Chapter 3: Going Shopping! (girls Yay!...guys Ugh!)

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The gang is outside waiting for Kai to get his Mustang and for HIlary to get her Corvette. They are all waiting impatiently when two cars pull up. A black mustang with the liscense plate DRANZER, and a red Corvette.

Hilary: Hey guys, sorry we took so long.

Kai: Get in! we're late enough as it is.

The guys get in Kai's car and the girls get in Hilary's. They all drive off listening to the radio (the guys Greenday...girls Avril Lavigne) They park and enter the mall.

Tyson: Where do we all go first tuxedo shop or dress shop?

Kai: We're splitting up all of the girls will go get their dresses while we go get our tuxes.

Tyson: Oh. (looking disappointed...knowing it was to split him and Hilary up)

They seperate and head off to the stores. (Tyson and Hilary looking back at eachother)

Mariah: Let's go in Dazzle they always have beautiful dresses.

Matilda: I love that store.

Emily: I have an idea lets pick out our dresses first then we'll get Hilary's. You know prettiest last.

Miriam: Great idea!

Ray: Lets go in Tuxedos for all Occasions.

Kai: They always have great prices.

Kenny: Hey guys lets get our tuxs first and then we'll get Tyson's. You know best for last.

Max: (just realizing Kenny's strategy) Great idea Kenny!

Mariah: Ok! I'm getting this pink one.(it was a spaghetti strap dress, with a large bow in the back)

Matilda: I'm getting this pearl one. (Her's was long with a vicut chest)

Emily: Your dresses are pretty. I'll get this yellow one. (Her's was short with ribbon wrapped around the neck)

Miriam: I've decided on this blue one. (Her dress was an ocean blue with ribbons wrapped around the shoulders) Now we just need to find Hilary's dress.

The guys all had similar black tuxs except for Tyson. They still have to find one for him. hehehe!

Ray: All set?

Kai: Hmph...

Kenny: Yeah!

Max: All set here Ray! Now we need to find Tyson's tux.

Mariah and MIriam: We found it!

Emily and Matilda: Let us see!

Hilary: Wow! It's beautiful. (Hilary's dress was a gorgeous silver with glitter on it. It had a bride-like tail and two silver ribbons wrapped around the arms. It had a silver flowered bordered v-cut and a bordered waist and it had a slit on the right side.) It even comes with a tiarra and earings, necklace, and bracelet. (all silver)

Ray and Max: Found It!

Kenny and Kai: Bring it here so he can try it on.

Tyson: Not bad guys! (Tyson's tux was pure white with a black bow tied. It was made of a very soft and expensive silk.) It even comes with a watch.

Ray: Did you ladies have fun shopping?

Mariah: You bet!

Kai: We'd better get going we still have to pack. It's a three-day trip.

They get in the cars and drive home. Tyson thinking about what Hilary might look like in her dress. Hilary thinking about how hansome Tyson might look in his tux.

End of Chapter 3.

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