3//Coffee Shop ♡

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I woke up and looked out the window, admiring the autumn colored trees and dusty gray sky over New York. Ah, autumn in New York City. Something about it is so beautiful, almost romantic. Romantic for who, though? Certainly not me. I wouldn't exactly know what that feels like since I've never been in a relationship. Maybe some day, though. Perhaps I will just magically bump into the guy of my dreams one of these days. Ugh, what am I saying? The chances of that happening any time soon are slim, rather, practically impossible. After I showered, I lit some autumn candles (can you tell I love autumn?) And started doing my makeup. I decided to wear a cute outfit today since I'm going to my favorite cafe in the city this afternoon. As I got ready to leave, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. It was indeed cold outside, and I shivered at the way the wind felt blowing through my loosely wavy hair. As I approached the coffee shop, I admired the way it looked from the outside on an autumn day like today, the warm lighting illuminating the entire interior of the place. The little bell rang as I opened the door. I found myself greeted with a wave of the familiar warm smell of white chocolate croissants and freshly steamed coffee.
My cheeks turned red from being in the cold, which I was embarrassed by. I walked in carrying my homework with me that needed to be written for my university work. I didn't like carrying all these papers with me, but I didn't mind the work as it's all the things I am interested in. I placed my purse down at a little two-seater booth table and lined up to order. Ordering makes me really nervous and I honestly wish I wasn't here alone, but here we are. As my turn approached, I ended up ordering the same thing I always do, a vanilla latte, steamed at the top, with a sprinkle of cinnamon. After my drink was placed on the counter, I placed my hands around the warm cup, melting into it's warmth. I turned around swiftly to find myself harshly bumping into someone. I collided right into the side of his shoulder as he was walking to same direction as me, causing me to drop some of my papers. He was taller than me, I backed away and looked up at him embarrassed at the encounter. I looked up at his face, God he was gorgeous. He was wearing a white tank top with a black leather jacket over it. His dark curly hair fell over his broad shoulders softly, framing his beauty-marked face perfectly. I could've stared at him for longer but I stopped myself.
He briefly looked me up and down as the two of us stood there for a short moment, not sure of what to say and equally embarrassed. We both snapped back into reality. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry" he said to me, apologetically. "No no it's ok, really, I should've been paying more attention to where I was going" I scrambled to find the right words. "Here, let me help you" he said to me flustered, as he bent down in front of me helping me pick up my papers. The two of us by coincidence reached for the same paper, our hands briefly brushing each other's making my heart race. I pulled my hand away quickly, even though I longed for the contact. He looked up at me and looked away swiftly, I could tell he was blushing from the situation. We both stood up at the same time, the boy handed me my papers all put together neatly. "Here, I'm really sorry about that" he said politely. "No you're fine, don't worry about it" I said smiling, reassuring him. The boy smiled back at me softly, still flustered. I didn't want to walk away from him but I couldn't just stand there staring at him forever (as much as I wanted to). I walked back over to my little two-seater booth table, still blushing from my encounter with him.

