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They had retrieved Hermione's car from across the Thames where it had been parked near the Security Building. As they sped back across the river Hermione suggested,

"I'm starving. Care to get some food and discuss our next moves?"

Severus looked over at her from the passengers seat. Chin up, self-assured, proud, her medium brown hair in a wrestling match with the wind with no clear winner. The ornate silver clip at the back of her neck struggling, about to scream bloody murder.

A woman of substance, this adult Hermione Granger.

"I am a bit peckish. I know a place just over the bridge."


They sat at a table near the window in the Morpeth Arms pub. Severus was well stuck into his steak and chips while Hermione devoured her Mackerel Niçoise Salad without a word between them. They had skipped lunch in favour of the side trip to Mysteries and neither had anything other than coffee before the meeting with Olivia. The tea and biscuits in C's office had long outlived their nutritional benefits.

Severus wiped a white linen serviette across his mouth,

"Not a good look for the Ministry...to have a valuable artifact stolen from beneath their very noses. Plays havoc with the all-is-well scenario, seven years post war."

Hermione sipped her wine then dabbed the sides of her mouth delicately,

"There are always bad guys, Snape. You know that."

There goes that notoriously expressive eyebrow. Tipping his wine glass to his lips Severus replied,

"Indeed, I do. Probably better than most, I dare say, Granger."

Hermione knew his fight against the forces of evil had come with a price. The details of which would likely never be revealed. She moved the conversation in a more forward direction,

"So, what's our next move? I suppose you have a plan?"

There it is, the other eyebrow joined its counterpart half way up his forehead.

"Livvie does give me free reign and trusts I will do what is required to complete an assignment."

What choice does she have?! When did the voice inside her head become so sarcastic?

Severus continued,

"I suggest we take a walk along the river, away from would-be eavesdroppers, and formulate such a plan."

Her mind tingled,

Compromise? Promising.

She had been nervous about meeting him again. The last time she saw him he lay bleeding, dying in the Shrieking Shack. She remembered the regret that clutched at her gut when Harry told her the specifics of the memories Snape had given him.

He was so different now. Not different in his speech or his mannerisms, or his snark but he was...more available. More approachable...perhaps. More willing to carry on a conversation, sarcasm notwithstanding. The Professor Snape of her past would never have done such a thing.

The Thames in twilight is much more tranquil than one would imagine. Life had slowed as the business of the day was drawing to a close. Now, most people were at home enjoying dinner or in a pub with a pint or two down their gullets. The worst part of the day gone. So too for Hermione and Severus.

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