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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING!!!!⚠️ Mentions of severe abuse, starving, r*pe and harsh langauge. You are warned! Please if any of these trigger you, don't read this please <3

- Y/n's pov -

A loud bell echoed through the halls as I poorly opened my eyes revealing the paper-thin mattress beneath me. It wasn't much of a bed but I had learned to not complain. The sunlight had dimly reached into our room, as well as the freezing cold air of the morning.

A deep breath that came out more like a long sigh, which it probably was, got me out of my thoughts. I lifted my tired body up from the bed and glanced over at the other beds.




This wasn't the first call of the bell, the other kids were already out of their beds. Could it get any worse?

I rushed up from bed and put on my only shirt and skirt that hadn't had a touch of water and soap for at least two months, not that it was unusual here.

As I ran towards the door that was already wide open and revealing the staircase going down to the first floor, I heard a cold man's voice. A voice whose were violent and dangerous. One of those who deserved a lifetime behind bars, in a tiny cell without rights.

But that was not how the reality was. I was the one behind the bars, trapped in this house. No way out except the hope of a new family. A family who hadn't come. And for some children in here, never would.

"Y/n. Late. Again." That voice said, blurring out his nonsense. I felt every head in the room turn towards me standing in the back with my old T-shirt and a skirt that looked like hand-me-downs. The fact was that hand-me-downs looked fancy compared to those I was wearing.

"Yes I'm sor-" I started until his eyebrows searched their way down his face and his voice got raised.

"Sorry won't cut it! I'll take care of you later!" He said but loud enough to make the children tense up. I stayed silent and took steps forward to join the rest of the kids who stood there, some whispering back and forth about what just happened.

If I stayed silent maybe he would forget about this incident.


"Alright, we have some new shifts" He started as he continued to talk, pointing at some kids and naming an address.

That was how this orphanage worked, to finance Mr. Charles's alcohol addiction he took our child support. Not only that but he had made up a whole system for the money to come flooding in. A cleaning service. A house would be assigned to you that you had to clean house for a week unless the buyer continued to pay for longer. However the people who paid for it were often alike Mr. Charles, an addict and an abuser.

It was a great form of income, for him. We didn't get a single penny.

"Alright dismissed, get your asses to work now. It needs to be spotless before lunch or you're not getting any" Mr. Charles yelled out as the children began to leave. I quickly started to walk with the crowd, maybe I could get away before he realized.

"Y/n. Stop if you know what's best for you" He said calmly, his voice sounding deep and giving me chills down my spine.

My brain wasn't cooperating with me as my steps slowed down and came to a halt. I had my back turned to him and so I slowly turned around.

He stepped closer, his alcohol bottle that had a little left in it was in a tight grip in his hand, his hair was short but messy and his face was resentful as he looked down on me.

"Second time this week you sleep in, let it happen again and you're going in the pit." He said as he took a step closer, now a meter away from me. Some of the kids looked back at me when they heard that but after seeing how mad he was they quickly left us alone.

The pit was a pitch dark small room. Located in the basement where the temperature never rose and the stone walls had cracks, big enough to fit a rat. The worst with it was that you didn't get any food for the whole day.

"I know Mr. Charles it won't happen a-" I started but he suddenly raised his bottle and slapped me with it, making the bottle shatter into pieces that landed in my face and around the room. The sharp edges hit my skin and opened up wounds, the little liquid that was left in the bottle dripped down my chin and entered the newly made wound. I hissed at the sharp pain and backed away.

"Worthless orphan. Do you think your parents would be proud of this behavior?" He yelled out as I lowered my head to show him some sort of respect while bringing my hand up to feel how bad the wound was. I ended up getting my hand all bloody. My heart raced.

"Now, you wanna end up in the pit, hm?" He gripped a painful grip of my ear and I had to tilt my head to not get it to hurt more than it already did, revealing my face with glossy eyes to him. I closed them in pain and spoke.

"N-No." I said hissing at the pain in my ear, I already knew it was all red.

"Then clean this up." He threw me down on the ground, making me see all the glass that was scattered around the room we were in.

"This and the bedroom, then you'll get lunch." He said as he left me alone in the room. A small tear dropped down on one of the glass pieces that lay before me. We weren't even humans in his eyes, just kids to use for money, cleaning and his anger issues.

The time passed by and finally, I had picked up all the pieces in the room and swept them off splinters as well, evidence gone of anything that could have happened.

As I felt my wounds I quickly ran to the toilet, wishing glass hadn't gotten into my wounds. I ran down the hallways and turned to a wooden door, walking into the sight of two girls already standing beside the stalls, they looked up at me and then looked away, even though most of the girls weren't so nice, the abuse would never be discussed.

For safety reasons.

In my reflections, I saw a huge one on my chin where the bottle collided and another above my eyebrow that wasn't as deep. I looked closer and removed some small glass pieces in the bigger wound as I flinched at the pain.

"Shit" I said as the third splinter left my wound, I looked down at the sink and saw how much blood had dripped down on the white porcelain sink.

I quickly felt a harsh fist grab my shirt and pin me towards the wall, my eyes widened as I looked up to see who it was.

"We just spent time cleaning this hell hole! You better clean that shit up" One of the older girls said and referred to the blood.

"I will" I responded quickly as her friend came up behind her looking just as upset.

Why wouldn't I?

She looked me up and down before releasing me and walking out, her friend following her. For the next ten minutes, I cleaned up my wounds and used some rubbing alcohol that the children had hidden behind a loose brick for those who needed it when Mr. Charles was in a bad mood. Although when it came to avoiding shit from Mr. Charles, there was no limit to what kids would do.

As I came out of the old-looking bathroom a group of girls holding a paper and laughing between themselves. It took me short time to realize what paper that was.

Oh no.

Author's note:

Hi again! This is the first introduction of Y/n! Hope you will like the rest of the chapters that's coming soon!

If you have any ideas or events you would like to see happening, you can write them here! Let your imagination run!

Bye bye! <3

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