• dawn-wing•

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April pov:
Ive been thinking about this for months now... i really want to fight crime along with my brothers and father, I've decided a name for myself but hopefully father agrees on me joining, you see Damian joined last year after proving himself that he's capable of fighting evil.. here am in pacing around the kitchen with alfred busy cooking.
<<end of her pov>>

" hey! Sis watch out you almost knocked me over "- pouted tim  " sorry timmy I was .. distracted "  " someone left a picture for you"- smiled Tim handing his sister the picture her and bart took at the arcade  "Bart must've got a copy already "  " good morning kiddos "- greeted bruce drinking water as he just finished working out  " eww father you should shower "- joked tim  " how are you feeling today bud?"  " alright i guess.. the nausea is gone finally "  " good to hear that.. i properly should go shower your right i do stink"- laughed bruce while patting his daughter head " dad! I just brushed my hair"- pouted April  " your mean ".

Meanwhile down at the bat cave..

" when will you stop your nonsense! "- yelled jason " its your fault your stupid ! Don't drop it on me"  " you are pathetic daniel ! Really pathetic "  " shut up! If it wasn't for you .. maybe oliver would be still alive! Hes my best friend! And you caused his death!!!!"- Daniel pushed his brother making him  fall over "  how dare you! Im older than you .. you —-"  " enough! Daniel your grounded!  You too jason "- said tim while clenching to his side  " timmy.. are you ok?! "- asked Jason worriedly  " just .. a little bit of pain but im ok".

" care to explain why did you blame him ?"- asked bruce sternly " it is his fault!" " daniel.. your just still grieving.. hes not the one that caused it . I told you if you felt like need to talk you have me! Why are you pushing us away son? We're just trying to help i know its not easy losing someone you cared for dearly " " i..i am sorry "- dainel just sat there and cried into his father chest " shh its ok.. hes in a better place" "i am sorry for hurting you jase , i was so mad and got carried away" " i forgive you bud... it didn't hurt much"- jason stroked his little brother hair softly "'so.. wheres ian and april?" - asked bruce " asleep properly .. or lurking around the yard " .

<<the next morning>>

Bruce was at work while his kids at school /collage " eww look daddys spoiled girl is here "- smirked a bully at april " your just jealous kate!" - hissed April " me ? No darling its you that think your all mighty and cool but for real yo——" - kate was struck with a hard hit from April and damian just happened to pass by at this moment " nice one sis.. and you miss pugface! Bully or insult my little sister ever agin and ill make sure you dont see the day light!"- threatened damian before a teacher came by he grabbed his sister hand leaving those bullied dumbfounded " are you ok?" " yes she didn't dare to touch me ... thank you for defending me ian" " it's nothing, your my little sister after all" "should we go home?" " i don't think thats a good idea' now dad will get suspicious " "'hes at work he wont know" "but alfred Will probably tell" "'ugh your right...".

" lunch is on the table.. "- called out jason  " why arent you eating?"- asked bruce  " i have somewhere to go , ill be back by 10"  " ok, be careful because that old fool joker escaped agin.. but no clue where he went this time "- sighed bruce done with that green haired guy " damn he never stops does he"  " not if that brain of his is stupid not to give up"- laughed Daniel//  " what did you wanted to ask sweetie?" - batman was focusing on the large screen infront of him   " uh.. ca..can i join ? "  " join what?"   " ummm.. fighting crimes with all of you.i promise that jason and tim trained me ——"   " you trained without me knowing! "  " dad i knew you would object but please! I really want to be one of the bat family"  " you are one.. " sighed bruce in defeat  " what will you name yourself? And do you have a suit already?"   " I decided on dawn wing .. my suit jason helped me put together.. its his old one but upgraded with a new color replacing the blue.. with a white in the middle "  " for now.. i wont let you go on missions , just until i make sure your ready .. I promise "  " thank you daddy !"   " you welcome sweetheart ".

<< time skip >>

"  a group of prisoners from akraham escaped tonight with all the guards dead ,  and from our resources the joker has escaped once agin ! And gotham residents wonder why batman hasn't showed up nor caught him yet"- the reporter was so rude and kept criticizing batman,  bruce was already stressed out and  his kids were so worried about him  " dad you should rest please!" - said damian  " i am busy ian"  " you haven't slept the past 3 days.. you'll faint at this rate"- mentioned jason  " I SAID IM BUSY! GO TO YOUR ROOMS!" - bruce messed his hair tiredly and kept doing his work. ( a incoming call from the justice league buliding) the computer screen showed  that made bruce answer  " Batman your needed at the tower now its important! " - said wonder women  " on my way.."   " uhh bruce.. are you sure you can do this? You seem tired "- asked clark  " yes kent"  " as you say then".

News flashes about a new hero  " whos that dawn wing? And can she be trusted" - was the headline of the article  " nice one sis , im happy your first mission was successful.. "- smiled damian  " where's father?"- asked April  " hes at the JL building.. we tried forcing him to rest but he was so mad on us"  " hows Daniel as your partner?"   " hes good., a bit over protective "  " oh come on!  I was just trying to protect my only sister ..you know "  " ugh like father like son" mumbled Jason  " said something jase?"  " no daniel "  " ok ... whatever —— uncle barry why you're holding him?"  "This guy over here just fell after we took down the villans.. you properly should keep an eye on him  .. he' needs rest! Do you hear me bruce? You should rest its no joke "  " fine you red speedy"-sighed batman heading to his room  " and.. boys im sorry for yelling at you .. i was just stressed "  he entered his room changing then fell asleep on his bed .

" Ha! New bat kid .. interesting, what basty will do if i took that new addition of his little group? Or better.. i should plan a new game"- the joker smirked while gathering his goones  " who ever succeeded on catching that dawn wing girly will be rewarded! That batman won't win this time .. oh harley my dear — I think you should do this one.."  " ill crash her , then you can do whatever "   " deal".

End of chapter 4
What do you think will happen next? Stay tuned!

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