Journey to Isla Cruces

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Lillianne's POV

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Lillianne's POV

I was lounging in my hammock writing in my journal about my year in Port Royal. Just summarizing it and what I learned about it's defenses in my time there. When there is a knock on my cabin door. "Who is it?" I ask as I look up from my journal.

"Gibbs, the Captain wants to see you in his cabin" he states. I roll my eyes and get off my hammock. I place my journal on the desk and exit my room. Locking it behind me. I go to my dad's old cabin. I enter to see Jack sitting in dad's old chair with his feet on the desk.

"You wanted to see me Sparrow" I say.

"Captain Sparrow" he corrects me. "Why are you here?" he asks me.

"To see you die at the hand of Davy Jones or his kraken. Which ever comes first" I tell him shrugging.

"You do know if I die the Pearl will be suck" he tells me.

"True, but it'd be better then seeing you ruin my father's ship" I tell him.

"My ship" he corrects. "While you are on my ship, you will obey my orders as I am captain. You are just a crew member. Until I find a nice island to make you governess of" he tells me smirking.

"I escaped Lord Beckett, the EITC and navy. I can escape an island" I tell him. "Remember I am a pirate and not a child" I remind him. "I take it we are going to Isla Cruces to find Jones heart" I say. "So that you can use it to bargain for your freedom from your debt to him" I state. "How many days to you have before he comes to collect?" I ask him.

"If you must know two days, but we'll be there by noon tomorrow" he states.

"Why do you need Elizabeth? Does your compass not work for you anymore?" I ask him smirking.

"My compass works fine" he grumbles. "Go swab the deck with Norrington" he tells me. I roll my eyes by go do so. I use a mop and bucket. While he is on his hands and knees scrubbing with a cloth with several other crew members. We were half way through doing the main deck when Jack walks up to him. "A bit of manual labor is good for you former commodore. It builds character" Jack tells James. He taps his boot and James cleans it before Jack walks over to Elizabeth.

I lean on my broom and listen in, I see James doing the same as he continues to scrub the deck. He takes the letters of marque from her. She tries to take them back but he holds them out of his reach. "These are meant for me are they not?" he asks her and looks at him. "Beckett" he says.

"Yes, they're signed Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company" Elizabeth tells him.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word" Gibbs states as he joins them.  " Beckett wants the compass. Only one reason for that" he states.

"He is after the chest" I state as I join them. Leaving my mop in it's bucket.

"If the Company controls the chest, they control the sea" Gibbs states.

"A truly discomforting notion, love" Jack tells Elizabeth.

"Bad for every mother's son what calls himself pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails" I tell Gibbs. He nods his head in agreement.

"Brace up to foreyard!" he orders.

"Get back to cleaning Miss Barbossa, I require a private word with Miss Swann" Jack tells me. I shrug and go back to cleaning. But I still listen in on their conversation. "Full pardon, commissioned as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company" he reads and James raises his head. "As if I could be bought for such a low price" he states as he puts the letters in his jacket.

"Jack, the letters, give them back" Elizabeth whines.

"No, persuade me" he tells her smirking. She smiles and leans close to his ear.

"You do know Will taught me how to handle a sword" she tells him.

"As I said... persuade me" Jack tells her and she walks away. We crew members finish cleaning. James goes to talk to Elizabeth. While I walk over to Pintel and Ragetti.

"We need that heart and then we can lead a mutiny" I tell them quietly. "Jack won't trust on the ship so he'll take us with him to retrieve the heart. Along with Elizabeth and the former commodore" I state.

"Should be simple enough" Pintel states.

"Aye, we can handle the drunk former commodore and immature in a sword fight. But Jack maybe difficult" Ragetti tells me.

"We can handle him" I assure them. "Be sure to get plenty of rest" I tell them. They nod their heads and we eat our food before calling it an early night.

(Next day)

We are getting close to Isla Cruces and Jack is talking to Elizabeth again. This time with a bottle of rum in his hand. I'm in the crews nest, so I can't hear what they are saying. But I can tell Jack is flirting with her and she is flirting back. I look back to the horizon and spot Isla  Cruces. "Land ho!" I shout and swing onto deck.

Elizabeth walks away from Jack who runs to his cabin clenching his fist. Looks like the black spot is back early. Jones must of figured out what Jack is up to. We have to be quick if we want to get the heart before the Dutchman arrives. Pintel and Ragetti prepared the long boat as James got two shovels.

Jack and Elizabeth join us. Jack holding a jar of dirt. The boat is lowered. Pintel and Ragetti start to row to the island. While Gibbs is left in charge of the Black Pearl, that has been anchored off shore.


Picture above of Elizabeth with Jack and picture on the external link of James Norrington. Picture in the chapter of Lillianne's room.

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