5//Mornings With Him♡

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the fresh, almost sweet smelling spring breeze rustle through the leaves in the tree outside of the window

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the fresh, almost sweet smelling spring breeze rustle through the leaves in the tree outside of the window. The sunlight was shining in through the bright window, illuminating his bedroom and shimmering off the walls. I inhaled deeply with a slight smile on my face, rubbing the night away from my eyes. It's morning's like these that I live for. The spring breeze, the sweet airy smell, the peaceful sunshine, and him.  Every day waking up next to him is like a dream.

His arms were wrapped warmly around my waist, his face nuzzled into the back of my neck breathing warm breaths against my skin. I sank into his warm embrace and with my fingertips traced gently along his muscular arms that held me tight. His face is so soft and delicate, with beauty marks placed carefully along his cheeks like the stars in the sky. Everything about him was perfect. I gently played with his dark curls, twirling them in my fingers. Delicate moments like these are my favorite.

He starts to wake after me, and opens his eyes to look into mine. Still groggy and a little confused, Conan plasters a sheepish smile along his lips, making me smile in return. "Good morning" I said, smirking to him. "Hi princess" he replied, his eyes still closed and a soft smile along his lips. He sighed a long, drawn out sigh and a yawn that followed. "Can't we just stay here forever?" He asks, his morning voice giving me butterflies. I laugh at his cuteness. He looked down at me while I lay on his bare chest, his arms still holding my waist.

I looked up at him while he stroked my hair gently. "Conan we have to get ready for our picnic hun", I said, encouraging him to get up. "Ok yeah you're right" he replied with a sigh. "I'll get up. I placed gentle kisses along his collarbone, on every beauty mark of his tan skin. He started giggling in return. "You're so beautiful" he said to me smiling, his voice still deep and groggy. I looked up at him and smiled back, his curls laying so perfectly along the pillowcase.

He gently took the side of my face in the palm of his hand and brought it close to him, he gazed into my eyes lovingly and adoringly, a smile on his face. I placed a quick kiss against his soft pillowy lips, pulling back swiftly and quickly getting up out of bed. I feel embarrassed sometimes when I wake up for him to see me with my messy hair and no makeup, in one of his oversized t shirts, yet he doesn't seem to be any less attracted to me at the moment.

"Is that all?" Conan asked laughing, half jokingly, sitting up to look at me. He got out of the bed, his plaid pajama pants and shirtless torso taking up the space in front of me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't staring. He looked me in the eyes deeply as he came closer and closer to me, his fingers trailing down my arms giving me goosebumps and stopping to hold on to my waist as his head tilted to the side, his eyes never leaving mine.

He gently placed his hands on top of mine, placing them on his broad chest, and his back on my waist. The butterflies ran through me like crazy, they always do when I'm with him. His chest rose and fell deeply as his eyes flickered from mine to my lips and back. "May I?" He asked, caringly, tracing his finger under my jawline. I nodded and smiled at him.

He slowly closed the gap between our lips, his were so pretty. The contact of his lips on mine melts me every time, just like our first. Our lips moved together, his so soft against mine. He trailed his fingers down my arm slowly as he kissed me sweetly. The two of us stood there in front of the bright, sunshine riddled bedroom window, kissing each other lovingly like a scene out of some kind of movie. My hand trailed up to his hair, running my fingers through his tangled raven curls as his thumbs trailed up and down along my waist.

The two of us fell gently on top of the bed, conan continued to kiss me as we layed there. Slowly, our lips parted, and I was left blushing an embarrassing amount, conan just gazing at me with that stupid half smile of his that makes me fall every time. "Now will you go get ready?" I asked, laughing. "Hmm, I guess so." He replied slyly, sitting up next to me. "Except one thing" he said. "What?" I looked at him and his stupidly pink lips forming a grin. Conan leaned in and to my surprise began tickling me half to death. "Conan! Stop!" I shouted between my laughter, him hovering atop of me leaving me a giggling mess, the sheets engulfing us as we laughed together, two lovers on a Sunday morning.

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