Chapter One

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Chapter One: The New Witch

Allison Taylor Vergara has never seen her aunt get so flustered her entire life.

   See, it was Allison's birthday and her aunt always makes her birthdays fun and unforgettable, but it was just her eleventh birthday, nothing so special about it...or so she thought.

   Nearly a week ago, owls invaded their neighbour's front door. The Dudleys Allison thought. She was watching it through the window of their living room. She stood up and went to the kitchen. Pulling a chair towards her, she sat on it quite...comfortably.

   "What's with the owls, auntie? The Dudleys own it right? And who's the boy picking them up? They have only one child, right? What was his name? The fat one? Duddleson? Dudders?" Allison asked her aunt Natalya, who was busy making breakfast.

   "I have no idea, dear...The owls just appeared out of nowhere! And in broad daylight too!!" Allison noticed Aunt Natalya go all evasive and excited at the same time, and she won't meet her eye, she didn't know why. Allison suspected her of something immediately.

   Something's up...

   "And yes, Allie," said her aunt. 'Allie' was a nickname Aunt Natalie used she's in the mood to be sweet. "they only have one child, Dudley Dursley I believe," Aunt Natalya smiled at her favorite niece as she carefully transferred the freshly cooked bacon and egg onto her plate, then going back to cook some for her.

   "And the boy?" She said in between mouthfuls, wanting to know more of the information. Allison took some bread from the plate near her and took a bite.

   It's the first time I saw him...

   "Oh yes, the boy is Harry Potter, he is...The boy who lived...Most famous w-" Aunt Natalya got a distant look in her eyes as she said this, then shook her head and threw herself away from her stupor, and went back to cooking her breakfast, which she almost got burned...

   "Most famous what, auntie?" insisted Allison, taking another piece of freshly toasted bread from counter.

   Aunt Natalya shook her head, smiling. "Nothing dear...All I know is that his name is Harry Potter," Her aunt answered from the kitchen.

   Now I know that something is most definitely up...

   Allison finished the last of her breakfast and asked instead, "So, can you tell me more about the Dursleys and Harry Potter?" she stood up as she picked her plate and went to the kitchen sink.

   As she started putting soap in the sponge Aunt Natalya told her, "Oh, nothing much, sweetheart," Then she thought for a while, "Oh, yes! There is one. Now, you didn't hear it from me but I hear that the Dursleys always boss poor Harry around since he could walk and talk! AND—get ready for this part—they're his aunt and uncle!! Family, Allie! Family! Ev—I mean, no one knows where Li—I mean his parents, he went to the nearest family they could find, and those are the rotten Dursleys," Aunt Natalya finished her tale just as the doorbell rang.

   Allison closed the faucet and wiped her hands on the apron and said, "I'll go get it," when Aunt Natalya, obviously hiding glee, stopped her, saying, "No. No, I'll get it. You just finish the dishes there, Allie," As soon as she turned off the stove she dashes out of the room and opens the door.

   She's hiding something from me...

   What is it?

   Now, Allison Taylor F. Vergara, daughter of Katerina Abigail Fernandez and Arthur James Vergara, half-Filipino and half-British, suspected her aunt of, one time she asked her aunt how their parents died, and she said, "At work. Somehow, at the lobby, something exploded, thus the building collapsed. That's how they died," Natalya Amethyst Fernandez, sister of her mom, has said, but something to her tone made it sound as if what she was trying to say was,

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