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When he was young, the Prime Minister entered the palace as a study partner; however, he was more of a classmate and wasn't any prince's exclusive companion. His grandfather, the old prime minister, didn't want him to become a tool for the princes to bully like other study partners.

Many times, the Grand Tutor couldn't tolerate the princes' attitude, but also couldn't openly scold or beat them, so he made the princes' study partners read and recite the lesson, if they couldn't, they would be hit in the palm.

More than a dozen of princes liked to compete against each other, if their study partner was scolded, they would be losing face and feel they were shamed because of their

The Thirteenth prince's study partner was Chenghuan, a well-known prodigy in Qingzhou who was specially selected to enter the palace
to be a prince's companion. However, his family background was nothing special, even was very poor before.

The Thirteenth prince was the vainest and most arrogant person among the princes. He relied on his mother beinga favored consort to bully everyone and behaved lawlessly. The
Grand Tutor tried to guide him many times but to no avail, so he picked Chenghuan to cause trouble.

However, Chenghuan was a genius and never forgot what he had learned. He had never been scolded for anything, and it became something for the Thirteenth prince to boast
about in front of others.

One day, Chenghuan fell ill and missed a word in his recitation. Finally, the Grand Tutor had found a justified reason. Chenghuan's palm
was hit until blood could be seen oozing out.

On the way home after class, he was dragged behind a decorative hill by the Thirteenth prince and pushed to the ground, eating a mouthful of dirt.

After kicking dozens of times and scolding him, the Thirteenth prince's anger had still not subsided, he started stuffing stones into his

The Thirteenth prince hit and scolded to his heart content, "See if you dare to forget next time! You stinky mouth!"

Li Jingyu finished packing and discovered Chenghuan had disappeared. He wanted to help apply medicine for his palm and also lend
him "Kao Ling Yao" he brought from home. Chenghuan was very happy when he

mentioned it yesterday. Why did he leave so fast?

Li Jingyu felt that something wasn't right, he asked the palace servant where Chenghuan had gone.

The servant pointed behind the decorative hill,
"It seemed he was dragged away by the Thirteenth prince."

The servant had good intentions and wanted to remind Li Jingyu to leave it alone. However, Li Jingyu still rushed over after hearing it.

As he got closer to the hill, he heard sounds of beating and muffled screamings rang out unceasingly. Li Jingyu turned around the corner and saw Chenghuan holding his head
while the Thirteenth prince was kicking him.

Li Jingyu shouted, "Stop!"
Taking the chance while Thirteenth prince was stunned, he grabbed Chenghuan and hid him behind his back, then spoke sharply, "I will tell
my grandfather what happened today."

Besides the crown prince, Thirteenth prince had never been threatened by anyone else, he pointed at Li Jingyu's nose, face full of malice,
"A servant who wasn't raised by a mother like you dare to threaten me?!"

Li Jingyu hmphed coldly, "l can't be compared to the Thirteenth prince." who had a mother but still wasn't raised well.

The Thirteenth prince wanted to beat Li Jingyu up together with Chenghuan, but then the
Seventeenth prince's voice suddenly came, asking a nearby servant, "Where's Li Jingyu?"

The crown prince and Seventeenth prince were both born by the Empress, so of course the Thirteenth prince didn't dare to provoke

He could only point at Li Jingyu's nose and growled, "Don't you dare run away next time!"
Then ran away first himself.

The Seventeenth prince was known for being righteous and upright. Before running over here, Li Jingyu had asked the servant to go find

Turning around, he saw Chenghuan was beaten black and blue, mud and dirt were vomited from his mouth. He hugged Li Jingyu and cried with his head down. Li Jingyu was so
distressed he just wanted to kick the
Thirteenth prince fiercely.

When the Seventeenth prince found Li Jingyu and saw this appearance of Chenghuan, he asked what happened.

As a study partner, Chenghuan didn't have to live with the Thirteenth prince, which made his life a little easier.

The Seventeenth prince patted his back,
"Come find me if he bullies you in the future."

And also didn't forget to tell Li Jingyu, "You too,"

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