Not a muggle born ?

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The students were back to hogwarts to start the new school year,  they all settled in their dorms and common rooms.
" merlin I thought you were a ghost theo! You scared me!"- sighed luna   "Sorry twinny , whats with dray? Hes so distant lately "   " oh... we fought on the train two days ago.. he kept bugging harry for sticking to me "   " i will talk to him... he'll come around trust me "  " thanks mattheo... your the best twin ever"   " anything for my little sister "- smiled mattheo  .

Albert , julian and tom  decided to prank the gryfinndor team by enchanting their brooms to stop them from practicing  " ha! Wood deserves it for bad mouthing me and my mother!"- hissed julian  " i agree... but we should leave before they see us"  " Albert is right jul... come one we need to go "- said tom running a bit far from the court   " 1..2..3!"  - the trio were amused by the mischief they caused  " hahha ! Suits you well dorks "  " shh they hear us julian! Oops wood saw  us lets get back inside.. now!"//  " care to explain why you done this?"- Severus raised an eyebrow at the three  " father—-"  " uncle sev .. they deserved it.. he bad mouthed me and my mother I couldn't just ignore it"- Julian was fuming with anger and their house head understood that its not a lie  " very well then... ill talk to minerva .. but you three have detention for three days ok?"  " ok".

" moine , whats with you today?"- asked   ron  " oh nothing... just thinking of something i have to do, I will head back to the common room "- hermoine left and entered her dorm searching for something in her bag  " found it!"- she took it and started to re read the words written on the  photo album  "why it's saying another letter instead of H on my baby pictures ,but my name doesn't start with L......Thats so werid i should properly go  to investigate in the restricted section .. they do  properly have a family history quill or  a book "  - the girl wonderd  for hours and days until she  crossed a  shocking truth  " .. riddle? As in mattheo—- luna riddle?  ..." she continued reading more "  dead at birth would be around 12 years by now..I would need answers !  No wonder i was ignored most of the time back at home .. who are these people that played as my parents. Then ? . I should seek for..but who. They loath me.... I know! Harry might  help.. hopefully " " umm hermoine you dropped your scarf.. here" " thank you ginny" " no problem moine".

(Hermoine real name is  jane  thomas riddle)

Thomas pov;
Here she is agin... staring at the triplets baby pictures ,  we took when everything was supposed to be ok before the ... the shocking event of  our poor little daughter suddenly started to breathe so weakly they told us its because she was too fragile and weak even before taking her out, i miss her ... she didn't get to be with her brothers and sister,  she had a short time to live, i kept her  small tiny dress that  was supposed to her first ....I felt sad for my love  " darling, hey why are you crying?" I asked even when knowing the answer to it  " i miss her tom ... I didn't even get to hold her except for once ! Once thats not fair!"  " shh shes in a better place mmh? Shes an angel properly watching over her siblings " i tried soothing her and luckily she felt better  or as i hoped.
End of his pov>

" cant sleep ?"- asked tom his brother " mmh.. i tried to but no luck , even still im so tired " " what happened today during the poitions class?" " how did yo—-" " seth told us.. now why would you ruin the weasl work? You knew uncle sev would get furious " " he asked for it"  "'come on lay down beside me it's ok.. i wont scold you about it, you should rest for tomorrow "- tom softly stroked his brother hair trying to help him fall asleep//  " dray im so sorry for what i said"  " I forgive you moony.. i know its my fault.. harry didn't steal you from me "   "  so.. friends agin?"  " you dont have to ask... i never ended our friendship. Oh and .. Harry im so sorry .I didn't mean anything from whatever I've said" - draco hugged the boy apologizing  " you dont have to apologize.... Its alright I understand why you did it"- smiled harry brightly   " come on kiddos classes will start soon"- called out julian  " hey your only 2 years older, brother stop bossing us around!" - hissed beatrix while Julian replied " oh be quiet missy i dont listen to brats "- laughed julian teasingly " Oh NO YOU DIDNT!!"- she started chasing him down the greenhouse court yard " hahah ! You cant catch me brother " .

<< time skip >>

" where were you harry ?!"- asked mattheo " umm.. i was talking with hermoine over there " " that mud— sorry muggle born?" " yes" " why would she talk to you? Doesn't she hate us slytherins like her little friends.." " acutely theo.. sorry i cant tell you yet, i have to go! See you in the common room"- harry left mattheo without even explaining a word " did he just..." - mattheo stared at seth dumbfounded " yeah , maybe he wants to send a letter to his parents before the owlery closes " " maybe your correct seth.. wait HOW ON EARTH YOU ESCAPED YOUR FATHER?!" " easy , just trade it with something else" " with what?" " i traded in 3 days worth of hogsmeade vists, its not like i love that place " " man your so .. care free" " i know "- laughed seth.

-— end of chapter 6—-

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