• nightmares•

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" Damian hurry up! "- shouted bruce " but dad—- didn't say i am grounded 4 days ago?"   " well you were but we have to go!  Your brothers are already at the bat cave"   " fine... what about —"  " shes gonna stay here with  nora ( flahs aka barry's daughter if you know)  " hold up! Uncle barry is  coming over! Cool "   " dont be late ian or i wont take you along with us im serious! " ok ok"- rushed damian to his room and grabbing his suite  as he didn't leave it at the cave.

Kara  was the one watching over the two  girls  even after protesting against it  " auntie! Nora is calling me a scammer "- pouted April   " no she did!"- yelled nora  " hey hey! Behave you aren't 10 year olds"- said kara sternly   Before getting interrupted by barry walking in  " thank you so much kara ..nora sweetheart come on lets ——-"  " mr. Allen your suite its..."- alferd pointed out on barrys damged flash suite   " oh my god! My precious baby!"- pouted barry  " cisco, sorry man but you may need to fix it up agin"- said barry  getting an angry reply from remon  " ok ok sorry ! What did you think i was blasted with a freaking  fire kinda looking—-   Ok ill shut up .."    " who is it this time you guys fought  " - asked April  " some werid aliens "  "  allen , you  have super speed not us!"- complained clark  " you can fly! He can run so fast.! But not me "  " sorry but thats funny bruce"   " shut up"   " ok whatever.. bye! " .

" mind explaining why did you  yell at me !"- shouted bruce at his youngest son   " because dad YOU IGNORED MY WARNING! "   " damina please... "- whispered dainel In his brother ear   " no daniel he has to listen! He —-"    " YOUR ROOM NOW!"  " ok! Whatever its not like staying  here is enjoyable!"   " damian, Enough!" - yelled jason trying to make things less tense   " you know what damian... you are so ungrateful! I am your father not your servant "  " fathers dont separate their children from their mother!"- shouted back damain before running to his room secretly crying and mumbling  " mom i miss you".

Bruce pov:
Why cant i just make things better.. am i really a bad father ?   I didn't wnated to overwhelm or lose my cool on damian but he was pushing my limits.. now here i am in my room  staring at the sky from the balcony deep in my thoughts,  worse of all tomorrow is gonna be a very very long day i might be home  not before 1 am ... unless its bat man call for duty ,  I appreciate clarks help but i cant keep letting him help every time gotham needs  me as batman .
End of his pov>>

—Time skip—

" umm .... Damian's not in his room "- pointed out jason  " where did that brat go this time!"- bruce was so frustrated that he managed to sneak out without anyone noticing whos he's kidding his kid is robin himself of course he would be able too  "  some of his clothes are missing too—- oh i see a text from him < i will be back when im in a good mood , peace jason>  " did he say where he went?"- asked daniel  " never mind he's probably with that raven girl or clarks son"  " 10 bucks as a bet"- smirked tim " i will be home late alferd .. if he came back tell him that his grounding is added up , after seeing if he's alright " " ok.. mister bruce " " thank you".

Damian stayed over at karas house after taking a train somehow managed to go to metropolis city shocking the supergirl and earning an earful from her , but after seeing how hes not himself she stopped and became concerned 2 days passed by ..." ian you should go back home you know, before your father brags in and make things worse hes the most short tempered guy I've ever knew " " ok, i packed my things already.. i miss my little sister so why not "- smiled Damian softly hugging his aunt " thank you ... for letting me stay over " " its ok kiddo ... i am here if you need me; now come on lets take you back home " .

" Damian! Your back "- April hugged her brother tight " sorry i lied about—-" " April! You knew where he was?!"- asked jason with a questioning look " she didn't! Ok! Dont bother her " - replied Damian defending his sister " im telling dad!"- said jason about to call bruce before his phone was thrown away by a dagger " THATS MY PHONE! yOU LiTTLE CrUEL monster!" " thats because snitching is hated remmber ! "- yelled tim at his brother " and you two ... you probably wanna go to your rooms before father gets back... he somehow found out trust me when i say hes not very.. happy?" " oops I hear his work car ! Come on ian lets run!"- April grabbed her brother arm and ran upstairs to their rooms side " that was cl——" " April! Damian you two are in deep trouble! You think you can hide things from me huh? I am not that stupid ! Specially you Damian " " let me guess... he had a bad day at the company "- whispered April " sure he did , that makes things triple worse".

(Damian was sleeping peacefully until the same terrifying day came back to him as a nightmare , he himself didn't realize hes only dreaming... not even a 5 minutes later he started sweating and crying before letting a ear piercing scream )

Bruce pov:
I am working on my laptop making sure everything is ready for the meeting while the kids were all sleeping.. which is good considering that tim haven't slept the past 2 days ... i decided to stop for a bit amd go for a small walk around that house , everything was to quiet as usual night time but out of nowhere i heard a loud scream... wait i know whos voice exactly it is ..Damian! I hurried to his room opening the door that was thankfully unlocked and there he was deep asleep with sweat all over his face and groans can be heard ... at this moment i felt guilty for what i said to him so i tried to wake him up " hey bud.. wake up its just a dream .." i shook him agin and he finally opened his eyes before crushing me in a tight embrace " dad help! Hes gonna get me too!.. i .. i " " shh its ok your safe.. you were just having a bad dream.. do you want water? You sweated alot buddy" he nodded so i hands him the cup " drink slowly... its ok your ok. Im here " " i am sorry for lashing on you... " " i am not mad at you anymore.. go back to sleep you have school.." " stay.. please at least until i fall asleep " he mumbles into my chest still scared " ok.. you just close your eyes i will be here i wont leave i promise " " mmmh" he fell back to sleep and after a bit i did too while still hugging him .
< end of Bruce's pov>

" shh they are asleep soundly ! Dont ruin it " " jason this needs to be remembered awwww "- whispered April " you two come on let's le—-" " whats so amusing you three?"- damian smirked at his siblings " ahhh weren't yo——" " tim your stupid , i was already up before you guys came in... shoo now let father rest! He doesn't sleep alot you know" " fine... but hurry' so i can drop you off at your school " " ok timmy"// " what class you have next sissy?" " math ugh! Whats the point of it anyways " " awful at least i have history next" " miss and mister wayne... you should get back home.. your father called something happened.." - said a teacher " o..k ms. Loius "

What do you think happened? And who is it that the teacher meant ? Find out on the next chapter

- end of chapter 2-

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