Tony stark

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You had been bullied for a while, especially during your new school year, it's just got even worse. Today you were trying to get to your next lesson when one of your bullied ended up hurting you in the middle of the hallway. It hadn't been the first time and for once a teacher had seen everything happen and sent you both the the principles office. At first you thought you were going to get in trouble and were worried what was going to happen. They ended up asking you what happened and before you could say anything your bully ended up quickly trying to talk over you and tell a false story. Your principal stopped them and you ended up telling them what happened and what happened in the past. They asked if you had any proof from any of the previous bullying and you gave them your phone with the screenshots)

Principal: alright we're going to have to ring parents
Bully: what?! That's not fair!
Principal: I think you've said enough, yn can you come with me into the other room

(You were happy you didn't have to stay in the room along with them again and they called Tony. You were worried he wasn't going to be happy with you with all of this. You waited for him to arrived, waiting until you see him entering the school)

Tony: where are they?!
Principal: just through her mr stark
Tony saw you: what happened?
You: just some stupid stuff
Tony: I doubt I'd be called over something stupid
Principal: we believe yn has been bullied by another student, we're working on a punishment for them but think yn should leave for the day
Tony a little shocked: you're being bullied?
You: I uh, kind of
Tony: I have to question how you didn't realise, what type of school allows this to happen
You: dad!
Tony: do you accept bullying in your school
Principal: of course we don't, we are working on the punishment don't worry about that
Tony: I better find out they have been dealt with appropriately or I will take further action

(Tony ended up taking out out of school and You were worried about what he was going to say when you left school. On the way home you were sitting in silence until Tony said something)

Tony: why didn't you tell me kid
You: I didn't want to disappoint you
Tony: why would this disappoint me?
You: I'm a stark, the child of the great Ironman and I'm getting bullied at school, how is that not being a disappointment
Tony: it doesn't matter who you are, I want you to tell me anything
You: I'm sorry dad
Tony: I'll make sure they're dealt with, is it anyone else bullying you?
You: kind of
Tony: you give me names and I'll deal with it
You: okay
Tony: alright, do you fancy shawarma
You smiled: sounds good

(You ended up getting food and Tony tried to make the rest of the day good. He ended up keeping up to date with everything happening and make sure that you didn't have anymore problems. Made sure you knew you could always go to him if you were having a problem)

Yn being bullied and not telling themWhere stories live. Discover now