4// Kiss Me

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Your pov:

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Your pov:

Today started out like any other day in my life. I walked around my apartment, the cold air blowing on my skin making me shiver. I got dressed into warmer clothes and went into the kitchen to go make coffee. Lately everything reminds me of him. I haven't seen him in a few days and today it really hit me, I miss him. I saw he left his hoodie on couch from last weekend when he was here. I carefully put it on over my head, realizing it still smelled like him. I couldn't get this feeling out of my head. It was driving me crazy. I have feelings for him. I didn't want to admit this to myself because I currently am in a relationship already, plus I've been friends with Conan for years. Lately, my boyfriend Jonah has been... kind of distant. I don't know what it is, but I feel like he may be falling out of love with me, which hurts to think about because I still love him. He's been ignoring my calls, he barely texts me, and we barely hang out as much as we used to. I thought maybe I'd go over to his place to spend time with him, maybe this will put my mind in the right headspace and help me get Conan out of my mind.

I gathered my things and went into my car. On the way to his place, I picked up a coffee for him because I know it's his favorite. I enjoyed driving to take my mind off of my thoughts, some times my thoughts drive me crazy. Maybe I don't really feel those things about conan, maybe I really just miss affection from jonah. I drove up to his place excited to finally be in the arms of my boyfriend again, I hope he feels the same. I knocked on the door several times and didn't get an answer. Confused, I started to walk away disappointed. "hello?" I hear someone ask. I turn around. Ending up face to face with a girl who wasn't me. "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm with Jonah... do you know him?". "I think i know everything I need to know about him" I said, my voice breaking as tears began to form as I realized what was going on. Jonah steps out of the doorframe. He said nothing. "I thought you loved me. I cared about you. I cared about us" I said to him, tears streaming down my face at this point. "I should've known, I'm sorry for ever telling you I love you when you didn't love me back" I yelled, taking off the necklace he bought for me and throwing it away.

I got back into my car, still crying uncontrollably. I can't believe I didn't see this coming. I don't know how I could be stupid enough to think he really loved me. I sobbed the whole way home, feeling my heart cripple slowly into a thousand broken pieces. As I arrived home, I lied on my bed, still crying. In a moment of weakness, I caved and texted conan. I knew I shouldn't be doing this because things have been complicated with him lately. I can't deny that I still have feelings for him, and I know he doesn't see me the same way, so I can't risk putting our friendship on the line. Either way, feelings or not, I needed him. He's the only person that will make the pain hurt a little less and I knew that. While I waited for him to arrive, I sat there telling myself not to act weird around him so he won't find out how I feel. I should be able to do this, I've known conan for a long time. It shouldn't be too difficult to conceal my feelings that, apparently, to my dismay, seemed to be growing stronger by the minute. I heard a knock at the door and the nervous butterflies rush to my stomach, healing pieces of my broken heart. I walk up to the door slowly. "Don't tell him please don't be weird ok it's fine everything is fine" I repeated to myself.
I open the door to see him standing there looking at me adoringly, wearing the same gray tank top he always wears, his hair tangled in a soft and curly mess. His glasses framing his pretty face so perfectly. Without saying anything, conan could tell I had been crying and slowly wrapped his arms around me to pull me in towards his chest to hug me. This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought. Something about being In Conans arms made me feel so safe, so secure. I couldn't really explain what feeling it is, but it was very present. "You can tell me anything, you know" conan said to me, cupping my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes. "I know" I said, half smiling at him, experiencing about every kind of feeling I told myself I wouldn't have. "Let's go sit down and you can tell me about today" he said, softly grabbing my hand and leading me towards the couch. It's been a while since I've seen Conan, and oh how I've missed him dearly. I told conan about everything. Well, not everything, per say, but everything that had to do with jonah cheating on me. Conan was everything I needed right now. Just him and I on my sofa eating out of the same ice cream tub and laughing at the same stupid jokes to numb the pain of today.

