Chapter 6: You look great and...I love you!

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The gang is all at the restaurant eating breakfast and talking about random things. Tyson is pigging out as usual.

Hilary: Where do you put it all?

Tyson: That's a stupid question. In my mouth, where else?

Mariah: So what'd you guys do yesterday. Ray and I spent the whole day swimming.

Kenny: Not only swimming! Emily and I put cameras all over the ship...we saw you guys practically glued together.

(Ray and Mariah started blushing)

Max: Well, Miriam and I won a good deal of money at the casino. Then we went to get something to eat. (laughing at Ray)

Emily: Nice try! But we saw you two as well. All snuggled up together like two puppy dogs. (Max and Miriam blushing)

Matilda: Kai and I had a few practice matches and then headed for a walk around the island.

Kai: I doubt that you had cameras there.

Kenny: No, but we decided to go for a walk and greatly enjoyed the scene before us. You two were like a married couple. Kai putting his jacket on her cause she was cold. (Matilda blushing...Kai was ignoring Kenny)

Mariah: Where did you go Hilary?

At this Kenny, Emily, Matilda, Tyson and Hilary spat out their orange juice making a mess all over the table.

Hilary: Sorry didn't get that, what did you say?

Mariah: I said...

Kai: Forget it. (trying to distract them from the question) We need to go start getting ready it's nearly 3 o' clock. And you can bet that these girls will take at least 3 hours to get ready.

Max: Right! So while you girls finish getting ready we'll go and make the preperations.

Mariah: Wow! I just love how all of our dresses fit our personalities so well.

Matilda: Yeah! You always wear pink. Emily is a smart girl so her dress suits her. Miriam's dress matches her outgoing personal;ity and not to mention her eyes. And...where's Hilary. (just then someone came out of the bathroom)

Miriam: Oh my god! You look gorgeous!

Mariah: Too bad I didn't get that dress.

Emily: Now we have to do our hair!

Max: I hate wearing tuxs!

Kenny: Yeah they're so hard to get into. (trying to get into his jacket)

Kai: Quit complaining it's just for one night.

Ray: That's easy for you to say Kai. You wear a tux once a month. (Kai giving him a look that could've killed him)

Max: Where's Tyson? (someone just appeared out of the bathroom)

Ray: Dude! Who are you and what did you do to our Tyson? (sarcastically)

Tyson: (smirking) Shut Up!

Kenny: You know if your Grandpa was here he would be proud of you. (tearing)

Max: Are you crying?

Kenny: NO! Anyways we have to go get haircuts. Don't worry...(seeing the look on Kai and Tyson's face) it's just a trim and some gel.

Miriam: There, we look great. (They all had high buns with three curls dangling from the ends)

Emily: Yeah, where did you learn to do hair Hilary?

Hilary: I picked it up.

Mariah: Now we have to do yours.

Max: Not too bad! (looking at his newly cut and spiked hair)

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