Chapter 4: Aloha Cruise!

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Everyone is doing some last minute packing. You know the usual stuff swim suits, clothes, money for gambling! It's not real gambling just affordable gambling.

Hilary: Lets see, bikini...check, clothes...check, money...check. I'm all set!

Kai: Hilary, we need to go get the cars.

Hilary: Coming!

The leave to get the cars while everyone drags the suitcases out to the front porch. Kai and Hilary arrive and they all hop in. The guys are still with Kai and the girls are still with Hilary.

Ray: Did anyone forget anything. Potty break?

Kai: Well if they did they'd better hold it cause I'm not stopping.

Hilary: We're here!

Tyson: Woah! We're riding in that! (looking at a huge Carnival cruiser)

Hilary: Yep!

Hilary and Kai parked the cars paid for the three-day parking and grabbed the luggage and headed on board the ship.

Ray: Hilary how much did this cost?

Hilary: Well Kai helped out a little...

Kai: So there's the gas, the parking, the tuxs, and not to mention I paid for you guys. And Hilary paid for the girls.

Hilary and Kai: Total...$6,000

On board the ship

Kai: Our room are all in the same hallway.

Hilary: There are 10 rooms, we share with eachother.

Kai: Don't get your hopes up! I've arranged the rooming. Tyson, you and Ray get the first room on the left. Max and Kenny share the second and I get my own. hehehe.

Matilda: I've arranged our rooming as well. Hilary and Mariah get the first room on the right. Miriam and Emily will share the second and I get my own. hehehe.

Hilary: We have the rest of today to settle ourselves in. Tomorrow we can do whatever we want and the last day is the ceremony. It starts at 6 o' clock so that you all have plenty of time to get ready.

In the rooms

Mariah: This is gonna be great. Tomorrow we have a whole day of relaxing.

Hilary: Sigh, Then the next day is the ceremony. (thinking about Tyson)

Mariah: What's wrong? Come on you can tell me.

Hilary: It's just that I've loved Tyson ever since I met him and I want to tell him, that's why I picked this cruise in the first place and...

Mariah: And now your afraid to tell him because you don't know what he'll do. Look, from what I've seen he loves you just the same (Hilary looks at her in disbelief) and if you don't tell him you may never have that chance again.

Ray: This is gonna be awesome. A whole day of fun and relaxation!

Tyson: Sigh, Then the next day is the ceremony. (thinking about Hilary)

Ray: What's up Tyson? You can tell me, I'm your bud.

Tyson: It's just... I've loved this girl ever since I met her and I want to tell her what I feel but...

Ray: But your afraid to tell her because you don't know how she'll react. Look, she loves you just as much as you love her (Tyson looks up in shock) and if you don't tell her you might lose your chance. I mean who knows what the future brings.

End of Chapter 4.

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