I played that little encounter back in my mind over and over again, and I was having trouble concentrating on my work when I knew he was just a few tables away from me. I looked up at him once more, this time taking note of more details than before. He pushed his long hair back with his hand and took a sip of his coffee. He looked like he was deep in thought. He was so pretty. I mentally slapped myself for staring, and continued writing. I was writing for about 15 minutes when I noticed someone standing next to my table. "Hey, I'm sorry but do you mind if I sit here?" My heart dropped. I knew that voice from anywhere. I looked up slowly to be met with the brown eyes of him again. It was impossible to make eye contact with him when I was just imagining myself dating him 10 minutes ago. "Oh, yeah yeah, sure" I said, flustered. He smiled and sat down in front of me. "I just realized I never got your name" I looked up and said to him nervously. "Oh, right. I'm Conan" he said, half smiling at me. I introduced myself to him as well. "So, do you come here a lot?" He asked hesitantly. "Almost every day" I laughed. "I like doing my university work here, it helps me focus" I said to him. "Oh, is that biology?" He asked curiously.
"Yes and it's driving me crazy" I laughed. "I could probably help you, if you want me to" he said to me. I felt butterflies form in the pit of my stomach. "Really? That would be great, I'm really confused on these questions" I replied. "Yeah of course, I took advanced biology in highschool. I almost went to university for it". "thank you so much" I said to him. He moved over right next to me on the seat of the table booth, close to me. He moved the paper towards him and started reading it over. I waited patiently as he read the questions, my heart racing from our closeness. Do you have an extra pen? He asked, looking down at me. "W- what?" I stuttered. "I said, do you have an extra pen" he asked, laughing. "Oh, right, here" I gave him my pen and he started writing. He helped me understand the questions as well as the answers he gave, but it was honestly hard for me to focus on what he was saying when he was so close to me. After about an hour of him helping me study and my stomach feeling like it was going to explode from the nerves and butterflies, Conan got up to get us more coffees. While he was gone I tried to compose myself, finding it impossible to stop blushing and being so nervous. "You said this was your favorite, right?"
He placed the cup down next to me, a vanilla latte, steamed at the top with a sprinkle of cinnamon. "Yes, and you even got the cinnamon part right. How did you know?" I asked giggling, slightly confused. Conan just looked at me from the side smiling and winked at me, sending that rush of warmth over me again. I blushed and looked away. "I've never tried the vanilla latte before, what's it taste like?" He asked me. "It's really good, here, try it" I said to him. Normally I wouldn't share drinks with anyone, but for some reason, with him I didn't mind. "Here, you try mine then" he said half smiling, pushing his cup towards me. "Agh, Is this plain black coffee??" I asked, my eyebrows knitted. Conan just started laughing. "What's so funny?" I said, "Who even drinks black coffee?". "Nothing I just thought it was cute" he said, still laughing at me. I felt my face get warm again. "What??" I replied. "You. I think you're cute" conan said without hesitation, still smiling. "Oh" I said, flustered. I handed him back his cup, embarrassed from my lipstick stain over the lid. Conan just sat there with that same smirk of his that was making me blush. He placed his hand on the table next to mine, our fingers just barely touching. My heart started to race.
I noticed the rings he had on his fingers, and the chipped black nail polish that remained. "I better get going I guess, it's dark out now" I said to him hesitantly, his lips curving into a slight frown. "I'll walk you home" he said. "It's dark out and it's cold and this is New York after all, I don't want you out walking alone" he said, concerned. "Oh, ok then. Thanks" I said to him, my lips forming a smile and his doing the same. The two of us packed up our things and headed towards the door. I hadn't planned to stay at the cafe this long, I only stayed because of him. And because he was helping me study, which I definitely needed (although biology has been the least on my mind this evening somehow). He held the door for me as we exited the cafe. We were hit with an even colder wind that earlier, my legs shivering under my black tights and mini skirt (maybe not the wisest choice for today but I still look cute so). Conan seemed to notice and looks down at me worriedly. "You're cold" conan said to me, stating the obvious. I watched him as he took off his leather jacket, stopping me and placing it around me. I looked up at him surprised, not sure of what to say. "Aren't you going to be cold? You don't need to do that." I said to him.
"I'm fine, as long as you're ok then I'm ok" he replied as we began walking, sending that warm feeling over me again. I secretly winced at the thought of wearing his jacket, and the fact that he gave it to me. It smelled like him, like his cologne. Along the sidewalk to my apartment, the two of us walked side by side. I have to say, the sidewalk at night is a rather scary place to be alone, so I was certainly glad that conan was here with me. I blushed at the thought of him wanting to go with me to make sure I was ok. That's really sweet of him. I watched from the side as the wind softly blew through his curls, my heart melting at the sight. And in that moment, and two of us walking side by side, I winced as my hand accidentally brushed his. I kept walking, secretly dying inside. Conan let his hand brush against mine again, this time it was definitely not an accident. His hand found it's way to mine, slowly encasing it with his as he intertwined our fingers together. My stomach dropped. I looked up at him, my lips parted and my mouth agape. He just looked down at me, with that half smirk of his. The two of us kept walking towards my place, in a comfortable silence admiring the company of each other.

The city looked a little different tonight, maybe it was the lights from the buildings surrounding us, maybe it was too many cups of coffee cursing through my system. It was something, but I couldn't quite place it. Something almost tainted with a hint of romance. I couldn't believe that the boy I had started falling for was holding my hand right now. As we approached my apartment, the two of us walked next to each other, close and with conans hand still around mine. I felt so safe with him. I approached my apartment door, Conans hand letting go of mine. I missed the contact badly. "Thanks for tonight, Conan" I said smiling at my door as I took off his jacket that he gave me and gave it back to him. "Anytime" he said, smiling back. "You know, whenever you need biology help, or someone to walk you home, I'm here" I softly laughed at his cuteness. He put his jacket back on. After the laughter died down, the two of us just stood there, looking at each other. Conan broke the silence. "I better get going, you probably have a lot to do" he said. "Oh ok, yeah. Well, maybe we could meet up some other time?" I asked, hopefully. "I'd love too." He said, as he turned and began to walk away slowly.
I unlocked my door, missing him already. Right when I was about to open my door, I turned around. "Conan wait!!" I yelled to him. He turned around swiftly, and began to walk back to my door. "I forgot to say goodnight" i said looking up at him, making up an excuse. He looked at my expression, squinting with a smirk, almost studying me, clearly able to tell I was lying. "I just, I was wanting to say, I'm-" I stuttered, slowly being cut off by Conan leaning into me. He gently placed his hand around my waist, his other hand trailing under my jawline, pulling me in closer as i slowly closed my eyes. His lips brushed against mine as he pulled me into a sweet yet passionate kiss. His other hand trailed down my arm to hold my hand making me feel safe, my arms found their way over his shoulders. I relaxed and felt so comforted in his arms. He kissed me softly and sweetly, and he still smelled of vanilla coffee from earlier. I completely melted into his graceful and gentle touch. He was, apparently, a hopeless romantic. It felt like a movie. I wanted it to last forever, for him to be close to me forever. Slowly, our lips parted, and I opened my eyes to the close proximity of our faces. "Goodnight to you too" he said, winking at me and leaving me a blushing mess.

With that, he gently took both of my hands in his and softly kissed me on the cheek. As we parted he slowly let go of my hands, turning around briefly smiling at me as he walked away. I smiled and bit my lip as I opened my apartment door, my thoughts only thinking about him. I landed in my bed, feeling like I was in some movie, smiling and dreaming about the boy I met in the coffee shop as I looked out my window with a love drunk grin. I opened my journal smiling as I began to write today's entry. "Page 1: New York Romantic".

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