Taste of Mellow

32 5 5

The gods of old, in their abodes,

Did taste of mellow's bitter tones.

Ambrosia's sweet, with honeyed hues,

Pales in comparison, they muse.

For mellow's taste is melancholy,

A syrupy sadness, thick and wholly,

That drips from lips of bittersweet,

A nectar made for souls to weep.

So let the tears fall freely now,

As gods themselves taste mellow's howl.


This was my second poem for the word prompt, and I was contemplating a while ago on which is which. hahah😅
So tell me guys if this one's much better than what I used for the Versification. (Though I can't change my entry, since it's already submitted.🥺) And I'm very much open for constructive criticisms, so feel free to interact with me. ❤️🥰

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