I Spy

106 5 1

April, 2006

Crookshanks nuzzled her chin, whiskers tickling her jaw. Hermione's eyes opened to the sun rising through her bedroom window. The lilt of her phone alarm sounded. All votes in, it was time to get up.

It had been four days since Hermione had returned from Seoul, South Korea. She had lost her suspect after tracking the bugger there from a lead in Prague. Director Patel had phoned last night wanting a meeting first thing the following morning. Hermione could only hope this was in answer to her request for a partner.

She gave her old kneazle mix a cuddle. He cuddled back before jumping off the bed and running into the kitchen.

"Crooksie, you can't be starving. I left a bowl of your favourite dry mix out all night."

After filling his dish with her leftovers from Burgers takeaway last night, Hermione set up the espresso machine to be ready after her shower.

Stepping under the warm spray of water helped to wake her fully. She decided to use the shampoo with conditioner to better manage her unruly mane lest she needed to take off again for Seoul and resume the hunt for the missing prophesy.

Shower complete, outfit chosen, her lucky forest green suit with pale green rayon tee made a statement. Her ever-present white trainers complimented the look she was going for, ready-for-anything power woman.

She remembered back five years to the day Ginny Weasley Potter had taken her shopping for business attire when the Mysteries job materialised. 


It was May 2001,

"Come on, girlfriend, let's shop!"

Ginny was out the door before Hermione could get her coat on. She laughed,

"Ginny, if I didn't know better, I would say you are more excited than I am about my new job."

Newlywed Ginny was down the front steps of Grimmauld Place and half way up the street when Hermione caught up to her.

"I'm just excited, full stop. I'm the brand new Ginny Potter, the Harpies starting beater and my best friend has just landed a dream job in the Department of Mysteries! What's not to be excited about?"

Hermione could only agree,

"Yes, a great time for women!"

Ginny punched the air, first one fist then the other,

"And about time too! GIRL POWER!"

"Shhh, Ginny, people are staring," Hermione was nearly doubled over with laughter.

The redhead was relentless,

"Good! Look at us! Powerful Women arise!"

Other women pumped their own fists in the air as they passed. A few men scowled.

Hermione took her friend by the arm,

"Ginny, where are we going anyways?"

"We're going to the Harpies' kit makers, Lillahammers & Sons, gear providers to the stars!"

The two young women walked into a shop that had professional football and rugby shirts everywhere. Signed balls and replica trophies filled a display cabinet. 

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