Chapter 3-Six years later and Clara and her 5 year old daughter Megan.

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A/N: Hi to all of my followers and readers and everyone else in general who read this story too, I am uploading chapter three tonight and sorry about the long wait also but as I say you cannot rush perfection. @singlelady36.

It is now six years later since Clara-Belle's mishaps with her father, she now lives in New York City,she's been living there the past six years she work for the most successful business man and company Wallace and Sons inc,which is own by the New Yorker millionaire Richard Wallace.

Clara work as Richard personal secretary, who deal with all his personal affairs,business meetings and personal events too,such as dates and etc..

Clara-Belle, now has a five year old daughter too,Megan who looks just like her father Ricardo, she even have his captivating green/hazel eyes too.

Megan and her mother was back in Miami,Florida Palm beach, they were spending a weekend with Clara's best friend for life Sapphire at her home where memories all flood back to Clara-Belle from the night she return to her home four hours later than the curfew, to the note Ricardo left which she still have BTW.

A small flashback of six years earlier Nathaniel's party night.

I Couldn't believe, the note my father wrote it was hurtful.

The note: "You knew your curfew. You disobeyed. "Here are your things, don't come back. You are no longer a child of mine."

Then after pouring my heart out to Ricardo, who I thought was my friend, he made sure he got me drunk and did all he wanted with me that night,then again another note.

Ricardo's note: "Morning Clara-Belle, thanks for the chat last night I hope you can sort out your mishaps with your father and I wish you all the best in the future.

I had to go early this morning, I hope we meet again.

Good bye Clara-belle, all the best to you.

Sign Ricardo Wallace.

End of small flash back of six years earlier.

Do I regret that, he left me pregnant?. No I don't regret it one bit because I have got a beautiful daughter out of all of this.

Megan, was sleeping it was already nine twenty three, in the night and Clara-belle and Sapphire was on the balcony talking.

"So Clara," does Megan asks about her father?." Sapphire asks, with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Yes she does,"many times, but I tell her she will see him soon." Clara, reply quickly smiling.

"To be perfectly honest with you," Clara, Ricardo cannot deny Megan because,she's got all of his features even his green/hazel, eyes too."

Sapphire exclaim giving her best friend for life a huge hug.

"That is the reason why," I thank God for Megan and I have been bless to have given birth to such a wonderful, child even if I had to go through all the nine months by myself and throwing up in the bathroom,by myself no one wasn't there to tell me everything was going to be OK or nothing but I wouldn't trade her for the world Sapphire."

Clara told Sapphire this, with a huge smile from ear to ear.

"Oh Clara," I wish you didn't have to go back to New York City," tomorrow morning, I wish you had more time here." Sapphire told Clara sadly looking down, as both herself and Clara-belle got up off of the chairs and is about to turn in and go to bed.

"Me too sapphire," but I could only take the weekend off, work, and because Mr Wallace told me he has got an important, announcement to make Monday morning too and I am the one who send out the memo to the rest of the employees on the thirty fourth floor so they know Mr Wallace need them in the lobby for his important announcement and I take care of all of his business meetings and his personal business affairs and also his coffees too."

Clara reply, hugging Sapphire and going off to bed, so she and Megan can have a good rest and wake up in time for breakfast and be at the airport for their flight back to New York City in the morning.

"Goodnight Clara." Sapphire told her friend walking off to her bedroom.

"Good night Sapphire sweet dreams." Clara reply smiling sweetly at Sapphire as she walk off down the hallway to the guest bedroom........

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