Rainy Wedding

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(One year later) Lillianne's POV

A lot has happen since we returned to Port Royal a year ago. Governor Swann practically adopted me, thought it's not legalized. Jack was sentenced to hang, but he escaped because of Will and Elizabeth. I was furious and ignored them for weeks focusing on my studies. Pintel and Ragetti also escaped their cell. I'm going to leave Port Royal and find them, so that we can reclaim the Pearl in my dead father's name.

I'm leaving tonight while everyone celebrates the marriage of Elizabeth and Will. Right now I'm in a gold dress standing by Elizabeth in the rain. Over looking the sea. Elizabeth sitting in the rain holding a bouquet of white orchids. Honestly I didn't even want to go to the wedding, but Elizabeth made me her flower girl. I know I look ten now, but I'm twenty years old. I shouldn't have to study or wear pretty little girl dresses.

We hear people approaching and we turn to see soldiers. With Will in chains, this can't be good. Elizabeth rushes over to him as I follow warily. Something doesn't seem right about this. Will was given a full pardon on our return. So why is he in chains? "Will, why is this happening?" Elizabeth asks him.

"I don't know, you look beautiful" he tells her.

"I think it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding" she tells him. I roll my eyes, a little late for that. Suddenly the Governor appears from behind the soldiers looking angry.

"Make way. Let me through! How dare you! Stand your men down at once! Do you hear me?" he demands. A man turns around removing his cloak.

"Governor Weatherby Swann, it's been too long" he says

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"Governor Weatherby Swann, it's been too long" he says.

"Cutler Beckett?" the Governor says surprised. I gulp moving closer to Elizabeth, my father had told me about Beckett. That if I was ever caught by him, I'd be branded and hanged.

"It's Lord now" Beckett tells him.

"Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man" the governor states pointing to Will.

"In fact, I do. Mr. Mercer?" Beckett asks. Mercer brings a wooden box to Beckett and he takes out a piece of paper. "The warrant for the arrest of one William Turner" he says handing it to the governor who reads it.

"This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann" he says shocked.

"Oh, is it? That's annoying, my mistake" Beckett says taking the paper back. "Arrest her" he orders the soldiers who restrain Elizabeth.

"On what charges?" Elizabeth exclaims. Ok I really have to leave and I start to back away.

"Aha, here's the one for William Turner" Beckett states handing another piece of paper to the governor. "I have another two here, one for Commodore James Norrington and Lillianne Barbossa" he declares. Suddenly someone grabs me from behind.

"Let me go!" I shout trying to break free.

"You won't be going anywhere Miss Barbossa, except to a cell" Beckett tells me.

"You're an idiot if you think a cell will hold me" I tell him smirking.

"Now where is James Norrington? Is he present?" he asks ignoring me.

"What are the charges?" Elizabeth demands.

"Commodore Norrington resigned his commission some months ago" the Governor states.

"I don't believe that was the answer to the question I asked" Beckett retorts.

"Lord Beckett, in the category of questions not answered" Will starts to say.

"We are under the jurisdiction of the King's governor of Port Royal and you will tell us what we are charged with" Elizabeth finishes.

"The charge for Lillianne is piracy and for you two... is conspiring to set free a man and girl convicted of crimes against the Crown and Empire and condemned to death for which the..." the governor trails off.

"For which the punishment, regrettably, is also death. Perhaps you remember a certain pirate named Jack Sparrow?" Beckett asks.

"How can I forget the man who murdered my father?" I sneer glaring at him.

"Captain Jack Sparrow" Will and Elizabeth correct him.

"Captain Jack Sparrow. Yes, I thought you might" Beckett says smiling. "Take them to the brig, then bring Mr Turner to my office" he orders the soldiers. I growl trying to break free as two men drag me to the brig and then throw me into a cell.


Picture above of Lillianne's dress and on the external link of Will & Elizabeth's outfits. Picture in chapter of Mr Mercer and Cutler Beckett.

This is the last update until the new year. But I promise I will continue updating this story in the year.

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