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A/N: The lack of an adequate ending for Ghost Game left a bad taste in my mouth. Therefore, I've decided to take what they gave me and plot out a sequel. Enjoy!





Hiro awoke with a yelp as a sharp pressure appeared on his arm. The half-asleep young adult lifted his arm to look at his Digimon partner. Gammamon clung to his arm with a tight enough grip to stay on it. His maw clamped tight enough to cause pressure, but he didn't break the skin of Hiro's arm. Hiro yawned before giving Gammamon an annoyed look.

"Gammamon," he said, pausing to yawn. "What did I say about ... biting ..."

Hiro Amanokawa began to fall asleep once again at the desk. He never made it to his bed the night before. Gammamon clamped a bit harder on his arm. The young man awoke with another start before standing up. He frowned at Gammamon before swinging his arm to get his partner to let go of him. Gammamon let go mid-swing, and he tumbled onto Hiro's bed. The rookie Digimon stared at him before smiling.

"Hiro! It's about time!"

Hiro wiped the drool from his mouth before sitting at his desk once again. He looked around the room as his brain began to catch up with him. The next thing he heard was his alarm going off on his phone. He reached over to grab it before making a noise of distress. The alarm was turned off while he rushed around the room to grab clothes to take a quick shower.

"Gammamon," he said, "why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"I tried too!" the white Digimon said. "But, you wouldn't wake up - so that's when I bit you."

"You know you're not supposed to ..." Hiro sighed as he shook his head. "We'll talk about this later. I'm going to be late if I don't hurry."

Gammamon's wings appeared from his back as he flew into the air. He watched his partner run around the room frantically before he decided to join him.

"Hiro?" he asked him. "Why are you in such a rush?"

"Today's a big day," he told Gammamon. "Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"It's my graduation," he told Gammamon. Hiro paused to rub his head causing the Digimon to make sounds of joy. "Well, Ruli and I will be graduating today from school."

"Oh yeah!" Gammamon said as he remembered. "You're going to be done with school today, right?"

Hiro sighed as he heard his partner. "Yeah. I'll be officially done with school today. Then, we can work on getting more things done for Digitia."

Digitia, the new country that Quantamon had asked them to create, was in its finishing stages. Hiro, Ruli, and Kiyoshiro spent 4 years on the project. They made names for themselves throughout the world as they began to bridge the gap between Digimon and humans. It was to be opened to Digimon and humans within a few weeks after graduation for the two youngest members of the trio. They worked hard to make sure everything was finished and in place for the opening of the country. Hiro glanced at his desk to see pictures of him with various leaders from around the world. He met with them to talk about alliances and the benefits of Digitia. His eyes grew heavy at the memories.

"Yo, Hiro."


He was tired.

"Weren't you going to shower?" asked Gammamon.

Hiro jolted from his daydream as he heard Gammamon's question. The young man glanced at the clock on the wall before making a noise of distress. He grabbed his items then slammed the door shut to the bathroom. Gammamon giggled as he heard the shower turn on from behind the closed door. He let himself settle on the bed before his wings disappeared. His little legs kicked as he waited for his older brother to be done showering.

"I shouldn't have bit him."

He would have never woken up otherwise.

"This is all your fault," moaned Gammamon. "You suggested biting him."

Heh. It worked.

"Hiro says you're a bad influence."

He says that a lot.

Gulusgammamon's voice quieted as Hiro appeared from the bathroom. He was rubbing his hair dry with the towel. He sat on the bed with Gammamon before sighing. He really was tired. Gammamon moved to jump on his shoulder and pat his head.

"It's okay, Hiro! You can do it," the tiny Digimon cheered.

Hiro smiled as he moved to pat Gammamon's head, causing the Digimon to smile. Gammamon was still his little brother after all. It was nice to have a younger sibling cheering you on when you were tired and worn out. He patted the Digimon's head one more time before moving to stand up. Gammamon stayed on his shoulder as Hiro grabbed his jacket and bag. He was going to graduate high school that day, and he wanted to make sure everything was there with him.

"Ready?" he asked Gammamon.

"Ready!" Gammamon said as he threw his hands into the air. "Hiro's going to graduate!"

"I'm going to graduate!" cheered Hiro with him.

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