Food for the Seoul

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"Rome to Seoul is a twelve hour flight. Our cover as newlyweds has become inconsequential...And I just happen to have a portkey handy."

He pointed to his leather banded wristwatch.

Hermione laughed,

"Like a scout, always prepared, eh?"

Severus smirked,

"Judicious is not an undesirable characteristic, Granger. I always carry one for emergencies."

Hermione considered the dosage of motion sickness potion that would be required for a twelve hour plane flight as compared to a three or four minute journey through a portkey wormhole,

"How much of that potion will I need?"

Severus handed her the phial and tapped it with his index finger,

"There. Spelled to dispense a half teaspoon...should be plenty without the drowsiness."

Hermione tipped the bottle up as the small dose decanted onto her tongue,

"Ok, let's do it."

Severus had set the portkey coordinates to land behind a tall modern building in between a bustling urban sprawl and a lush green forest. 

"Welcome back to Seoul, Granger. How do you feel?"

She was surprisingly well. No nausea, no dizziness and no grogginess,

"I feel great actually."

Hermione looked around. She had been to Seoul only the once, a month prior. So focused on following clues, finding the prophesy, capturing the perpetrator that she had no time to enjoy the city.

"I didn't realise there was a forest in the middle of Seoul."

"And a mountain, Granger. Namsan Mountain Park replete with an observation tower at the top. You can see it from here. Look."

Severus continued,

"All great cities have their parks. Central Park in New York City, Bois de Boulogne in Paris and Rome's Villa Borghese...London's Bushy Park. Two main roads run through underground tunnels to maintain the integrity of the park. Asian culture is all about aesthetics. A philosophy I can support."

"Lovely pink flowering trees."

"Our arrival is quite fortuitous, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom."

Hermione was surprised at his excitement concerning pink cherry blossoms,

"Waxing lyrical over cherry blossoms, Snape?"

"I am a Potions Master. I appreciate a quality ingredient, Granger."

She wasn't sure if she believed him or not. Hermione had come to understand that Severus was much more than the dark, foreboding figure she knew at Hogwarts,

"Ok, whatever you say. They are stunning though."

He had canceled the transfiguration charm on their luggage back into the original rucksack and carpetbag for lighter carry through the portkey. 

"This is our hotel. Let's check-in, then we can get a spot of lunch, take in a bit of the city before running over your notes again...if you're up to it. We can see the park tomorrow or tonight when the more pedestrian areas are lit up."

Hermione nodded,

"I don't know what you put in that potion but I truly feel excellent. And what a gem Neder is! That restorative bath and balms worked wonders."

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