbit skin, I got a basket of potatoes from a peasant woman.
I bit my lip to keep from cursing when I remembered what the two wolf skins would be worth.
I wasn't poor, I had plenty of money, I came from a rich family, but I didn't like to waste.
"Sit down." I said. I invited my companion over and we each sat at the end of the table where I set out the portions and cutlery.
"Is that for me?" He looked at me very surprised.
"Yes, of course." I replied. "I know, it's no feast, but I'm not very hungry. If you're still hungry, I can make you something else."
I mentally ran through a list of supplies I could use to cook something.
"No way! I'm glad. It's plentiful." He countered.
We both started eating.
"We never have meat at home." He uttered between bites."I only have meat when I can catch something. I don't buy it very often."He rolled his eyes slightly, but then relaxed and looked thoughtfully at his lap.
I guessed they probably couldn't afford meat, maybe they didn't even have any pets.
Suddenly I was overcome with a terrible curiosity again. I wanted to know more about him.
"You live in the village?"
He nodded. "Or at least I did until today."He didn't seem to want to talk about it. So I decided not to ask about his home, but rather bring up something that had been on my mind for a while.
"What were you doing in the woods?" I asked.
He shrugged, but the grim expression on his face didn't change."I had nowhere to go." He said after a moment.
My heart prickled. My mind conjured up an image of him trudging alone through the dark forest while wolves pounced on him and tore him apart.
"You can stay here." I cleared my throat. "Unless you find something." I actually liked the idea of him being here. I wouldn't be alone.
He shook his head. "Thank you so much, I appreciate it. But I won't be here long, I just need to find my way to the next village and I'll take care of myself there." I could hardly hide my disappointment. "Are you going south or west?" I asked."West."I nodded. "I can walk you there. But because of your injury, I'm not sure you should go now."
He looked at me. "Is it too serious? How long will it take to heal?"
"I have no idea. Maybe in a week you'll be a little better." I wasn't a doctor. I only knew how to disinfect and bandage the wound. And what herbs were for nausea, colds and coughs.I've been doing that all my life.
"You live here alone?" He said suddenly.
I nodded. "Yes, my parents are dead and I have no one." I hadn't admitted that truth to myself again in a long time. I didn't even shed a tear. I said it as a simple thing. I always said it as a simple thing.
If I had died instead of them, they would have said the same thing.
They never liked me, I was never a good enough daughter for them, there was always a crowd who were better than me.
"Is something wrong?" He whispered, as if afraid I'd blow his head off for asking that question.
I'd rather blow my own head off, but I preferred not to tell him."Nothing, it was a long time ago." I snapped, angrier than I would have expected. In retrospect I was sorry, but I couldn't take it back.
"My parents died too." He said softly.
I relaxed a little and tried to put on a sympathetic face."I'm sorry." I paused. "Did you like them very much?"
,, A lot." He began to move the food around the plate with his fork, not because he didn't like it, but because he was sad.
"Did you have a good relationship, did they like you?"
"Yes," he replied.
I looked away a little so I wouldn't have to watch him smile at the memory of them.
"Yes, they liked me. At least from what they said. And by the way they treated me."My stomach clenched.
My parents never told me that. Especially my mother, who considered expressing feelings a weakness.
"And yours?" He asked, trying to be polite.
It rather burned me even more.
"Did you like each other?"
I clenched my hands into fists under the table."I think we did. In a way." I said.
Right after that I was annoyed that I had answered his question so rudely, but it was too late to take it back.
It was quiet again for a while. I would have liked to explain, but I guess there was nothing to explain.
They didn't like me and they had their reasons.
If I were them, I'd probably kill myself with my own hatred.
I was getting depressed in the evenings. Oh no. Again?
I was mad at myself for it. It was such a long string of hate. It started with me, and it ended with me."I'm gonna go to bed, it's late. Your room is right upstairs, so I hope you hit it." I finished eating and got up to leave.
He was still looking at me in confusion. He didn't seem to understand my indignation.
I didn't want to admit to him that I was jealous of him, but I was.
I quickly turned to him and took both of his hands, whereupon I looked him in the eye."I want to ask you something." I began in a low, firm voice. "Whatever happens in the night, never leave the room. Leave when it gets light." It sounded like an order again. "Please." I tried to soften it.
It was obvious he didn't understand me, but he nodded and went to his room.
I sighed deeply, but I was worse than before and I was going to be worse.

I knew that for a fact.

Hello my dear readers! Another chapter Is here!! I'm very sorry about my delay, i didn't have much time for writing. 😔
I hope that you like this story and I'm looking forward to your comments! ❤️

Yours K.😘

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