°♧Chapter Two♧°

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The next day, early in the morning after Travis arrived at school, he went to the auditorium earlier than usual.

Phillip had already made his point clear with fair reasoning. Larry was not allowed to meet, or even see the rest of their clique.

But the fact that Larry still met Travis here in this very room remained. Travis thought that perhaps if he finished his practises earlier, he could avoid Larry and thus avoid having to explain why he couldn't meet his friends.

It seemed like a good plan. From what Travis knew, Larry drove to school with his friend Sal, they both came rather late compared to his own usual time. So if he slipped in just a couple of minutes before, Larry wouldn't meet him again even if he really did come back to try.

Travis neatly piled his belongings on a small table, sitting infront of the piano like usual. He pulled out his notebook. Sometimes, when Travis was bored, he would compose his own music and write his own songs. While being a triple threat was a huge advantage in any performance industry, Travis liked to think of directing and theoretical work as a far more important and knowledgeable trait.

A majority of the content inside his notebook were original works, ones he'd made himself and treasured. There were also a few notes on other musicians, techniques and lyrics. All accompanied with his own lines of input. How different words and techniques just felt right, how he could adjust it to better suit his own style and so on and so on.

Today, he flipped open to his most precious work. It didn't have a title yet, just on the now memorable pages 553-555. It was a song he wrote in a drafted musical he'd planned out for fun one day. There were scripts, narratives, backstories and other songs in his musical. But this song in particular, he favourited.

He'd written it in an emotional haze. That day, he was just tired and overwhelmed. Wanting to vent out his feelings, he wrote. Then, when he went back to it, he realised he could make a song out of it with a few tweaks. And that's what he did.

It was a song with raw and unbearable emotion as it's foundation. Something wholehearted and full of sickening and imperfect life. It was his own little symphony that matched the beat of his heart, the gutted feeling he'd experienced and the hope that helped him steer away from the fog.

When he sang it, it came easily. Flowing effortlessly from his mouth like water down a riverbank. He got so stuck in the song, the melody of the piano as he played and the feeling of it all, that he hadn't noticed the door opening and closing behind him.

Not until a familiar smell of smoke threw him off gaurd. Just like yesterday.

Despite coming at most, 30 minutes early, he was unavoidably right there behind him. Nobody else would dare go against the school rules- the law even- by smoking on school grounds. Nobody else even really came into this auditorium.

"Larry." Travis said, deciding that avoiding him now would be impossible.

"Yo." He greeted, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

Travis closed his notebook and slowly turned to face the other boy in the room. His hair was greasy and messily tied back today in a low ponytail, with a few loose strands outlining his face and jawline. The dark and tired aesthetic seemed to be a staple for him.

His clothes were mainly black. Black jeans, black boots, black earings and a band tee, probably heavy metal. The bags under his eyes were dark too, but more purpley than black. The mole on his cheek stood out as well, but it suit him somehow.

If it were under other circumstances, Travis would've been much more delighted to be Larry's friend. While he seemed like the type to be uptight and judgemental about other peoples personal style, Travis was actually just very observant.

Prince Of Drama and King Of Metal [Larvis]Where stories live. Discover now