Is This The Afterlife For An Enderman?

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  (Words that are bolded will be Enderman speaking, and underlined words are thoughts for the characters!)

~ Location: ??? - [Name]'s POV - Third Person ~

All [Name] could remember was a flash of pain, then darkness.. what could almost feel like peace, a warm feeling, something [Name] has not felt in a very long time. Then there was a flash a green light, then once more, darkness. [Name] could barely hear a voice, but then a hand appears, and something tells them to take that hand, and not let go that hand go.

When [Name] came back to their senses, they felt crammed in this strange box, I mean.. who wouldn't? Especially a someone whose at least around 9 feet tall, that's like.. 2.7 meters? [Name] also felt something weird hugging their body, it felt soft, and comfortable, but this crammed space was really killing [Name]. 

Outside of the crammed space [Name] was in, a little fire cat, lashing his pitchfork tail in anticipation, looking around his surroundings in search of a certain special robe that could hopefully get him into this school. 

~ Location: Somewhere In The Mirror Chamber Or Wherever They Keep The Coffins - Grim's POV - First Person ~

"Crap, crap! I gotta find me one of those uniforms.. but where..?" I thought as I sneakily moved around. I then came across this specific coffin that just had this peculiar aura around it, and I knew.. this was the coffin I'd get my uniform from! I try to open the lid, but man, this thing weighs a ton, a real big ton!

 ~ Location: Somewhere - [Name]'s POV - Third Person ~

[Name] had sensed the strange little creature outside, and figure that there must be more space outside of what [Name] must be in. [Name] then teleports right outside what appears to be a coffin, they notice they seem to be wearing.. clothes, but they clothes seemed fancy, expensive. Definitely not what even of the villagers wore when [Name] had observed villages from afar. When [Name] look down, they saw a grey furred little cat beast trying to open the lid, seemingly unaware of [Name]'s spooky presence.

[Name] quickly loses interest, and teleports away. [Name] ends up in a courtyard under the moon light, and teleports again to end up in a library. [Name] looks at the books in wonder, but they soon here the little scampering that could only belong to the little cat beast from earlier.


"Aha! There you are! I was wondering where my uniform went, HAND IT OVer-? Whoa! You're really tall!" The little cat beast said, looking up at you in shock, though your face was covered by the hood. "W-well, I'm sure that uniform will still fit me, SO HAND IT OVER, HUMAN-- me-YEOW!!" The little cat beast shouted again, but this time there was a scream of pain as the little cat beast had been hit by a whip. 

"Consider it tough love." A strange man in a bird mask said, appearing out of no where. "Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students?" The strange bird man asks, a sweat gland appearing just a little below the mask at the realization of your height. "AheM.. My, were you ever eager to make your debut." The strange bird man collected himself. "And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules."

"As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!" The little cat beast spoke up. "Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?" The strange bird man silenced him. "Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it. Does the very notion of patience elude you? No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber."

The strange bird man hadn't made direct eye contact with [Name] yet, therefore [Name] isn't angered with him, nor feel the need to attack, and followed him to this so called Mirror Chamber. The bird man had introduced himself as Dire Crowley, the Headmage of the school, Night Raven College. As Crowley and [Name] walked to the Mirror Chamber, Crowley rambled on and on about the school, and magic, and this carriage that delivers students to the school, but [Name] drowned out his voice with the sounds of the night.

||Minecraft X Twisted Wonderland|| Various X GenderNeutral!Ender"man"!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now