Return to Land of the Living

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Lillianne's POV

So dad and Jack thought over who is captain of the ship. They settled on dad being in charge of the starboard side and Jack the port side. We found out that Governor Swan is dead. Anyway Tia says if we don't escape before sun set we may be stuck here forever. Jack is examining the navigational charts.

"How have you been doing my daughter with mortality?" dad asks me.

"It's been ok, it's taken some getting used too" I tell him. "I've been training harder, so that I stay in top form as I grow" I add.

"Glad to hear it" he states.

"Think Jack will find a way back?" I ask him.

"If anyone can, he can" he tells me. I nod my head. Knowing that was hard for dad to admit. Soon Jack is running from one side of the ship to the other. Dad and I approach the charts and look at them. "Aye, he's on to it" dad declares. "Help them" he tells me and heads below. I run with the others from one side of the ship to the other. Dad soon joins us with the rest of the crew. He runs beside me.

We soon grab the railing as the ship starts to flip over. Dad has one arm around me to make sure I don't fall. Like one of the crew members did and was hit by a loose canon. I spot Pintel and Ragetti tied themselves to the mast upside down. I roll my eyes, what idiots. Jack the Monkey clings to me as we submerge under the water. We hold our breaths looking around.

Suddenly Jack looks down. I follow his gaze and grip the railing hard as I see water rushing towards us. Soon we're on the surface again, right side up. We land on the deck hard and cough.

"Blessed sweet westerlies! We're back!" Gibbs exclaims in joy. I hug dad and he hugs me back.

"It's sun rise" Elizabeth states. Suddenly dad points his gun a Jack. Soon there's a stand off with Jack, Will, Dad, Gibbs and Elizabeth all pointing guns at each other. Jack the monkey is even pointing a pistol at Cotton's parrot.

"Jack, give" I say holding my hand out to him. He whines, but hands the pistol over. He jumps onto y shoulder as I point the pistol at Jack Sparrow. We all laugh and lower the pistols. Before raising them again.

"All right, then! The Brethren Court is a-gathering at Shipwreck Cove. And, Jack, you and I are a-going. There'll be no arguing that point" dad tells him.

"There is arguing the point. If there's pirates a-gathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way" Jack tells him.

"The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you're a pirate" Elizabeth states pointing both her pistols at him now. Jack points a pistol at her. Will points both of his at Jack also.

"Fight or not, you're not running, Jack" he tells him.

"You're out numbered Sparrow" I state.

"If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one, till there be none left but you" Dad states.

"Quite like the sound of that. Captain Jack Sparrow, the last pirate" Jack says with a smile. Dad points his pistol at him and Gibbs.

"Aye. And you'll be fighting Jones alone. How does that figure into your plan?" dad asks him.

"I'm still working on that. But I will not be going back to the Locker, mate. Count on that" Jack tells him. He fires, but nothing happens. We all try our pistols and no gun fire.

"Wet powder" Gibbs declares.

"Look, we need to find water and food" I tell them as I holster my pistol.

"I saw an island on the charts" Will states and we all gather around them. "There's fresh water on this island. We can re-supply there and get back to shooting each other later" he says pointing at the island.

"You lead the shore party. I'll stay with my ship" Jack tells dad.

"I'll not be leaving my ship in your command" dad tells him.

"Why don't you both go ashore and leave the ship in my command?" Will suggests. We all look at him. "Temporally" he states.

"I can stay dad" I tell him.

"Very well, Turner and you will be in charge. While Jack and I lead the shore party" dad states. Jack agrees reluctantly. They assemble a shore party. Leaving only Elizabeth and Gibbs with Will & I. And half of the Singaporean pirates. The other half went with the shore party.

"I'm gonna go man the crows nest, think you can handle things here Will?" I ask.

"Sure" he says. I nod and go up into the crows nest with Jack the monkey. I start to clean my pistol of the wet powder. Humming to myself. But then something catches my eyes coming around the island. I look up and frown looking at the ship. I grab my spyglass and look through it. I curse at seeing it's Sao Feng.

"Ready weapons!" I call as I swing onto the deck. "Gibbs sound the bell" I tell him.

"What's wrong?" he asks me.

"Sao Feng is here, we have to get the others back on the ship now" I tell him.

"Afraid not" a man says. I'm grabbed from behind and scream trying break free. As Gibbs is chained. My hands are put behind my back and chained together. How are we going to get ot of this one?


Picture above of Pintel and Ragetti tied to the mast. Picture on the external link of the stand off on the ship.

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