Chapter Three

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CHAPTER THREE: Long Island, New York

"See you around, Harry! Just tell us anything if they treat you badly or anything!"

Harry turned around and waved, mouthed a thank you again and stepped inside his...home...

At the sound of a car engine, Dudley peeked from behind the curtain, curiosity overtaking him. Cheeks flushed and puffed in anger, he stomped off to find his mummy. Aunt Petunia opened the door and scrutinized Harry and what he brought with him. Uncle Vernon nearly roared with rage, but thought better of it, sending Harry and his things up into Dudley's old toys room. Dudley, being the spoiled brat he is, begged his mummy to "make him leave!" saying he needs that room for his things (read: old/wrecked toys).

Allison lost control of her body and plopped into her bed, exhausted after all that wand-swishing, walking, going underground. After a while she shuffled her aching feet toward the closet to change into some more comfortable house clothes. Plopping into her bed again, she tried to go to sleep, but no matter how tired she feels herself to be, she just couldn't bring herself to sleep. Too excited for September first.

Her hair unconsciously turned pink and orange with light-yellow streaks to match her mood, though she hasn't noticed it yet. Frustrated and restless, she decided to make a small calendar, counting down to September first, since the only calendar in their house was in Aunt Natalya's bedroom.

Allison itched to get her wand and try it out, but, unfortunately, it was currently in Aunt Natalya's custody. She said "You'll get to use it soon enough." She sat on her bed, trying to think what she wanted to do. Snowy, her owl, hooted in her cage, as if trying to get Allison to get her out. Allison wished she could understand Snowy, like she understood the snake that was wandering aimlessly across their lawn. She, being a young child then, begged the snake to go away, and it replied in perfect English, and it left without such a problem. She didn't tell Aunt Natalya this...she just didn't want to for some reason.

Allison stood up and opened Snowy's cage. She jumped onto her outstretched arm and nipped lightly at her ear. She giggled a little bit, stroking her owl's soft, white feathers. She opened the window and Snowy flew out into the colourful sunset, wide wings flapping lightly to her alight. Allison watched her owl until she couldn't see her anymore. Having nothing left to do, she took the letter from her bedside table and re-read it. A certain detail caught her eye and her eyes widened the size of saucers.

She scrambled out of bed, not bothering to wear she fluffy grey bunny-ears slippers. Allison clutched the parchment tightly in her hand, the other running down the banister. Her bare feet came thundering down the stairs. Her multi-colored (for now) hair came whipping behind her. "Auntie! We didn't send an owl!! It specifically said, 'We await your owl by no later than July 31'. Auntie! Auntie!! We forgot to send an owl! AUNTIE!" screamed Allison.

"Allison!" scolded Aunt Natalya, thundering into the living room. "Haven't I told you a million times that it's inappropriate to run down the stairs? You could've slipped and broken something! And you barefooted! And you're shouting!" Aunt Natalya bellowed. Allison ignored this and thrust the paper in her face. "Read."

Aunt Natalya glared daggers at her, but she stood firmly. Allison watched Aunt Natalya's eyes read the letter. And she finally spoke, "What?" asked Aunt Natalya asked, one eyebrow raised.

"'We await your owl by no later than July 31'." Allison read out loud. "Well?"

Aunt Natalya seemed to have understood and burst out laughing, nearly doubling over even. "What's so funny?!" Allison said rather hotly. Aunt Natalya's laughs reduced to giggles, and wiped a tear from her eye as she spoke, "Allie, didn't it-at least once-cross your mind that I have or didn't need to send it?

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