Special Assignment

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Author's Note: Why do we have two sergeants in Twenty Squad? How did that come to be? Read to find out the story of how Officer Daniel Harrelson Jr. became a leading sergeant.


"Hey!" Buck called, approaching Deacon and Hondo.

The garage was a furnace, even with the fans blasting air on high speed. Buck had assigned specific tasks to each member, including Hondo, Deacon and Luca. The trio was in charge of optimizing, checking, cleaning and polishing the tank. Deacon and Hondo situated themselves under the raised hood of the vehicle, while Luca worked the dash and the others polished the accessories, did inventory and completed the paperwork.

All three were sweating bullets, wearing their sweats and polyester uniform shirt drenched in perspiration. The warmth from the engine, plus the intense heat wave hitting Los Angeles made their bodies sweat profusely!

Hondo and Deacon stopped their tasks and immediately turned to the tired older gentleman. Deacon held the old rag in one hand, while holding in place the metal piece in the other. Hondo lifted his gaze from under the hood of the tank. Luca, who sat in the passenger's seat, working on cleaning and polishing, immediately noticed his boss coming in with something in hand. The rest of the squad also noticed the action, stopping their movements around the shop.

Hondo was surprised when Buck called, with a serious expression on his face. The young officer shot a look at Deacon, who shrugged. He turned to Buck and straightened up, watching as the older officer went around Deacon and stopped by his side.


Buck dumped a closed envelope on the metal 3 tier trolley right next to the vehicle and continued on his path...in complete silence. The younger officers exchanged frowns in silence and stared at their boss, as he left the garage.

There was an awkward silence while Hondo placed the wrench on the side and headed to the trolley. He wiped his hands on his dirtied sweats and took a look at the outside of the envelope.

Daniel Harrelson Jr., he read.

He turned to Deacon and Luca, who shrugged and frowned in puzzlement. They were both intrigued by the mystery delivery. Hondo took a look at where Buck had exited, to make sure the man had left. Then, he grabbed the envelope and took a peak inside.


He froze, then raised his eyebrows back. Luca had stepped out of the tank and stood staring straight at him. Deacon hadn't moved a muscle. Both frowned surprised.

Without saying a word, Hondo took the envelope and rushed out after Buck. He went through the corridor, down busy rooms, hallways and training areas. No Buck.

Finally, he decided to go up the stairs to the lookout room, right above the floor of the training facility. He found Buck jotting down the assignments for the next drills.


Hondo tried catching his breath as two younger men exited the room, rushing by him. Now, with the office clear, he approached his leader. Silence.

"Study that. Exam's in three weeks!" Buck said, eyes glued on the paper. No emotions, no nothing.

"Say what?" Hondo asked confused. "Buck, what is- what?"

"No fuss, no complaints, Hondo. You know the rules. You get lucky in the ring, you pay the price!" Buck snapped, annoyed.

It took a second for Hondo to get it. Buck was known all around as a sore loser, and when Deacon announced Hondo had won on a one on one match up that week, everybody warned him he would ultimately lose. He laughed it off, but noticed nobody joined in. He really pissed off the boss!

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