Special OVA Episode 20 - Meiling's Date Route

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- Outside of Scarlet Devil Mansion -

Meiling was asleep during her job as a gatekeeper then she finally woke up about her dream

Meiling:Ugh...i can't sleep myself,about thinking of Kouta being so nice in Gensokyo,even the mistress and others are in love with him and not me,being a gatekeeper is my duty but i want to in love with Kouta,aww....i wish i could be with him while doing my job.

Meiling sighed herself and look behind the gates watching Sakuya,Remilia,Patchouli and Kouta are having a tea party and Meiling fake crying herself

Meiling:Look at him,he's enjoying the tea party,but i wanna joined in too and be with Kouta,but no i'm still have a job as a gatekeeper work.*she sighed*I wish i could date with Kouta...*she continue watching them even Kouta is enjoying himself*

Flandre appeared behind the gates

Flandre:Why the long face Meiling?

Meiling:Well i'm jealous of the mistress and Sakuya spend time with Kouta,but i want to date with Kouta,i'm stuck doing some gatekeeper job.

Flandre:Don't be sad,i tell Sakuya allowed to hangout with my onii-chan!

Meiling:You will?

Flandre:Yep! I be right back!*she rush back to her sister*Onee-chan!

Remilia:Yes Flan?

Flandre:Meiling wants to date with him.

Kouta:Oh she wants me?

Flandre:Yes onii-chan.

Remilia:Alright,Sakuya tell Meiling to allowed to dating Kouta.

Sakuya:Yes mistress.*went to Meiling outside the gates*Alright Meiling my mistress said you can allowed date with Kouta.



Meiling:Thank you Sakuya!*goes inside through the gates and went to Kouta*Kouta! Ready for a date with me!

Kouta:Well sure Meiling.

Meiling:Alright! Let''s go!*take Kouta to behind her mansion*

Kouta:So why are we behind Remilia's Mansion.

Meiling:Well it's simple,let's do a training date!

Kouta:T-t-t-training date!?

Meiling:Of course! I gonna teach some new attack moves by the power qi!

Kouta:Alright,i guess...

Meiling:Alright show me your attacks Kouta!

Kouta:Ehh!?!?! B-b-but i don't want to hurt you,i'm innocent.

Meiling:No. I'm gonna teach you some techniques.


Meiling:Follow my lead!

Meiling do punch,punch and kick and Kouta copy her

Meiling:Yeah,that's it my love!

Meiling setup the decoy dummy

Meiling:Watch me do some combo technique!

- Meiling theme played -

Meiling do some chinese melee attack combos to the dummy while Kouta watching her

Meiling:Now Spell Card: "Rainbow Brilliant Palm"!

Meiling dashes at the dummy and does a palm strike. If it connects, she passes through the opponent, and the opponent is filled with rainbow energy before finally exploding, flying through the air


Then the dummy crashed down on the ground

Meiling:Now your turn Kouta!

Kouta step forward and Meiling goes back and watch him

Kouta:Alright!*he inhale then exhale himself and goes anger himself*I'm ready!

Kouta released his fire aura and start attack the dummy of doing the fire combo attack and the do the fiery kick  the dummy flying upward to the air and Kouta start flying and doing the fiery combo kicks and Meiling was shocked and suprised herself of Kouta doing good of his attack techniques then he grab the dummy leg and spin it around ten 10 times and toss it to the ground and finishes with a huge plasma firefox ball

Kouta:This is the power of love!*then throw it to the dummy and explode it and then he landed on the ground*

- her theme stopped -

Meiling:Woah! That was...AMAZING!!!!*sparkle her eyes*


Meiling:Let's continue training Kouta!


Meiling and Kouta start training each other while Sakuya watching them and she smile

- 5 hours later -

Kouta and Meiling are exhausted themselves

Kouta:*whew*Thanks for the training Meiling,i appreciate you.

Meiling:*giggles*No problem my love,tomorrow let's continue our training date sure.

Meiling nod do the chinese bow to him and Kouta copying it to her and Meiling giggles and goes to him

Meiling:I love you Kouta,someday you be stronger soon.*she kiss him*

Kouta:*blushes*I will Meiling.

Meiling:Good boy~

Sakuya:*offscreen*Kouta dinner is ready.

Kouta:Coming! I gotta go now Meiling see ya!

Meiling:Bye Kouta!

Kouta went back inside her mansion and Meiling goes outside the mansion and guard the gate and she look up the night sky

Meiling:Kouta you're the best boyfriend ever,i hope your friends will support you soon on your journey.

- the end -

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