Chapter 2: Hello, Nice to meet you, and SMOOCH!

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All the guys are outside the airport wating for their dates to arrive. Kai, Max, Kenny, and Ray set off for the different gates leaving Tyson and Hilary alone. hehehe!

Ray: Bye! My gates this way.

Max: I'm over here. See Ya!

Kai: Later.

Kenny: Meet us at the entrance!

Tyson and Hilary: Wait!

Hilary: Now what are we suppose to do.

Tyson: Do you want something to eat cause I'm kinda hungry?

HIlary: Sure, are you buying?

Tyson: Well it's rude if the girl pays on a date. (thinking...why'd I say that)

Hilary: (turning slightly pink) Thanks.

Meanwhile the others were waiting for their dates all thinking the same thing (I hope those two won't do anything stupid.)

Kai: Hey, Matilda!

Matilda: Hey, Kai.

Kai: Need help? (taking her bags...slightly blushing)

Max: (arriving) Hey Kai! I see you found Matilda. Matilda this is Miriam and vice versa.

Matilda and Miriam: Nice to meet you.

Kenny: (running) Hey guys! Girls, this is Emily and vice versa.

GIrls: Nice to meet you.

Ray: (catching up) Girls this is Mariah. Mariah meet the girls.

Girls: Nice to meet you.

Back at the food court Tyson was pigging out as usual and Hilary was yelling at him.

Hilary: Tyson slow down your going to choke.

Tyson: Choking...

Hilary grabs Tyson and gives him a hard slap on the back.

Tyson: Thanks Hil.

Hilary: No problem but you should slow down.

Tyson: How come your not eating (stealing her icecream)

Hilary: Hey! That's mine give it back.

Tyson: Okay you asked for it...Throws her a handful of icecream that covers her chest.

Hilary: OH! YOU ARE SO GONNA GET IT! (Throws ketchup on his shirt)

Aftrer about ten minutes they were both completely covered in food. HIlary was covered in icecream and Tyson in ketchup.

They start to clean themselves up...

Hilary: You missed a spot. Let me get it for you. (leans over to him wiping ketchup on his face when he turns to her...)

Tyson: Hilary (looks into her crimson eyes and gently kisses her on the lips)

Just then the guys showed up with their dates all talking when Max stops and points straight ahead. They all stood in shock at the scene before them.

Tyson: (broke away from Hilary) Hilary, I don't know why I did that I...I just couldn't help it.

Hilary: Tyson I...(she then noticed the guys all staring at them in disbelief) Tyson look!

Tyson: Oh no, this can't be good!

The guys grabbed Tyson and dragged him to the fountain. The girls came over to talk to Hilary.

Mariah: Hilary Tatibana! Do you mind telling me what that was?

Miriam: Yeah! I mean when?

Ray: Tyson! That was great we got it on tape and everything. No, not realy just kidding.

Kai: Ray shut up! Tyson what were you thinking? Now you probably scared the crap outta her.

Hilary: I don't know how it happened. We were having a food fight and I leaned over to wipe a smudge on his face and he just did it.

Mariah: He just kissed you like nothing.

Emily: Someone likes you!

Tyson: I don;t know why I did it. We were having a food fight. She leaned over to wipe ketchup off me and I just did it.

Ray: You just kissed her like nothing.

Max: Someone's in love!

Tyson: Shut up Max! I'm freaking out here.

Kai: Let's just go home. And Tyson stay away from her for a while.

Hialry: Shut up Emily! I'm freaking out here

Matilda: Let's just go home and Hilary should stay away from Tyson for a while.

Everyone: Agreed!

Back at the dojo Tyson and Hilary were at either side of the dojo while the others were inside discussing the events that took place at the airport.

Mariah: What are we gonna do this wasn't suppose to happen yet! (everyone looked at her) Don't look at me like that Ray told me that you guys all left them together so that they could get closer.

Kenny: Yeah, but not that close and what do you mean yet? (They all turned to look at Mariah)

Mariah: Well, Ray said that we should try and get them together and admit their love for eachother. (all guys looked at Ray)

Ray: It was a thought and you guys were thinking about it too, when you told him to ask her to the ceremony.

Kai: It doesn't matter tomorrow when we go shopping for our gowns we'll take Tyson and you girls take Hilary and make sure they don't go anywhere near eachother till the cruise.

Matilda: Where are we going anyways? (all girls thinking the same)

Max: Ladies we are going to the beatiful tropical island of Hawaii!

Emily and Miriam: Wow! That'll be fun.

End of Chapter 2.

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