1//Prom: Love Story ♡

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I ran to meet up with my friend group at the end of the hall before lunch was over. "Heyy!!" I said, approaching them. "Are you guys excited for prom tonight?" I asked them, giggling to myself. "Yeah but I bet you're more excited because you finally have a date" my friend replied squealing, teasing me. I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Oh come on, we know you're happy that you get to go with Chris, don't play dumb with us" they teased. I looked over to notice the only one in the friend group who wasn't laughing, Conan. He had this sort of intense look on his face, almost like he was angry or irritated. I couldn't quite place his emotions, and I wondered why he didn't seem as excited for me as everyone else.

I've been friends with Conan for a long time, so I really wasn't sure why this would bother him. I glanced over to see Chris walk past us in the hallway, i smiled and waved but he didn't notice me for some reason. But I'm sure he just had his mind occupied on something else. I looked over at Conan to see him lean back against the wall, cross his arms and glare at Chris, I really wondered what was bothering him.

My other friend excitedly shook my arm. "Your dress is so beautiful oh my goodness I just know Chris is going to love it!!!" She said to me.
I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully laughing at her statement. "Ooohhhh do you think you'll finally get your first kiss?!" She asked me, teasingly. "Stop" I said, blushing and hiding my face. I glanced over at Conan again, who seemed to be breathing rather deeply all of the sudden.

He looked really upset, angry even. He wasn't talking to any of us and I really didn't know why. His glare was intense, I noticed his jaw clenched as he refused to take part in our little conversation. I've sort of been feeling this strange tension between Conan and I recently, and I don't know exactly what it is. Either way, I wasn't too focused on it and I figured my night with Chris would take my mind off of it.

With that, the bell rang, interrupting my thoughts and signaling us to go to class. "Don't forget to send me pictures of your dress tonighttt!!" My friend said to me, walking in the other direction with 3 of our other friends. "I will!! You send me yours!!" I giggled. Conan began to walk away, looking back at me briefly. I noticed his eye contact, it was rather intense.

I looked away and began walking to my classroom. I wondered what could be bothering him. Does he not like Chris? That's pretty strange since everyone in my grade likes Chris.
He's the popular one, he's on the football team, and there are girls in my grade who would kill to go to prom with him. I was shocked he even asked me, and this is my first time going on an actual "date" and it was with him. I spent the majority of my class sitting at my desk, zoning out and thinking about tonight and how ecstatic I was. I couldn't wait to get ready.

But my mind couldn't help but continue pondering what could possibly have bothered Conan so much today at lunch. Maybe he's upset he doesn't have a date? I don't know. I really couldn't figure it out. Either way, the rest of my friend group is super excited for me. At the end of classes, the final bell rang dismissing me from my boredom and I was finally able to go home and start getting ready.

I did my makeup very soft and feminine, subtle yet romantic. I hummed along to a soundtrack of taylor swift and lana del rey as I dramatized myself curling my hair. Finally, I changed out of my satin slip dress and into my beloved gown. I glanced at myself in the mirror, softly smiling as I admired the beauty of my dress that so carefully paired with my soft and delicate curls, the quaint sparkles that glistened off my collarbone.

Lastly, I put on some lip gloss and my signature perfume, the last step in my getting ready ritual.

Chris and I had planned to meet at the venue, which was supposed to be this beautiful vintage ballroom. The theme was "romeo and juliet" and it fit perfectly. I kind of thought Chris would walk in with me, but it's ok. He said it would be easier for him if we just met somewhere in the venue, so I'm ok with it I guess, whatever works better for him is fine for me.

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