He makes me forget why I was so broken in the first place.
I lied my head on his shoulder and played with the longer pieces of his curls that fell upon it. It was raining outside by now and the sound of the rain brought me a sense of tranquility. Conan looked down at me adoringly and smiled. That same smile that gives me butterflies every single time. I smiled back a little and awkwardly looked away as I couldn't let him see me blush. He can't know how I feel about him, but he was making it pretty damn difficult. I got up from his shoulder and moved closer to the other side of the sofa because I couldn't let him see me like this. He was still looking at me and I pretended I didn't notice. "I hope you're feeling better now, love. I can't handle seeing you as upset as you were earlier. I can't watch you cry" he said to me. "You know what conan, you make everything so much better. I'm so glad that you're always here to make me feel better." I said, moving my mind away from the fact that he just called me love and I was flustered. "You know what I always say, anything for you" he said smiling at me. "Wait Is that my hoodie?"
He paused noticing that I was still wearing the sweater of his that I had put on earlier. "Um,, I think it might be.. is it? I wasn't sure because I just saw it on the sofa earlier and was cold so I just threw it on really quickly" I said, stumbling on my words. Conan giggled at me "mmhm ok" he said, half believing my excuse. "You know, it looks cute on you actually" he said, my heart fluttering at his compliment. "You think so?" I asked laughing. He nodded, giggling to himself at my clumsiness. laughing, we both ended up just sitting there kind of staring into each others eyes. I didn't notice until a few seconds of silence passed. I swear it must've been in my head but I could've almost seen him glance at my lips for a moment. But I am just love drunk on these stupid feelings for him and probably imagined it. I quickly broke contact. "It looks like the rain is getting pretty harsh out there" I said, making up an excuse. "You should probably head home before it gets too bad" I said, breaking conan out of his daze. "Oh, right, yeah you're right" he said, re entering reality.  He got up and put his jacket on. "You want the hoodie back?" I asked him as he was getting ready to leave. "You know, it looks cuter on you than it does me. Besides, it's at your house more than it is mine"
he said, laughing to himself. "You know, I think there was something i wanted to tell you earlier but I can't remember" he said, looking back into his thoughts. "Was it important..?" I asked confused. "It was, but maybe the universe is stopping me from saying something really stupid." He laughed. "Maybe, but not much that you say is stupid" I said. "You'd be surprised" he laughed. We both went in for a hug but it was more awkward this time. I was too nervous to act like a normal person and I don't know what conan was doing but he almost seemed...nervous? And I've never seen this man nervous. "Call me if you need me, I'll be over just like that" he said to me while he walked out the door, the rain pouring down a bit harder than before. "Thank you, conan. For tonight. Oh and also, if you ever remember what that important thing was that you wanted to tell me, don't hesitate to let me know" I said, laughing a little. "Will do!" conan said as he walked towards home, waving back to me. I closed the door behind me, taking a breath of relief. I almost exposed my feelings for him and I really hope he couldn't tell how nervous I was. I can't tell what it is but something about him seems, a bit different lately.

His voice a bit deeper, his hair a bit softer, and he looked at me in a way he usually doesn't. But i couldn't read him exactly. it's stupid to even have feelings for someone who sees you as only a friend.
Just as I was getting lost in my own thoughts, a knock at the door brought me back into reality. I opened it confused to see conan standing there, soaking wet in the rain, breathing heavily as if he ran back. I stepped out on to the doorstep, the rain falling down hard around me. "Conan?" I asked. "What are you doing here?" I said confused. "I know I said I had something to tell you. Well I remember now." He said, still out of breath. "Tell me" I said. He brought his hand to the side of my face and pulled me In towards his as his lips swiftly met mine. His hand on my waist pulling me closer as he kissed me passionately and sweetly, the miraculous and indescribable feeling of a thousand butterflies running throughout me as i finally kissed the one I loved. I was stiff in shock at first but eventually melted into the kiss and his soft and careful touch. Both of us completely lost in each other and in the moment, not caring about the pouring rain that fell upon us. "I'm in love with you. I love you." he said to me as he pulled away, our foreheads resting on each others. "Conan, I've always loved you" I said to him, the both of us laughing stupidly as the cold rain poured all around us, he pulled me in again as we stood there at my doorstep, in the rain, two lovers hopelessly drunk on love.

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