• jasons secret•

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" oi green kiddo! How are you"- smirked daniel " shut up wayne and my name is not green kiddo .. also your not supposed to be here , damian and April should " " well im here to pick you up " " why? "- asked raven " well you see we are going on a trip and Damian wanted his team aka friends with him so yeah " " i do recall him mentioning it ... " " so are you tagging along? Or what" " fine..".

The car ride was silent but not until tim started to annoy jason  " stop!"- whispered jason as his brother was pulling his hair and pocking him  " what's wrong you two?"- asked  cisco as hes the one driving  " uhh nothing!"- smirked tim before he stole the pocket knife from Jason's bag secretly  " put that back Wayne!"- Cisco stopped the car in a parking spot then opened the back door " look i had zero sleep since yesterday! So either you two behave like adults or ill  leave you here "  " but cis—-"  " im serious ! We still have 3 hours before we reach "  " fine.. here jason " - sighed tim before throwing back the knife near his brother  " You almost killed  me you stupid  brainless fool! ITS A KNIFE!  You threw" .

Time passed and they finally reached the lake house " hope they didn't annoy you remon..?"- asked Bruce " well.. they did but don't worry i solved it "- sighed cisco " wheres Barry and the rest?" " its only me and my kids along with the teen titans as barry called saying he can't come .. and Clark had a meeting .. also thank you for taking these two with you" " no problem wayne sr " // jason was on a phone call hiding behind a tree " but bae listen! I promise I'll tell them as soon as i solve our situation " - said Jason to someone " when! Jay im your fiancé and you don't want me to meet your family officially?" - asked rose " ive been with the titans before remember?!" " rose please i promised you didn't i? —- fine you know what ill tell them tomorrow... but you have to come over darling " " thats more like it! Thanks bye!"- rosé hangged up making Jason laugh softly at her " not even a I love you wow "- Jason sat on a bench then took out his engagement ring before wearing it " guess red hood after all isn't that love less "- smiled the boy staring at the ring " i love you roslyn " .

The teen titans are playing cards sitting in a circle " did you see Jason?"- asked April roaming around " he's outside still i don't know if he's inside or not" - answered starfire " mmh ok" " uhh rave..Are you ok love?"- asked Damian worried " its not damie .. im ok don't worry " - raven placed her hand on top of his to assure him that shes ok " kids its dinner time!"- called out tim annoying the younger ones " shut up tim "- hissed Daniel before he threw a tissue box at him " ouch! Hey come here you little freak!"- yelled tim chasing daniel and was about to use his dagger " tim! Don't you even dare! "- yelled Bruce then took away the dagger " all of you put your weapons and stuff in here no objections!"- threatened wayne sr " we are here to enjoy the weather not this" " sorry dad.. i was just kidding around " " go eat first i need to fix the tent outside " " ok"- said the four teens .

<< time skip >>

Jason woke up and got ready before roslyn comes over " perfume check! Flowers check! Mentally prepared? No"- sighed Jason heading downstairs earning looks from everyone " are you going somewhere?" " no da—-" he was cutted of by the bell ringing " ill get it!" - he hurried and opened the door getting greeted by his lover " uhh guys who is she?"- asked Daniel staring at the girl his brother hugging " dad .. this is rose "- stuttered jason " my fi.. fiancé " " your what now..?!"- Bruce whisper shouted " hello mr wayne my name is rosyln wilson   .. your son jason fiancé.. uhh before you—-" " you two go inside first... " - Bruce looked At Daniel and his son fiancé " but you jay stay behind" - when the two left bruce took jason outside so he doesn't embarrass him " look im not mad that you didn't tell me ... but are you sure you really love her? "- asked Bruce concerned " yes dad i do .. she does too, i fell in love with her and I can't imagine my life without her.." " thats all i needed to hear... congrats son "- Bruce patted his head to assure him that he's happy for him " she seems like a good lady.. and polite " " thanks dad that means alot to me" " when is the wedding?"- teased Bruce his son " we haven't decided yet oh and i did meet her parents already " " good to hear , come on lets go back inside.. i dont trust damian not prankint anyone " " he surely does".

" so... what did he say?" - asked rose " dont worry darling he's happy for us .. also here "- jason handed her the flowers " this is an apology for missing your Birthday party" - the two kissed before getting interrupted by damian " eww ! You two are gross !" - yelled damian running away earning a chuckle from the couple " he's never gonna change " " your brother is cute tho" " now whos cute?"- Jason was clearly jealous " just joking love you are cute not him" " mmh as you say".

To be continued
End of chapter 7...

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