Chap 41: Decorating Wallace Brothers Co for the upcoming company party.

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It was now December a few weeks after Ricardo broke off the engagement with Katherina and the police had also taken care of both her and her boyfriend Lewis Taylor oh and Lewis confessed about the rest of the gang and so they were also behind bars although Ricardo's heart was heavy seeing the two young children been taken away by the children services but maybe it was the best place for them now the streets certainly wasn't the best place in the winter...

Ricardo knows that the Company needed to be fully and professionally decorated for the company Christmas party this was the first year since Ricardo takes over his father's company and he was keeping the X-Mas Party at the Company but he also didn't know that it was Clara-belle who always decorate the interiors of the building so he consults his Dad to find out that little detail...

"Father, who was in charge of the Company's decoration for the Company parties and also who is in charge of the catering and the secret Santa and etcetera?."

Ricardo asks Richard as he pours a glass of brandy for himself and takes a seat on the corner sofa in his father's mansion in the living room Richard was already drinking a glass of white wine on the rocks while watching a film on his 85inches flat-screen Toshiba TV.

"Son, Clara-belle was in-charge of the Company's decoration for the Company parties and also the catering and the annual secret Santa's gifts exchange too," and other things too Ricardo."

Richard told Ricardo as he takes another sip of his white wine.

"So father does that mean I will have to consult Clara-belle then and ask her for her expertise to decorate the Company for the upcoming Christmas party because I really need professional help with the interior decoration I hope getting in touch with Clara-belle won't be terribly difficult to manage for me," I think I will visit her."

Ricardo asks Richard as he sips his brandy and he and Richard both started a conversation about promoting Sheila from the Company they both agreed on promoting her to the web designer position...

Elsewhere AT  The Taylor's Mansion.

Clarissa was bathing Lexy- Ann it was almost passed her bedtime but anyway Clarissa soon finished giving Lexy her bath and Clarissa take her bath towel and wrap Lexy-Ann and bring her back inside of her bedroom and lay her on the bed in the towel and Clarissa towel dry her daughter's hair and dry her skin with the towel also after she moisturizes her soft skin with her little Angels lotion and a bit of the same brand name powder with talc but Lexy was now a big girl she was three-plus almost four so she wears panties and she could use the bathroom if she needed it too and she could talk now too.

Soon after and Clarissa was finished getting Lexy- Ann dress for bed and Clarissa place her daughter on the dressing table chair to sit so she could brush her long brunette hair however after brushing Lexy's hair she gets her in bed and after tucking Lexy in her bed but before Clarissa could turn and walk out Lexy asks...

"Mommy, could you read my favorite bedtime story to me please?" Clarissa knows that her daughter's favorite bedtime story was Sleeping beauty...

"Of course darling," Clarissa replies to Lexy as she strides over to the bookshelf with all her daughter's fairytales storybooks and takedown Sleeping beauty and sits down on the side of Lexy's bed soon she started reading the story she starts with "Once upon a time and went on until a few minutes and Lexy was fast asleep so she closed the book and kisses her daughter on the forehead and switch off the lamp and left her room...





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