Beatrix's plan

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4years after the last chapter.

Thomas and violet were sitting down having a family dinner when luna started choking "m..o.."- everything went black for her but luckily mattheo was fast to catch her and carried her to a nearby coach'. " ive sent an a owl to the private auror he should be here in few minutes "- said tom nervously " this has never happened to her before.. so wh—-" " u.umm i have something to tell you guys , that only me theo and dragon knew  about.."- said hermoine looking down causing their mother to ask her to spell it out " monie darling... whats wrong you should tell us.. please?" - hermonie was about to talk but mattheo was faster " moony went inside before we did and we thought she's sleeping.. but .. I noticed a broken glass that  draco  found .. but when we asked if shes ok she said yes also there wasn't smell in it" " and why you're just telling us! This is serious mattheo! You twin could——" - Thomas was mad that he didn't even realize that he grabbed theos shirt but was clamed down by his wife .

" it looks like she has been taking an anti for it , but i dont think it's working anymore as its a poisonous flower drip "- said oliver " how did you know?"- asked violet her brother " well you know ive been studying medicine and these things for a while .. at least i hope shes not gonna have a side effect " " that auror said that its good if she doesn't go out for a week until that affects is 100% gone "- sighed tom " you keep an eye on her until shes up.. and you two i have another talk later "- stared Thomas at the two remaining twins knowing damn well that they lied " we are doomed ! "- whispered mattheo " very much theo.. very much"  //  " draco why you didnt tell me! "- sighed severus  " you know i may have helped as soon as it happened so why?"   " sorry... i wasn't thinking"- he looked down before looking back up ".

A week passed and luna had returned to her original health but still suffers from some memory blurs "mom.. whats the day?"- asked the girl confused " Tuesday why ?.. wait have you taken your pill?" " umm i don't know... " "Luna darling you did had it after lunch so you need to rest .."- said thomas helping her get back to her room not wanting to reveal the actual reason why shes like this to anyone, the only ones that knows is violet and severus and Lucius so violet pulled her husband aside and whispered " what are we going to do!! She may fall into a coma! Please thomas " - soft tears fell down her face " don't worry I'll figure something out .. for now —-". - he was cutted of by hermoine screaming. " mattheo !! "- the two rushed to there to find mattheo on the floor coughing blood ....

Falsh back to the day luna got attacked

No one had their wands as they left it  inside at the beach house living room while they went to swim  " dont go deep in! Or tom will kill us"- yelled adrian  " fine !"- replied mattheo but when he wasn't looking luna stepped on something from the sand  " ouch!"- she hissed in pain before going back inside but she sensed someone " what—?!!!"- she was controlled into drink a bottle before she completely blacked out " good now these people will know not to mess with me! They ruind my life "- hissed Beatrix " dont worry love.. sooner or later she'll be gone ..and we have to leave before they feel something is off!"- smirked theodore " how long does it take to slowly kill her..?" -asked Beatrix smirking " around 2-3 days .. i on purpose want her to feel pain " " lets leave !" Theodore and beatrix quickly apearted away .
<< end of flashback>>

Beatrix pov:
I successfully controlled that stupid house elf to pour the same posion in mattheos drink perfect! But to take my revenge ive  used a more amount then what we did to luna  julian wont even realize that im not in my locked room ..plan worked out well for me .. they should've let me be when they had the chance instead of causing me to be kicked out for 4 years  also  had my wand snapped by my father .. i am not an a easy one to give up
<end of her pov>

Time passes .. 3 days later

violet collapsed after knowing that mattheo may die as his body hasn't shown any progress " im so sorry thomas.. its all my fault I should've raised her better "- apologized bellatrix " not bella its not yours.. dont apologize please "- sighed lily " harry is staying by his side at st mungos , as for monie she's gonna be with luna upstairs as she's still weak to move around "- said Lucius " have they caught the two? "- asked julian looking down mad " no.. not yet julian , why dont you have some rest.. you had a long trip "- said rodophus " no father i am alright " " we should leave you now.. take care Thomas "- sighs lily before leaving her brother house with james  , as they returned home they thanked the baby sitter and  hayden started to cry seeing his mother frowning sad face   " mommy wa are you cryin?"- asked the 4 yr old  " sorry sweetie.. it's nothing, come on lets get you to sleep "- she wiped her tears carrying him while james stood in their shared room  "  I really hope he's gonna wake up.. hes still young "- sighs james  " no one deserves this pain at all.. let alone a 18 year old"   " thomas and violet are a werk.. hermonie and tom are trying to be strong but i know damn well they are so scared and worried"- lily laid down after making hayden fall asleep on her chest  " have some sleep darling.."  " where are you going?"  " with moony and padfoot .. over at regulus's .. "   " ok.. be careful.. "  " i will love"- he kissed her face and left .

To be continued..
— end of chapter 15-

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