Chapter 20- "Nathan's Plan"

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(Earlier that morning)

I sat by the counter with a cup of coffee in my hands, while listening to the sound of Savannah's footsteps on the floor above my head. Glancing towards the ceiling, I took a sip of my drink, allowing the liquid to add to the warmth which spread in my chest at the thought of getting used to the feeling of having Savannah in my home. It was reassuring.

While registering the vibrations of her steps, my phone rang, and I noticed it was Natalie calling me.

Accepting the call, I answered, "Nat-"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" She interrupted my greeting.

Wincing and pulling the phone from my ear, I sighed and closed my eyes.

Oh boy.

"Nathan!" She called my name.

"Hey little sis." I eased the phone back to my auricle.

"Don't do that Nathan. What the heck where you thinking?" She chided.

"I was thinking of choosing what's best for you." I replied calmly, while I heard Savannah move from the end of the hall, and across towards my room.

"Nathan, I'm not three anymore. You need to stop, I can take care of myself." She reminded me for the umpteenth time.

"Yes, and I'm older, and technically your legal guardian. So I guess I'll never stop. Just go with Sam, everything will be fine." I casually replied.

"You're impossible." Natalie concluded.

"Love you too. I gotta go." I ended the call, just as Savannah made it down the stairs.

Throwing my phone on the counter, I glanced at Savannah, and caught her signature observant gaze surveying me from head to toe. I noticed she always did that whenever she caught me in a moment that wasn't routine. It's as if she wasn't sure what version of me she'd meet.

She stopped a few steps away, and I drank from my cup to keep from scolding her about not greeting me properly. She blinked when she noticed my gaze, and she gulped as I swallowed.

"Good morning." Her tone was hesitant, almost dumbfounded.

That wasn't the greeting I wanted. After last night, all I wanted was an embrace. Nothing else would suffice. But Savannah didn't known that. I needed to make her know that.

Placing my cup down, I took note of the bunched clothing in her arms.

What was she doing with those?

She noted my questioning stare, and her pink lips moved on my silent accord.

"I noticed you guys have a laundry room while heading towards the back door. Natalie's coming back today and I wanted to have these cleaned before she got back. I also wanted to wash the sheets I slept on." She explained without pause, and I appreciated the slight widening in her eyes, as if she didn't want me to waste my brain cells assuming her next move.

Then I realized what she said. Natalie was coming back...

Savannah believed Natalie was coming back; And if she wasn't so happy for it. I could see her yearn to escape me shine in her pupils.

Hating that Savannah was so excited to leave, I could only blink and sip my coffee, needing a distraction. I watched the light extinguish from her eyes instantaneously. But now she wasn't the only one annoyed. Unable to handle this sudden surge of emotion, I placed my cup down and left the kitchen without a word to Savannah.

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