Chapter 5: Fun...Swimming...Gambling!

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The gang is meeting outside the rooms to discuss what they're going to do and set up a curfew for the following day.

Kai: Ok! You can all go wherever you want just as long as you don't get into trouble and be back at 11:30. Deal?

All: Deal!

Max and Ray: (lean over to Kai) Are you sure that Tyson and Hilary should be left alone?

Kai: Oh I took care of that pointed toward Kenny and Emily, who winked at him. They have cameras all over the ship. If anything looks too suspicious than we'll just break them apart. Cheers!

Kai and Matilda decided to go and have a few Beyblading matches. Ray and Mariah headed for the pool. Max and Miriam decided to go challenge their luck in the Casino! Emily and Kenny were watching a movie while watching the cameras and Tyson and Hilary went to the beach. Awwwwwwwww!

Tyson: So what do you wanna do? (passing glances every now and then)

Hilary: Lets just swim for a bit unless you have something else...

Tyson: No, swimming's fine. I just left my trunks on the ship. You can go ahead and change I'll be right back. (blushing)

Hilary: (noticing that he was just uncomfortable, laughed) Ok, meet you back here.

Tyson: (blushing) What're you laughing at?

Hilary: Nothing, hurry up.

Tyson: (walking away) Why's she laughing. Did she notice me blushing? Aw man! Stupid emotions! Tyson waited for 10 minutes so he did'nt look suspicious and then headed back.

Hilary: I'd better change. (she had a blck bikini with a cute little red ribbon on the side and one on her shoulder. She then laid out her towel and decided to lay down for a bit with her sunglasses on.)

Tyson: Where is she, I told her to wait. (He then spotted someone sleeping on a towel and headed over) She was laying there so beautiful and peaceful. Tyson never noticed but she had a perfect figure.

Hilary: (awake but you can't tell from the sun glasses) She stared up at him admiring his very fit body. Thinking...Grandpa must really train him hard.

Tyson: HIlary are you awake? (he was getting closer)

Hilary: (she noticed this) I'm awake, what took you?

Tyson held out a hand and they headed off into the beach. Wait it gets better. They started to run to the water when Tyson trips Hilary.

Hilary: What did you do that for?

Tyson: Bored. Why? Your not mad are you? Poor thing! (teasingly)

Hilary:(playfully) Your gonna get it! She then tackled him down till they both landed on the sand.

Tyson: Hey! You know your pretty strong. (trying to free himself)

Hilary: Thanks! (tightening her hold on both his arms)

Tyson: (freed himself) See ya!

Hilary: Oh no you don't! (grabbed his legs and fell on him)

Tyson: Staring up into those crimson eyes once again. (leaned in) suddenly...

Kai: That's enough, Tyson come with me. (dragging him away)

Matilda: And you come with me! (pulling her away)

Kai: We specifically told you not to get too close Tyson!

Kenny: Yeah! Who knows what would've happened if we hadn't been watching you?

Tyson: (thinking...I do) Hmph...

Kai: I know what your thinking and I don't like it.

Matilda: I leave you alone for acouple of hours and look what happens!

Emily: Just think what might have happened if we hadn't showed up?

Hilary: (thinking...) yeah (dreamily)

Matilda: Better not think...cause I know what it is!

Later that night Hilary and Tyson were wide awake thinking about todays events...

End of Chapter 5.

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