Chapter 13:Is Ricardo Wallace meeting his match at last?.

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Hi , to all my genuine and faithful followers and readers and FB friends and everyone else this is to thank everyone who has been so supportive and caring to me and I also want to say thank you for your help and support for the boost your comments and feedback give me a huge thanks to you all even though I am this moment, fighting with the writer's block. I hope you will enjoy reading this chapter. Golden-author.

"Hey Clara, look out there at the lift, I wonder who she is?."

Sheila told Clara-belle as she shows Clara, a beautiful young girl maybe a year or two years older than Clara-belle, but she was looking extravagant and posh.

"OMG!," Clara-belle, I just realize who it is, I didn't see her very good from afar but she is Sir Grant Taylor's oldest daughter Clarissa Taylor, you do know sir Grant Taylor the wealthy CEO and chief executive he's a very rich businessman very well known in NYC, right?."

Sheila told Clara as she asks her shocked.

Michelle and Ricardo, was inside his office talking about the finishing touches for their wedding such as the table decorations and the streamers for the reception hall and etc.

When Clarissa, walk pass Clara-belle's desk and was walking up towards Ricardo's office door, Clara got up quickly from her desk chair.

"Good afternoon ma'am, but you cannot go inside Mr. Wallace office as yet he is with his fiancee', at the moment discussing their wedding."

"OK, but don't mind me dear, because I am here to discuss a more important matter with Mr. Wallace, or should I say the Wanker!," so please allow me to do this, this is what I came here to do and I am going to do it no one is going to stop me not even the authorities so let me be, thank you, and are you his personal secretary be careful of him he's a pervert, quit this job."

"If I was you I would have quit this job for my own safety."

Clarissa told Clara-belle, everything as she holds the office door knob and turns it open and slowly step inside Ricardo's office with a fake smile on her lips.

A shock Clara-belle, walk back to her desk and sat back down in her chair.

"Did you hear all of that Sheila?."

Clara asks still shock about what Clarissa said about Ricardo, it makes her wonder what happen between them, but she didn't wonder for long because Clarissa's words are similar to what Emelia said about him and what brought Emelia to her home was pregnancy too because she got pregnant for him too just like she did, so she knew Clarissa was pregnant for her wanker boss as Clarissa called him.

"Hi Ricardo, it is I , Clarissa I am here to let you know that I applaud you for knocking me up without my consent, now I am pregnant with your child, and I hope you are ready to take up responsibility and congrats you will be a dad in the next eight months time."

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