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Nockfell Highschool would be considered a small school facility compared to many others. Built in the town of Nockfell, a rather small area where almost everyone knows each other.

But Nockfell Highschool is anything but small or quiet, despite it's appearance.

With their rowdy and music‐manifested students, every kid wants their clique to be the loudest and most popular. Everyone is fighting for their groups glory.

People like Ramsey Marshall who leads the Rock-gods, have challenged Larry Johnson,  the leader of the Metal-heads countless times at music tournaments and school events.

The Metal-heads are at number #1 at this point and time, with a majority of the senior year alone being part of the clique. They had a whopping number of 72 members, there's around 103 students in each grade, so that's quite a big number.

And the Rock-Gods, their numbers at 58, weren't far off to beating them. However, most of their members stemmed from the kids in Sophmore year. Ramsey Marshall being one of few seniors in the group, as well as being the club leader. He's well known for being the best guitarist in Nockfell, after beating Sal Fisher in a contest last winter. His attitude on the other hand, is much less admired, a snobby and entitled view on the world. Ramsey believes he could and should rule Nockfell and the rest of the world, like some sort of cartoon villain.

The group at number #3 go by the Pop-Preachers. Cringey, cheesy and totally cliche. But that's the sort of stuff that's become popular amongst the Freshmens.

Even the teachers are a little biased, some paying more or less attention to kids in cliques that prefer their own taste of music.

And just like every school, there's always a group full of nothing but the misfortune.

This group of people, are called the Theatre-troops by the very few that know them.

Their leader? His name is Travis Phelps.

Travis Phelps is what the kids in drama class or theatre would call a Triple threat. He can sing in any tune, dance different forms of dance and most importantly, he can act. Like really really good.

But being a triple threat is one of Travis's biggest secrets, because as leader of the Theatre-troops he does nothing but organise and direct. There's no point in acting if your in a school that doesn't even know your or your cliques name. Are his exact thoughts.

That is... Until he bumps into Larry Johnson for the first time.

Cliques are separated, having been socially assigned their own sections in school to prevent school fights and bullying over the controversy of music. Travis never meeting Larry isn't a big surprise, even if every clique leader is supposed to know every other cliques leader because- well- the competition of course.

And the drama department where the Theatre-troops are assigned to meet is on the opposite side of school, near the most abandoned and isolated part of the entire building.

Somewhere private and lonely, perfect for someone like Larry Johnson to take a secret smoke where no snitches or school staff can catch him.

Somewhere perfect and secretive for Travis Phelps to sing and practise piano before meeting times without his other clique members knowing.

Somewhere perfect for the two people, with polar opposite tastes in music to stumble into each others lives with nobody but them being aware.

Some place perfect to slowly fall in love with someone who's supposed to be your rival.



As you can tell, this story is definitely going to be cliche and purposely cringey af. I'm also setting the story in a little more of a futuristic tense if you didn't catch on, since Sally Face is based in the years 1980-2004 and I don't have much personal knowledge of these centuries outside of the game to help for reference.

But don't worry, the Addison group is still intact and there are still ghostly conspiracies on the side, but since the main focus will be the conflict and friendships that form in Nockfell High, it'll only be mentioned briefly until around the end.

I hope you'll enjoy this fanfic regardless.

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