Part 6

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Harry groaned as he opened his eyes "Your awake, now drink this" she handed him a Potion that he reluctantly drank and nearly gagged after digesting it. "If you are in anymore severe pain then come to me immediately, I know you will try and avoid me because of that but if I have too I will ask your friends if you've shown any weird signs and order them to take you to me immediately" She said sternly "But I don't want to bother you for something so little" He said "You are not bothering me for this. But listen to what I tell you and come to me if this continues" she left no room for arguments and he sighed. "fine" she smiled "Good. Now, if this happens again, I'll have Mr. Malfoy keep an eye on you" He looked at her like she was crazy "What? No! Not that git!" She tsked.

"This is not up for debate, he will look after you per my orders if you have to come back in here. I'm serious, what's going on with you is still under development and it'll take time until it has finished" He raised an eyebrow but winced and held his stomach "What are you even talking about?" She pursed her lips "You will know eventually things take time. I assure you" He was confused at her at what she meant by that but didn't really question her and rubbed his side that ached painfully. Great now he has to be more discreet to prevent having to be followed by Draco Malfoy, Poppy let him leave but warned him to come back if he's in pain again.

He walked the halls in silence and ignored everyone as he did and with everyone he ignored, he ignored the pain surfacing throughout his body. He couldn't let this get anymore known then it already was by Severus, Draco and Madam Pomfery which are three people he didn't want to know about this. Hermione crossed her arms at Harry who sat next to her and he sweatdrop "Crap" he thought "Want to explain to me where you were? I was worried sick!" He nervously chuckled at the mother figure friend he has "Sorry I didn't mean to worry you or Ron" he apologized to her "Mate, you're worrying us and your keeping something from us" Ron said and Harry knew they were starting to catch on and cursed himself under his breath again, he was getting sloppy with hiding this and he needed to stop making slip ups. "I'm not keeping anything from you, I promise" He lied but even his friends didn't look to believe that "Fine, but If I find anything wrong with you I'm dragging you to Madam Pomfery" Hermione told him and he gave a sheepish grin "Right, right" He waved her off on that.

He was still cursing himself under his breath as breakfast passed and everyone went to their classes and once again the pain hit him full force and he winced shutting his eyes and Draco took notice again and his eye twitched, class ended and Harry was one of the last ones to leave and Draco grabbed Harry's arm "let me go!" Harry snapped at him as Draco glared at him and Harry kinda shrunk from it "Snape or Madam Pomfery, pick one or I will" Harry frowned and winced with a painful surge down his back "Madam Pomfery it is" He dragged Harry to the medical wing when the doors opened catching Poppy's attention that she already knew why Harry was here "I told you if this happened again that you come to me, Mr. Potter!" Poppy nearly shouted at him as Harry looked at the floor "But I'm fine I can deal with it" He said "Mr. Potter, this is not up for debate, the pain you are experiencing will go away eventually but until then you need to come to me" She placed her hands on her hips looking at Harry "As I said this morning, Mr. Malfoy will now be following you and will bring you to either Severus or I since you refuse to let us help you" Harry groaned "I don't need to be followed, there's nothing wrong with me I'm fine!" Draco glared at him "That is a lie and you know it" Harry glared at him.

"Take him to the bed so I can give him a Potion" she ordered as Draco dragged Harry to the nearby bed and pushed him onto it and held him by the shoulders to prevent him from struggling "get off me, Malfoy!" Harry snapped at the blonde "No" Poppy came over with a Potion "Drink it" she told him as he glared at the cup "No, I'm fine" She sighed "Drink it or it will be forced down you're throat" He groaned and grabbed the cup swallowing it and nearly spitting it out "This is disgusting" he let his tongue fall out of his mouth in disgust "Most healing Potions don't taste good but they are to help you, I'm not a medical witch for nothing. Now, I will let both Minerva and Severus know that Mr. Malfoy will not be following you to each class and you will separate to you're own tables when breakfast, lunch and dinner are to happen then you may either separate to you're own dorms or I will ask them to prepare a room for you both" The boys blinked before exclaiming "Me with him? No! Anything else is fine!" They pointed at eachother with scowls "Enough!" She yelled as they shut their mouths and stared at her.

"You both do not have a choice at the moment! This is important! Mr. Potter, you will have an answer to what is wrong with you eventually but Mr. Malfoy will accompany you from now on until the process has finished" she glared at both boys who just remained silent she took a breath and cleared her throat "I'm serious, I can't tell you what's wrong because it's not my explanation to tell" She wiped her wand and a parchment came with a note written by a self moving quill and handed it to Draco "Take this to Severus. I will let Minerva know about this" Poppy shooed them out as the boys grumbled about having to stay next to eachother.


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