Never Ending Kiss

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It was late at night, I was sitting on my couch eating ice cream alone out of the container, feeling lonely

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It was late at night, I was sitting on my couch eating ice cream alone out of the container, feeling lonely. I glanced to the side and saw my boyfriend Conan's sweater next to me. I missed him. I grabbed the sweater, smelling his cologne on it still. His scent still lingered there. Then it hit me, I missed him, badly. I was about to text him, when he texted me first. Maybe he was feeling the same way as me, perhaps. I read his texts, blushing at his words. "I really really miss u princess🌹" he wrote. "I know it's late. Can I come over?" He asked. "I thought you'd never ask. I need to pick up some groceries anyways <3" I replied, making an excuse to be out this late at night. "I'll pick you up ;)<3" he wrote, leaving me a blushing mess, as usual. I hadn't seen conan in almost a week, he's been so busy working on his new song that we have barely seen each other, and God did I miss him. I missed him, I missed his kisses, his tight hugs and his soft hands. I fixed myself up before he got here, waiting for the text that said he's here. "Here my love, if you're ready<3" he texted, I smiled down at my phone and blushed a little. I locked the front door and took the elevator down from my apartment to meet conan out front. I saw him through the window, typical conan wearing his leather jacket and sunglasses this late at night. He looked so perfect, I just wanted to kiss him right then. I opened the car door, happy to finally see my boyfriend. "Hey c-" I mumbled before my words were cut off from conan smashing his lips against mine in the passenger's seat. As much as it caught me by surprise, I enjoyed it to no end. Oh how I missed his lips on mine. His pretty hands covered with the fingerless gloves he was wearing held the side of my face. I slowly pulled away, conan looking disappointed that I pulled away, like he wanted more. Secretly, I did too. But we did honestly need to get going before the grocery store actually closed. "Hello to you too" I laughed, breathlessly. "I missed you. God I missed you" Conan said looking over to me from the drivers seat, his breathing still heavy. "I missed you more" I winked at him, conan just smiled back. He went to lean in for more but I had to stop him. "We have to leave co, the grocery store is closing and I have to pick up a few things for our dinner tomorrow" I said, snapping conan back into reality. "Oh, yeah right ok" he said as he started the car and we began driving. On the way there, I kept stealing glances at conan, he looked so perfect, his messy curls placed just right and my favorite jacket of his on him. He placed his hand on my thigh next to him, I blushed as I always do when he's like this. The lights from the street beamed into the car window as we drove into the night, faint music playing over the car speakers. Something about being in the car with conan late at night gave me butterflies. We finally pulled into the parking lot of the store, it was completely dead, there was nobody there except us. "You chose a good time to go grocery shopping" he laughed softly as he pulled in to the parking lot. I rolled my eyes at him playfully as we got out of the car, conan waiting for me so he could hold my hand before we went in to the store. The fluorescent lights of the empty grocery store illuminated the parking lot in the nighttime air. Something about conan wearing fingerless gloves sent butterflies into the pit of my stomach, and I tried with all my might not to show it. As we entered the empty store, we saw a few cashiers and maybe two or three other people shopping. Conan took off his sunglasses as he stood there at the entrance, his hand still holding onto mine tightly. The only sounds I heard was the beeping of the cash registers and the slight buzzing of the stores fluorescent lights. I grabbed a basket in one hand, walking around looking at the aisles and trying to recall in my head the things I needed to get. Conan rubbed his thumb up and down over my hand as we walked. I was melting inside when I finally told him. "Conan stop that" I said looking flushed. "What? He replied, smirking. "You know exactly what" I said, still blushing. "Why? Because you want to kiss me so bad right now but you just can't because you don't want people to see us?" He whispered next to me as I froze mid aisle. "Conan. What are you talking about..." I said stuttering on my words as they left my mouth. "You know, there's like nobody here". He said, a slight smirk on his face. "And? I said still pretending to look at groceries. "And I don't think we finished our kiss in the car, if I recall.." he said slyly. "Conan are you going to help me look for the groceries or no" i walked in front of him, trying to hide the fact that i was a blushing mess pretending to focus on groceries that i honestly couldn't care less about at the moment. Conan grabbed my hand from behind and gently pushed me against the end of the aisle, his arm against the wall and his face inches away from mine. He was so close I could feel his breath on my skin, his breathing becoming heavier. "It's just us, you know" he said in his deep voice next to my ear that sent butterflies into the pit of my stomach. "Conan-" was all I could mumble out before he placed his gloved hands around my waist and his lips against mine once more. I could kiss him all day. My arms trailed up over his chest and lazily around his neck as he kissed me passionately, his body pushing closer against mine as he deepened the kiss and longed to be closer to me. His soft lips enveloped mine as he trailed one of his hands down my arm and back to my waist. Only conan knows exactly what to do to give a girl butterflies. We kissed for minutes, part of me was hoping that nobody saw us, but the part of me who only wanted to be kissing him didn't care. We continued to kiss deeply before we had to part for air. His lips slowly parted from mine, pink and glossy, his face still close to mine. "Conan" I said to him, still blushing furiously. He kissed me once more, he lightly trapped my bottom lip between his teeth and winked at me as he pulled away. He knows exactly how to make me go crazy. He turned around and began walking down the next aisle, leaving me absolutely frozen, stunned and still an embarrassing blushing mess. I snapped back into reality and followed conan down the next aisle. "What did we need down this aisle again baby?" He asked smugly, knowing that I was still flustered like crazy. I walked next to him, giving him a playful glare, conan just smirking at me and my flustered face. He laughed as he put his arm around my waist, his thumb rubbing up and down against me and flipping his hair like he knows drives me crazy. "Now you're just doing it on purpose" I said to him. "Maybe I am?" He replied slyly. "But either way, you sure enjoyed that kiss". "Watch it, Gray" I said to him, Conan just laughed. The two of us intertwined our fingers as we walked down the aisle. The grocery aisle, that is.

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