Special OVA Episode 6

395 6 4

- night at Scarlet Devil Mansion -

Kouta and the SDM resident except Meiling cause she guarding the gate are eating their food

Kouta:Mmm...this is delicious Sakuya.

Sakuya:*giggles*No problem Kouta.

Kouta:Hey Sakuya,can i ask you something important.

Sakuya:Ok Kouta what is it?

Kouta:Can you teach how to cook for Chizuru,well she terrible at cooking all by herself and i puked myself caused she put too much salt that she made.

Sakuya:Oh? Does it taste bad that she made?

Kouta:Well not really,i got passed out by one second.

Sakuya:Hmm...i see,ok i will her how to cook properly if me and others around in Gensokyo will joined your adventure Kouta.

Kouta:Ok,thanks Sakuya.


Flandre:Onii-chan! After eating we should play with me!

Kouta:Sure Flan.

Flandre:Yay!*hug him*I love you Onii-chan!

Remilia smiled at her sister to played with Kouta but then

Meiling:*offscreen*Mistress!!!!*run towards to them*

Remilia:What is it Meiling?


Sakuya:If this is a prank Meiling you will suffered yourself.*pulled her knives on her fist*

Meiling:Eek! No this isn't a prank Sakuya!

Patchouli:And what is it?


They heard a loud thud out of nowhere


Kouta:What was that?

Sakuya:Probably Tenshi did.

Remilia:Let's go outside.

They nod and they went outside and they shocked and saw 6 people are they lookalike of the SDM Residents and they unconscious

Remilia:Oh my god...

Kouta:Eh? Is that...

Sakuya went to them and checking on them the 6 unknown guests wake up themselves

???:Ugh...what happened?

??? 2:Remilia are you ok?

Remilia?:I'm fine Flan.

Remilia:*her thoughts*Wait did Flan called her name instead calling her "sis"?

Patchouli:Remi are they look like us?

Remilia:Yes it is?

??? 3:*groans*Where are we?

Remilia? and the others saw their original counterpart

Sakuya:Are you all ok?

Remilia?:Yes we're all fine.

Remilia:Umm hello,who are you?

Tiny Remilia:*ahem*Hello,let me introduced myself i'm the Tiny Devil Mistress,Remilia Scarlet.

Tiny Remilia:*ahem*Hello,let me introduced myself i'm the Tiny Devil Mistress,Remilia Scarlet

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