Brooklyn Baby

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I've known Conan for a little while, after having met him at a fashion show when I first moved to New York. I'd honestly never seen someone as beautiful as him that one night. Every time my friends Madison, Iris and Olivia meet up with me, he usually comes with them. We're all friends of course, and they've been my only friends so far since I've moved here. Ive practically had feelings for Conan since i met him. There is something about him, something so hypnotizing that I just couldn't get over. Small interactions I've had with him like our hands brushing once, or the way he gazes down at me when we're all standing in a group together, replay in my head constantly and interrupt my sleep. I often catch myself tossing and turning recounting and romanticizing every moment I've had with him. Today I'm getting ready to meet up with Iris for lunch and  later we're all going to hang out tonight, this time at his place. I get increasingly nervous every time we hang out, because my romantic feelings for him seem to grow every time. I know that when I see him tonight, with that dark hair of his and that daring, almost glaring vampire look in his eyes that he has late at night, I my stomach will flutter and chills will taper down my back, longing just see what it would be like to kiss him. There's something almost poetic about his eyes, the way his dark hair falls in front of them, something that you would never forget if you looked at him even once.

I was at the mirror getting ready for my lunch with Iris, putting on some light makeup and curling my long hair a bit at the ends. I didn't worry too much about what i was wearing, because I figured I'd be changing anyway before we went to Conan's house for the evening. As I finished up getting ready, I left my apartment and locked the door as I anticipated my meet with Iris at the coffee shop two blocks down.

"Hey" I said to Iris, approaching her when I walked in with a smile. "Y/n!" She said excitedly, running towards me and greeting me with a hug. "How are youuu?!" She said, "it's been like an entire week, we need to debrief" She said, making me laugh. "We certainly do, my life is just so interesting" I replied sarcastically, laughing, causing her to laugh as well. We sat down at a cozy table booth at the corner of the Cafe, I got comfortable taking a sip of my chai tea latte. "SO! What's new in the life of y/n? She asked, sipping her iced mocha. "Well... I haven't really told anyone yet.. but I like Conan. Like, a lot." I confessed, something that the adrenaline of being out in a New York city cafe could get me to confess. "OH MY GOD Y/N REALLY?!" Iris gasped out of excitement. "Yeah, really" I blushed and smiled and hid my face in my hands. "THAT'S SO CUTE!" She replied, her words full of happiness. "Since when? How long? I need to know everything!" She said, excitement still in her voice. "Since like, well... since I met him?" I said, laughing. "AWWW" Iris cooed in adoration, "You guys would make the PERFECT couple" She said, moving around in her seat as if she couldn't sit still. "But Iris! Before you get too excited, I don't think he feels the same way. Conan sees me as a friend and that's all." I said, half smiling at my friend across the table. "You don't know that for sure y/n!" She said. "When Conan falls for someone, he falls hard. But he tends to hide it for some reason. He can be a bit mysterious" she explained. "I guess, but I don't know, I don't think I'll tell him or anything. DON'T TELL HIM ok?" I begged. "I would never, y/n" Iris promised. "But still, you have to tell me eveything" a smile broke out of her serious promise face once more thinking  about Conan and I. I jokingly sighed and rolled my eyes, taking another sip of my Chai latte before we got back into conversation for the next half hour.

Once I got back home, I put my bag down and took my boots off, plopping down on my bed with a deep breath. I was thinking about seeing Conan, of course. Nervously, butterflies filled my stomach with just a singular thought. The thought of seeing him tonight, the ";)" that he sent went he texted me to come to his place because we're all hanging out. The way his vampire-like fangs poked out just under his top lip, grazing his bottom lip every time he smiled. Once again I find myself going down an absolutely chaotic rabbit hole of thoughts, pondering every what-if, and picturing every possible scenario of the evening approaching. I haven't fallen this hard before. Something about him was so entrancing. Sighing, I sat up from my bed, my legs swinging off the side while I peered at my closet. Ah yes, the hour long decision of what I should wear to hangout with friends because I have a crush on one of them. These friendly hangouts had me spending hours in my room getting ready, trying on half of everything in my closet and perfecting my makeup just to probably only have one conversation with Conan when we all get to his house. I decided on a cute little evening dress, as we usually all go out to the bar across the street after we all hangout. Besides, I wanted to look my best for obvious reasons, the main one being delusion. Getting ready is such a little ritual for me, a time where I get to be crazy and delusional and make myself feel pretty in my own little world. I think of him sometimes when I get ready, actually a lot of the time. I think of him when I put on my lipstick, imagining it on him. When I brush my hair, imagining what it must be like to run my hands through his. My stomach flutters at the mere thought, I find comfort in my own imagination. Snapping back into reality, I apply the finishing touches of my makeup, putting on black see through tights to go under my dress and some basic black boots. Ready for the evening at last, now I let the nerves creep in. It's crazy what a crush can do to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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