Ch 12 : Annoying Marco

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Chapter Twelve : Annoying Marco

As apology, I'll upload a chapter early!

Also, our school starts next week so I'm not certain with the updates. But I promise to try my best.

This is more like a filler.

"I win. Suck it up, loser."

I frowned, my lips tugged into a thin line. I really want to scream and throw a fit, but at the same time..he won fair and square..unless he had some telepathy and guessed my next movement.

As much as I hate it, I have no choice but to give him my stacked up Cheetos that I was about to savour all for myself and a chance to pick the movie we were watching tonight.

That's what happens when you lose at rock paper and scissors. I swear I'll never gamble anything because I'll always lose.

"I want to watch La La Land, Marco," I tugged his sleeves in attempt to garner his attention, but he shoves me off, eyes strained to the television.

"Come on, let's watch it," I annoyingly poked his sides, hoping that it makes him twitch and look my way.

I get that I act like a clingy girlfriend, but I swear our relationship is far from that. In fact, our relationship is twisted right off the bat.

Who the hell lets a stranger sleep in their room, let alone that named stranger turns into a cat? How amazing. I could post it on Facebook and I might as well be called mentally ill.

I gave up, knowing that he wasn't about to budge and resigned myself, lying down on the cold wooden tiles all the while Marco hasn't glanced one bit at me.

Damn it. I wanna watch some tear-jerker movies. But no, he wants to watch horror movies because he likes scaring me shitless.

We were currently watching Silent Hill Revolution and I've never heard of that movie before, let alone what it was all about. But Marco shushed me before I could ask and now he's staring intently at the screen, absent-mindedly grabbing a single cheeto and plopped it onto his mouth.

I'm kinda hungry..and craving for Cheeto.

Maybe if I discreetly take one when he's so immersed, he won't notice. I smile mischievously to myself while I reluctantly lift my fingers and try to reach for the bag when he slaps my hand away.

I stare at him in bewilderment all the while my mouth was gaping. How did he notice?

"Idiot. I can see your hands trying to get onto it with my own eyes," he murmurs, eyes still cast on the screen.

"At least one?"




I poked his sides once and he grabs my finger, holding it tightly. I stay unfazed, his firm hold on my sole finger alone--as if he's going to break it with his hand. "You know Japanese?"

He ignores me..again.

I huffed a breath, removing my finger off his curled hand. "You're so stingy. I swear, at least be generous to your neighbors."

"We're not neighbours, we literally live in the same room."

"You mean barged in?'

He clicks his tongue, finally loosening his hold on my finger so I can retract it back. "Stop being witty. It does not suit your imbecile nature."

"But I'm bored!"

"None of my business."

"Come on, play with me Marco!" I insisted, nearing myself close to him while he nudges me away.

"Go play with your phone," he grunted, eyes strained as he probably couldn't understand a thing because of me.

Then I'll just keep going at it.

"I wanna play with my cat," I chimed in a sing along tune, staring at him intently in hopes to make him feel discomfort.

"Go talk to your friends or something!" he hisses, swatting his hand like there's a fly all the while trying to focus on the screen.

"What should I say?"

He then proceeds to try and mimic a teenage girl--which unfortunately sounds like a old man that had congested nose. "Oh em gee I like love Oskar. I wanna get laid omegod."

I stare at him for a split second, trying to get things straight and bursted into fits of laughter, my stomach starting to ache while I laughed my arse off, looking at him in disbelief. "We do not say Oh Em Gee!"

"--and you don't even sound like a girl!"

"That's exactly how you sound like to me," he finally shifts his gaze from the television to me, with a monotone look and face. "--fucking pest."

"Say, if you were in my position..what would do if Oskar asked you on a date?" I laid on my stomach with hands resting on both sides of my cheeks.

I silently snorted. It sounds like we're doing a girl's talk. And the funny thing is that Marco is pissed at me while I try to create a girl's talk.

"I'd knee him in the balls."

I choke on my spit, eyeing him in bewilderment. "Why?"

"Because I'm a fucking guy, idiot. The fuck do you think you want me to do with him? Suck his tongue dry?"

I chuckled, amused by his creative words. "I gotta admit that sounds gross and funny at the same time."

"So, shut the fuck up now will you?" he grumbled.

"No can do," I smirked. "---I wanna talk with my room buddy more. Communication creates bonds, doesn't it?'

"Eat my piss."

"I can't eat your piss," I frowned. "---so, let's get that out of the way and talk to each other more, okay?"

Then silence consumed us. And I smirked as I decided to start pestering him again.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Oh for the love of fucking g------"

"Mine is pink. It's because it's so pretty. Like when I look at it, it makes me wanna squ----"

I stop when he turns off the television, then faces me angrily with lips pursed and eyebrows scrunched. Oh oh. I'm dead meat.

"I'm just messing with you, Marco. See, I'll keep my mouth shut and I----"

"The fuck do you want?"


"You clearly want something right?" he hisses. "--tell me the fucking thing and I'll give it to you to make you shut your arse." there something I want? Then a light bulb flashed on my mind. Eureka! I smiled sheepishly. "I want Cheetos."

Then silence. Marco stares at me from beyond comprehension. It's like he chose to stay mute or he'll combust. "You did this all...for a fucking Cheetos?"

I nod, taking the bag of Cheetos from his lap and smiled, grabbing a piece and feeling so satisfied with it in my mouth. "I'll keep quiet now. Go on and watch your movie."

But he doesn't budge. He only stares at me like a ticking bomb.

Then he screams.

"You little bi----"

And I ran with Cheetos in tow before he could come and try to get ahold of me.

No one gets in the way between my Cheetos and Me.

September 4, 2020
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This is just a short and fun chapter. The story picks up next chapter ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

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