The Last Enemy

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NOTE: There are some scenes of torture in this is chapter.


'The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death' ~~Corinthians xv. 26

The rain had begun to fall relentlessly as if all the storied angels in heaven were crying. His gut retched dry at what he had just done. There was nothing like doing the right thing in the wrong way to make a man parched. The hurt in her eyes will haunt him forever, even if his forever was only the little while he believed he had to live. Nonetheless Severus breathed a heavy sigh of relief, his mind comforting,

At least she is safe.

Twilight began to creep up the neglected walls of the buildings and along the old cobbled street. Each step he took was careful, cautious, anticipatory. He stopped. His telepathic phone was ringing,


Hermione Granger is here. 

Good. Keep her safe.

Neder is wanting Sir to be safe.

I understand. But this is something I have to do.

Neder senses grave danger. Shadows lurk.

On it, mate. One thing. If something happens, see Granger is taken care of, the house, the money, whatever she needs.

Neder will provide and protect. Neder wants Sir to survive.

Thank you, friend. I will summon you if needs must.

Sir must promise.

I promise.

The disconnect was swift. Severus couldn't think about Hermione or his life-long faithful Neder just now. The rain spattered his glasses, hampering his vision. The area was deserted save the trash and offal that were its permanent residents. Even the rats had taken cover from the downpour. The only sound he could hear was the rain pounding hard on the pavement. 

The neighborhood looked abandoned, cold and bleak. A rusted metal sign scraped against its last remaining bolt, swinging in the inclement weather. Graffiti of the profane sort had been sprayed across every surface. 

At the far end of an long alleyway a large ugly metal warehouse loomed ominously. The address scribbled on the back of the card. The structure's size hidden by other worn-out brick buildings with rusted metal entrances. 

The magical pull was strong here. The hair stood up on his arms and at the back of his neck as if touched by the cold breath of Death.

'Shadows lurk'. He remembered Neder's words. Severus wordlessly threw out a quick Finite Incantatum! to bring any menace enshrouded in a concealment charm into the open.  

He heard the distinctive sound of running footfalls. Before he could turn to defend against whoever approached there came a sharp blow to the back of his head rendering him semiconscious. 

He heard voices, apparently belonging to whoever had klapped him senseless and now grabbed him up by his arms and shoulders, none too gently. His head was spinning, his magic unreachable through his benumbed faculties. 

A fist made contact with Severus' jaw sending his glasses sailing into the wet blur beyond him and knocking him further from clarity.  

Another fist soon followed and Severus felt his nose crack. The sudden blackness lit up with streaks of light flashing wildly. 

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